Dictionary (n.) A sentinel, usually on horseback, stationed on the outpost of an army, to watch an enemy and give notice of danger; a vidette.Thesaurus Argus Bolshevik Bolshevist Bolshie Carbonarist Carbonaro Castroist Castroite Communist Cong Fenian Guevarist Jacobin Leninist Maoist Marxist Mau-Mau Puritan Red Red Republican Roundhead Sinn Feiner Trotskyist Trotskyite VC Vietcong Yankee Yankee Doodle airplane spotter anarch anarchist bonnet rouge bushfighter bushwhacker casual criminal syndicalist fire patrolman fire warden fireguard forward observer guerrilla irregular lookout lookout man maquis maquisard night watchman partisan patrol patroller patrolman picket rebel red resistance resistance fighter revolutionary revolutionary junta revolutioner revolutionist revolutionizer roundsman sans-culotte sans-culottist scout sentinel sentry spotter subversive syndicalist terrorist underground underground fighter vedette watch watcher watchkeeper watchman |