1. (v. t.) To put under pledge; to pledge; to place under obligations to do or forbear doing something, as by a pledge, oath, or promise; to bind by contract or promise.

2. (v. t.) To gain for service; to bring in as associate or aid; to enlist; as, to engage friends to aid in a cause; to engage men for service.

3. (v. t.) To gain over; to win and attach; to attract and hold; to draw.

4. (v. t.) To employ the attention and efforts of; to occupy; to engross; to draw on.

5. (v. t.) To enter into contest with; to encounter; to bring to conflict.

6. (v. t.) To come into gear with; as, the teeth of one cogwheel engage those of another, or one part of a clutch engages the other part.

7. (v. i.) To promise or pledge one's self; to enter into an obligation; to become bound; to warrant.

8. (v. i.) To embark in a business; to take a part; to employ or involve one's self; to devote attention and effort; to enlist; as, to engage in controversy.

9. (v. i.) To enter into conflict; to join battle; as, the armies engaged in a general battle.

10. (v. i.) To be in gear, as two cogwheels working together.

absorb absorb the attention accept obligation affiance agree agree to answer for appeal approach arrest assault assay attack attempt attend to business attract bargain bargain for battle be answerable for be attractive be responsible for be security for beckon become engaged bespeak betroth bind book brief bring busy captivate capture carry catch catch up in chance charm clash with coact combat commit compact concern contract contract an engagement contract for cooperate covenant decide determine devote dispose do a deal do battle dovetail draw draw in embark on embarrass employ enchant encounter engage in engage in battle engage the attention engage the mind engage the thoughts engross engross the mind engross the thoughts enlist enmesh entangle enter into enthrall essay exercise face fascinate fetch fight get to do give battle go bail for grab grapple with grip guarantee have an understanding hire hold hold spellbound hold the interest hypnotize imbue immerse implicate incline indenture induce influence interact interchange interest interest in interlace interlock intermesh interplay intertwine interweave interwork invite involve involve the interest join battle join battle with join issue lead lift a finger lure make a deal make an attempt make an effort meet mesh mesmerize mind the store monopolize mortise obligate obsess occupy occupy the attention offer partake in participate in pass pass the time pledge plight preengage preoccupy procure promise prompt publish the banns put on recruit rent reserve retain secure shake hands on sign on sign up sign up for soak spellbind spend spend the time stipulate strike suck into summon sway take into employment take on take part in take the vows take up tangle tantalize tease tempt tickle tie tie up titillate troth try try conclusions undertake venture venture on venture upon whet the appetite


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