Dictionary 1. (n.) A flat piece of wood, used for striking, children, esp. on the hand, in punishment.2. (v. t.) To punish with a ferule. Thesaurus Boston Earl of Coventry Pit Polish bank Russian bank all fours baccarat banker bastinado bat battering ram billy billy club bludgeon bluff brag bridge bulldoze bully canasta cane casino club coerce commerce commit connections contract contract bridge cosh cribbage cudgel dragoon ecarte euchre faro ferule five hundred flinch fright frog gin gin rummy goat hearts hijack intimidate keno knobkerrie lansquenet life preserver loo lottery lotto mace matrimony monte morning star napoleon nightstick old maid ombre paddle patience penny ante picquet poker put-and-take quadrille quarterstaff ram reverse rouge et noir rum rummy sandbag seven-up shanghai shillelagh skat snipsnapsnorum solitaire speculation spontoon staff stave steamroller stick straight poker strong-arm stud poker thirty-one truncheon twenty-one use violence vingt-et-un war club whist |