◄ Patriarch ►

1. (n.) The father and ruler of a family\; one who governs his family or descendants by paternal right; -- usually applied to heads of families in ancient history, especially in Biblical and Jewish history to those who lived before the time of Moses.

2. (n.) A dignitary superior to the order of archbishops; as, the patriarch of Constantinople, of Alexandria, or of Antioch.

3. (n.) A venerable old man; an elder. Also used figuratively.

Aaronic priesthood Father Time Grand Penitentiary Holy Father Melchizedek priesthood Methuselah Nestor Old Paar Seventy abba abuna ancestors antecedents antediluvian antipope antique apostle archbishop archdeacon architect archpriest ascendants author back number bishop bishop coadjutor boss bwana canon cardinal cardinal bishop cardinal deacon cardinal priest centenarian chaplain chef chief church dignitary coadjutor conservative creator curate dad daddy deacon dean diocesan dodo dotard ecclesiarch elder elders employer exarch father fathers fogy forebears forefathers fossil foster father founder fud fuddy-duddy gaffer geezer generator genitor golden-ager goodman governor gramps grandfather grandfathers grandparents grandsire granny graybeard guru has-been hierarch high priest husband inventor liege liege lord longhair lord lord paramount maker master matriarch metropolitan mid-Victorian mossback nonagenarian octogenarian old believer old chap old codger old crock old dodo old dog old duffer old fogy old geezer old gent old gentleman old liner old man old party old poop old woman old-timer older oldster originator overlord pa padrone pantaloon pap papa pappy paramount pater paterfamilias patriarchs patron penitentiary pontiff pop pope pops prebendary predecessors prelate presbyter priest primate progenitors rabbi reactionary rector regular old fogy relic rural dean sahib seigneur seignior senior citizen septuagenarian sexagenarian sire square starets stepfather subdean suffragan teacher the old man the quiet-voiced elders traditionalist venerable sir veteran vicar


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