1. (n.) That which remains; that which is left after loss or decay; a remaining portion; a remnant.

2. (n.) The body from which the soul has departed; a corpse; especially, the body, or some part of the body, of a deceased saint or martyr; -- usually in the plural when referring to the whole body.

3. (n.) Hence, a memorial; anything preserved in remembrance; as, relics of youthful days or friendships.

Agnus Dei Holy Grail Host Methuselah Pieta Sanctus bell Sangraal account ancient manuscript annals antediluvian antique antiquity archaism ark artifact asperger asperges aspergillum back number bambino beadroll beads candle catalog cave painting censer chaplet chronicle ciborium commemoration conservative correspondence cross crucifix cruet dad documentation dodo elder eolith eucharistial favor fogy fossil fragment fud fuddy-duddy granny has-been heirloom history holy cross holy water holy-water sprinkler icon incensory inventory keepsake letters list longhair matriarch matzo memento memento mori memorabilia memorial memorials memories menorah mezuzah mezzolith microlith mid-Victorian mikvah monstrance mossback neolith old believer old crock old dodo old fogy old liner old man old poop old woman old-timer osculatory ostensorium paleolith paschal candle patriarch pax petrification petrified forest petrified wood petroglyph phylacteries pipe roll plateaulith pop pops prayer shawl prayer wheel pyx reactionary record recording register registry regular old fogy relics reliquiae remains remembrance remembrancer reminder remnant roll rolls rood rosary roster rota ruin ruins sacramental sacred relics sacring bell scrap scroll shadow shard shofar souvenir square starets sukkah survival tabernacle table tallith thurible token token of remembrance trace traditionalist trophy urceole veronica vestige vigil light votive candle


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