Dictionary 1. (n.) One who, or that which, prompts; one who admonishes or incites to action.2. (n.) One who reminds another, as an actor or an orator, of the words to be spoken next; specifically, one employed for this purpose in a theater. Thesaurus MC abettor actuator aide-memoire animator auteur ballyhoo man barker cajoler callboy coax coaxer costume designer costumer costumier cue director emcee encourager energizer equestrian director exhibitor firer flapper gadfly galvanizer hint impeller impresario inducer inspirer jogger makeup man master of ceremonies memorandum mover moving spirit persuader playreader pleader prime mover producer prompt prompting remembrance remembrancer reminder ringmaster scenewright set designer showman spark spark plug sparker spieler stage director stage manager stimulator tempter theater man theatrician ticket collector tickler usher usherer usherette wheedler |