◄ Metaphor ►

(n.) An implicit comparison where one thing is used to describe another; as, all the world's a stage\; the transference of the relation between one set of objects to another set for the purpose of brief explanation; a compressed simile; e. g., the ship plows the sea.

accordance agent agreement alikeness allegory alliance alliteration allusion alternate alternative anacoluthon anadiplosis analogue analogy anaphora anastrophe antiphrasis antithesis antonomasia aping apophasis aporia aposiopesis apostrophe approach approximation assimilation backup balancing catachresis change changeling chiasmus circumlocution climax closeness community comparability comparative anatomy comparative degree comparative grammar comparative judgment comparative linguistics comparative literature comparative method compare comparing comparison conformity confrontation confrontment contrast contrastiveness conversion copy copying correlation correspondence counterfeit deputy distinction distinctiveness double dummy ecphonesis emphasis equal equivalent ersatz exchange exclamation fake figure of speech fill-in gemination ghost ghostwriter hypallage hyperbaton hyperbole identity image imagery imitation inversion irony likeness likening litotes locum tenens makeshift malapropism matching meiosis metonymy mimicking nearness next best thing onomatopoeia opposing opposition oxymoron parallelism paregmenon parenthesis parity periphrasis personification personnel phony pinch hitter pleonasm preterition prolepsis proportion proxy reference regression relation relief repetition replacement representative resemblance reserves ringer sameness sarcasm second string secondary semblance sign similarity simile similitude simulation spares spoonerism stand-in sub substituent substitute substitution succedaneum superseder supplanter surrogate syllepsis symbol symbolism symploce synecdoche third string token trope trope of comparison understudy utility player vicar vice-president vice-regent weighing zeugma


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