Dictionary 1. (v. t. & i.) To carry, as a burden.2. (v. t. & i.) To hawk or peddle, as fish, poultry, etc. 3. (v. t. & i.) To intrude or live on another meanly; to beg. 4. (n.) A circular frame on which cadgers carry hawks for sale. Thesaurus adjure appeal appeal to ask bear beget beseech besiege brace breed bum cadge call for help call on call upon circumvent clamor for conjure crave cry for cry on cry to demand ditch double elude entreat escape evade generate get get around get away from get out of hit hit up impetrate implore importune imprecate invoke kneel to mooch multiply nag obtest panhandle pass the hat petition plead plead for pray press procreate produce progenerate propagate reproduce request run to scrounge shake shake off shuffle out of sire skirt solicit sue supplicate touch worry |