Dictionary 1. (v. t.) To unite by twining one with another; to entangle; to interlace.2. (v. i.) To be twined or twisted together; to become mutually involved or enfolded. 3. (n.) The act intertwining, or the state of being intertwined. Thesaurus admix alloy amalgamate bemingle blend braid coact coalesce combine commingle commix compose compound concoct conglomerate cooperate dovetail emulsify engage enlace entwine fuse hash homogenize immingle immix integrate interact interblend interchange interknit interlace interlard intermesh intermingle intermix interplay intertie intertissue intertwist interweave interwork intort jumble knead knit lace loom loop mat merge mesh mingle mingle-mangle mix mix up mortise net noose plait pleach raddle scramble shuffle splice stir up syncretize throw together tissue toss together twill twine twist wattle weave web work wreathe |