Dictionary 1. (a.) Somewhat gray; grizzled.2. (n.) A grizzly bear. See under Grizzly. 3. (a.) In hydraulic mining, gratings used to catch and throw out large stones from the sluices. Thesaurus Quaker-colored acier argent argentine ashen ashy canescent chalky cinereous cinerous cretaceous dapple dapple-gray dappled dappled-gray dingy dismal dove-colored dove-gray dreary dull dusty fleecy-white frosted frosty glaucescent glaucous gray gray-black gray-brown gray-colored gray-drab gray-green gray-spotted gray-toned gray-white grayed grayish griseous grizzle grizzled hoar hoary iron-gray lactescent lead-gray leaden lily-white livid marble marmoreal milky mouse-colored mouse-gray mousy niveous pearl pearl-gray pearly platinum pure white sad silver silver-gray silvered silvery slate-colored slaty smoke-gray smoky snow-white snowy sober somber steel-gray steely stone-colored swan-white taupe white white as snow |