Dictionary (n.) An inversion of the natural order of words; as, echoed the hills, for, the hills echoed.Thesaurus adornment alliteration allusion anacoluthon anadiplosis analogy anaphora anastrophe antiphrasis antithesis antonomasia apophasis aporia aposiopesis apostrophe beauties catachresis chiasmus circumlocution climax colors colors of rhetoric conversion ecphonesis elegant variation embellishment embroidery emphasis exclamation figure fine writing floridity floridness flourish floweriness flowers of speech frill gemination hypallage hyperbaton hyperbole inversion irony litotes lushness luxuriance malapropism meiosis metaphor metonymy onomatopoeia ornament ornamentation oxymoron paregmenon parenthesis periphrasis personification pleonasm preterition prolepsis purple patches regression repetition sarcasm simile similitude spoonerism syllepsis symploce synecdoche zeugma |