Dictionary (n.) Gray; a gray color; a mixture of white and black.Thesaurus Quaker-colored acier ashen ashy bay bayard besnow blanch bleach buckskin calico pony canescent chalk chestnut cinereous cinerous dapple dapple-gray dappled dappled-gray dingy dismal dove-colored dove-gray dreary dull dun dusty etiolate frost glaucescent glaucous gray gray-black gray-brown gray-colored gray-drab gray-green gray-spotted gray-toned gray-white grayed grayish griseous grizzled grizzly iron-gray lead-gray leaden livid mouse-colored mouse-gray mousy paint painted pony pearl pearl-gray pearly piebald pinto roan sad silver silver-gray silvered silvery skewbald slate-colored slaty smoke-gray smoky sober somber sorrel steel-gray steely stone-colored taupe white whiten |