Dictionary 1. ( n.) A person or thing that moves, stirs, or changes place. 2. (n.) A person or thing that imparts motion, or causes change of place; a motor. 3. (n.) One who, or that which, excites, instigates, or causes movement, change, etc.; as, movers of sedition. 4. (n.) A proposer; one who offers a proposition, or recommends anything for consideration or adoption; as, the mover of a resolution in a legislative body.
Thesaurus Ahasuerus Ancient Mariner Argonaut Flying Dutchman Goliard Odysseus Oisin Ossian Ulysses abettor actor actuator agent agitator ancestors animator apprentice architect artificer artist author begetter beginner bird of passage builder cajoler catalyst causer coax coaxer conceiver constructor craftsman creator designer deviser discoverer doer drifter effector encourager energizer engenderer engineer executant executor executrix fabricator father firer floater fomenter founder gad gadabout gadfly galvanizer generator go-about grower impeller inaugurator inciter inducer industrialist initiator inspirer instigator institutor introducer inventor itinerant journeyman maker manufacturer master master craftsman medium mother moving spirit operant operative operator organizer originator parent past master peregrinator peregrine performer peripatetic perpetrator persuader planner pleader practitioner precursor prime mover primum mobile producer prompter raiser rambler realizer roamer rolling stone rover runabout shaper sire smith spark spark plug sparker stimulator straggler stroller strolling player subject tempter troubadour visitant wanderer wandering minstrel wandering scholar wheedler worker wright |