PROGRESSION ON AND IN THE WATER. PROGRESSION IN OR THROUGH THE AIR. The text of this e-book has been preserved in its original form apart from correction of several typographic errors: (rog → frog, arrranged → arranged, downword → downward, and → of (in journal title), developes → develops). Inconsistent use of accents and hyphenation, and inconsistent spelling, e.g. referable/referrible, has not been altered. Several redundant parentheses have been deleted. Paragraphs of quoted text on pp. 17–19 are incomplete and/or paraphrased (compared with the original source); ellipsis dots have been inserted to indicate text omissions, and quotation marks inserted where they were lacking. A black underline indicates a hyperlink to a page, illustration or footnote (hyperlinks are also highlighted when the mouse pointer hovers over them). Some illustrations have been moved nearer to the relevant text and their location therefore does not necessarily correspond to that shown in the List of Illustrations. Page numbers are shown in the right margin and footnotes are located at the end. Footnotes are located at the end. The original generic cover has been modified by adding a title and author’s name, and is placed in the public domain. THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. LIST OF THE VOLUMES ALREADY PUBLISHED. The Forms of Water in Rain and Rivers, Ice and Glaciers. By J. Tyndall, LL.D., F.R.S. With 26 Illustrations. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. 5s. “One of Professor Tyndall’s best scientific treatises.”—Standard. “With the clearness and brilliancy of language which have won for him his fame, he considers the subject of ice, snow, and glaciers.”—Morning Post. “Before starting for Switzerland next summer every one should study ‘The Forms of Water.’ ”—Globe. “Eloquent and instructive in an eminent degree.”—British Quarterly. Physics And Politics; or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of “Natural Selection” and “Inheritance” to Political Society. By Walter Bagehot. Crown 8vo. Second Edition. 4s. “We can recommend the book as well deserving to be read by thoughtful students of politics.”—Saturday Review. “Able and ingenious.”—Spectator. “A work of really original and interesting speculation.”—Guardian. Foods. By Dr. Edward Smith. Profusely Illustrated. Second Edition. Price 5s. “A comprehensive rÉsumÉ of our present chemical and physiological knowledge of the various foods, solid and liquid, which go so far to ameliorate the troubles and vexations of this anxious and wearying existence.”—Chemist and Druggist. “Heads of households will find it considerably to their advantage to study its contents.”—Court Express. “A very comprehensive book. Every page teems with information. Readable throughout.”—Church Herald. Mind And Body: the Theories of their Relations. By Alexander Bain, LL.D., Professor of Logic at the University of Aberdeen. Four Illustrations. Second Edition. 4s. The Study of Sociology. By Herbert Spencer. Crown 8vo. Second Edition. Price 5s. On the Conservation of Energy. By Professor Balfour Stewart. Fourteen Engravings. Price 5s. Animal Mechanics: or, Walking, Swimming, and Flying. By Dr. J. B. Pettigrew, M.D. F.R S. 130 Illustrations. Price 5s. Responsibility in Mental Disease. By Dr. Henry Maudsley. The Animal Frame. By Prof. E. J. Marey. 119 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. Price 5s. The New Chemistry. By Prof. Josiah P. Cooke, of the Harvard University. Numerous Engravings. Price 5s. ☞ For List of forthcoming Volumes, see end of the book. Henry S. King & Co. 65 Cornhill, and 12 Paternoster Row. C. BerjeauW. Ballingall Walking, Swimming, and Flying. ANIMAL LOCOMOTION OR WALKING, SWIMMING, AND FLYING, WITH A DISSERTATION ON AËRONAUTICS.BY J. BELL PETTIGREW, M.D. F.R.S. F.R.S.E. F.R.C.P.E. PATHOLOGIST TO THE ROYAL INFIRMARY OF EDINBURGH; CURATOR OF THE MUSEUM OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF EDINBURGH; Extraordinary Member and late President of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh; Croonian Lecturer to the Royal Society of London for 1860; Lecturer to the Royal Institution of Great Britain and Russell Institution, 1867; Lecturer to the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 1872; Author of numerous Memoirs on Physiological Subjects in the Philosophical and other Transactions, etc. etc. etc. ILLUSTRATED BY 130 ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. Henry S. King & Co. 65 Cornhill, and 12 Paternoster Row, London. 1873. (All Rights reserved.) |