Abington, Mr., 23 Adams, Mr., 2 Adams, William, 56 n., 57 n. Addey, John, master shipwright, xxiii, 11, 173, 174, 178 Admiral, Lord High, xxvii, xxxv-xxxvii, 205 Admiralty, Committee of, xxxvii, xxxix — Court of, xxxvi — judge of, xxxv, xxxix, lxxxix, 205 — Lords Commissioners, xxxv, lxxxvi, xcix, 155, 211 — officers of, 205 Adye. See Addey Alabaster, Mr., lix Alexander, Mr., 23, 97, 98 Algiers, expedition against, lxxxiii, 122, 124, 139, 211 Alice Holt, 30 Allison, Sir William, 161 Andrews, Lawrence, 57 Anne of Denmark (Queen), visit to ships at Chatham, 29; launch of Prince Royal, 80-81; mentioned, 76 Antwerp, 72 Apsley, Sir Allen, victualler of the navy, 104 Apslyn, John, 178, 183 Apslyn, Nathaniel, assistant master shipwright, 150 Arches, Court of, 14 Arundel, Earl of, 89 Austen, Thomas, master attendant, 166 a Vale, John, boatswain, lvii, 19, 86 Aylesbury, Thomas, xlii, xc; secretary to Nottingham, 104; surveyor of navy, 150 n. Bacon, Sir Francis, lxi n., 103 Bagwell, Mr., 159 Baker, James, xx, xxi, xxii Baker, Mathew, master shipwright, grants to, xxii, xxiii, xxiv; emoluments, xxviii; master of Shipwrights Company, xxx; instruction given to Phineas, liii; letter of Phineas to, liii; Phineas' opinion of, lv; his opinion of Phineas, lxvii; report on Prince Royal, lxxv; MS. on shipbuilding, lxxix, lxxxi; Phineas attempts to serve him, 3; rebuilds Triumph, 6; employs Phineas, 6; builds Repulse, 6; employs Phineas and assists his studies, 7; malicious envy of, 11; reversion of post to Phineas, 23; envious enemy, 24; Golden Lion and Swiftsure at Deptford, 29; commission of inquiry, 33; combines against Phineas, 38, 43; evidence before inquiry, 44; inquiry before James at Woolwich, 48, 55, 60; censured by James, 63; appointed to survey materials for Prince Royal, 68; rebuilds Red Lion, 68; Waymouth relates intrigue, 74; rebuilding Merhonour, 112; sickness and death, 112; mentioned, 173, 174, 178, 183, 207 Barbary, voyage to, 5 Barker, Mr. 15, 20 Barking Creek, 150 Barwick, Mr., cousin, 151 Beake, Robert, 207 Beaulieu, 126 Bend, midship, 59 n. Bent, 128 Bertie, Robert. See Lindsey Best, T., 216 Bingley, Sir Richard, surveyor of the navy, 92; survey at Chatham, 92-3 Birchington, 85 Bishop Ness, 152 Blackheath, 83 Blacktail Sand, 158 Blackwall, 21, 34, 93, 163 Blankenberghe Sconce, 109 Bludder, Sir Thomas, victualler to the navy, before Commission of Inquiry, 34; inquiry at Greenwich into abuses, 69 Blyth, Prior of, xvi Boate, Edward, master shipwright, lxxx, 154 Bodman, Thomas, asst. master shipwright, 17 Bonanza, 26 Bond, William, xvii Borough, William, comptroller of navy, xxiii n.; house at Limehouse, 9 Bostock, Mr., 153 Boulogne, 135 Bourne, Robert, 124, 183 Bowles, Charles, 151, 161 Bradshaw, Captain Robert, 106 Brakes, The, 133 Brancepeth Park, xcviii, 160 Bridlington, 159 Briggs, Henry, inquiry at Woolwich, lxxxii, 59 and n. Bright, —, senr., shipwright, lxx Bright, Wm., master shipwright, succeeds to Chapman, xxiv; emoluments, xxviii; his opinion of Phineas, lxix; report on Prince Royal, lxxv; envy of, 11, 24; the Commission of Inquiry, 33; combines against Phineas, 38, 43; evidence before inquiry, 45; inquiry before James at Woolwich, 48, 55, 60; censured by James, 63; Waymouth relates intrigue, 74; mentioned, liv n., 178, 183 Bristol, 178, 205 Bromadge, Robert, 57 Brooke, Francis, clerk of stores at Portsmouth, 144 Brooke, John, clerk of check at Portsmouth, 144 Brooke, Lord. See Greville, Sir Fulke Brooke, Wm., 78 Brunning, Thomas, 124 Brunswick, Duke of, visits Chatham, 134 Brygandin, Robert, xvii Buck, Sir Peter, clerk of the check at Chatham, 3; clerk of the ships, 3 n., 55 n.; knighted, 3 n.; mentioned, 15; the commission of inquiry, 33 Buck, Thomas, the Commission of Inquiry, 33; inquiry before James at Woolwich, 55 Buckingham, Duke of, Lord High Admiral, visit to Chatham, 120; obtains blank patent of baronetcy for Phineas, 121; journey to Spain, lxxxviii, 125; lands in Scilly Islands, 131; release of Phineas from prison, 139; mentioned, 133, 138, 139; murder, 140; letter to, 212 Buckwell, 151 Bull, Richard, shipwright, xxi, xxii, xxiii Bull, Wm., master gunner of England, fires salute at Woolwich, 35, 36 Burgess, Mr., master of Resistance, 26 Burghley, Lord, lord treasurer, model for, 7; house at Theobalds, 8 Burrell, Andrewes, 124, 145 Burrell, Wm., master shipwright, emoluments, xxviii; principal master workman of East India Co., 39; the inquiry at Woolwich, lxxxi, 56 n., 57; ships built for East India Co., 75; proposal to build ship in Ireland, 95; Commissioner of Inquiry (1618), lxxxiii, cii, 119; enemy of Phineas, 119, 120; builds Happy Entrance and Reformation, 121; Algiers committee, 122; malice of, 124, 137; made assistant to the principal officers, 143; repair of ships, 144; Portsmouth Harbour, 145; mentioned, 55 n., 136, 183; death, 145 Bursledon, xlvi Bury, 12, 161 Button, Captain Sir Thomas, cii; the Commission of Inquiry, 34, 67; inquiry into abuses at Greenwich, 69; ship for N.W. Passage, 95; return to England, 112; captain of Antelope, 133; mentioned, 37, 97, 135 Button, Mrs., 37, 67 Bygatt, Wm., 55 Byland, Mildred, married to Phineas, 168 n.; presented to Charles, 168; death, 171 Cadzand, 111 CÆsar, Sir Julius, lxi n. Cales (Cadiz), lxi, 26 Calshot Castle, 127 Cambridge, Emmanuel College, 2, 161; The Falcon, 161; Trinity College, 161; mentioned, lii, 59 Camphire, 110 Campion, Sir William, 151 Canewdon, 2 Cant, The, 94 Canterbury, 170 — Archbishop of, 101; visits Prince, 115 Carlisle, Earl of, 127 Carpenter, master, xvi, xix Carr, Leonard, 159 Carr, Sir Robert, 132 Cassant Point, 111 Cateroll, Thomas, 57 Caulker, xix Cecil, Sir Robert. See Salisbury Cecil, William. See Burghley Chadwick, Charles, 2 Chaloner, Sir Thomas, lxxxii, 59, 89 Chamber, 35 Chandler, Edward, 120; survey of Prince Royal, 124 — — — (1626), xxxix n.; survey of ships, 137; dissolved, 138 Commissioners of the navy. See Navy Commissioners Committee of Public Safety, xcix Commons, House of, Shipwrights' Co., xxxvi, xxxviii Cooke, William, master attendant, 151, 153, 165, 166 Cooper, Mary. See Pett Cooper, Mr., death, 117 Corbett, John, lxi n., lxxvii Cork, 4, 5, 6 Cotton, Sir Robert, lviii n., lxi n., lxiii, lxxvii Council. See Privy Council Council of State, xxxviii Cowes, 123, 148 Cranfield, Sir Lionel, 118 Crompton, Sir Thomas, lxi n. Cromwell, Sir Oliver, visit to Chatham, 29; re-names Ark Royal as Anne Royal, 37; mentioned, 89; Phineas visits, 161 Crowe, Sir Sackville, treasurer of the navy, 138 Dagenham, 19, 20 Dalton, William, 140 Dartford, 112 Dartmouth, 205 Dawes, John, 56 Day, Jonas, 55 n. Deal, 170 Dearslye, John, 124, 145 n. Denmark, King of (Christian IV), visit to Chatham, 28; visit to Woolwich and Chatham, 114 Deptford, 80-112, 144 Deptford Dockyard, xlvii, lxxxiii; site, 1; Golden Lion and Swiftsure docked at, 29; Red Lion launched, 68; mentioned, 84; Happy Entrance and Reformation built, 121; Antelope docked, 134; St. Denis at, 146; launch of Henrietta Maria in presence of King and Queen, 149; James launched, 154 Deptford Strond, derivation of name, 1 Diggens, Nicholas, 56 and n., 57 n. Ditton Park, 143 Doderidge, Sir John, lxi n. Doncaster, 161 Dorset, Earl of, commissioner of Admiralty, 155 Dover, 25, 172; castle and pier, 116; road, 132, 135; town and castle, 169 Downs, the, lxxxiv, 116, 123, 126, 133, 135, 169, 170 Drake, Sir Francis, 6 Drown devil, 71 n. Dublin, visit to, 5; Divelinge, 5 n. Duck, David, shipwright, lviii; friend and neighbour, 19; yard at Gillingham, 24; chooses trees at East Bere, 28; inquiry at Woolwich, 57; mentioned, 93 Duckett, Sir George, possessor of the MS., ix Duller, 94 n. Dunkirk, pirate, 16; men-of-war, 130 Dunwich, xlvi Durham, 159, 160, 161 — Bishop of, xcviii, 160 Dymocke, Thomas, 178, 183 Earl Marshal, xxxvi East Bere, 27, 28 East Country Merchants, xxxvi East India Company, lxxxiii East India Dock, 163 Edisbury, Kenrick, 150; informs against Phineas and Sir H. Palmer, 153, 155; surveyor of navy, 155, 165 Edmondes, Michael, 56 Elizabeth, Princess, mentioned, 76, 81, 162 n.; visit to Woolwich, 77; marriage and festivities, 102-3; transportation to Holland, 103-10; at Margate, 108; lands at Flushing, 109; at Middelburg, 110 Elizabeth, Queen, 10, 18, 60 Elye, John, 57 England, 177, 178, 179 Erith, 123, 167 Essex, Earl of, Phineas desires to follow, 8 Etherington, Mr., 171 Eye, xliv Fairlight, 126 Fareham, 144 Farnham, 145 Felton, John, 140 Ferne, Sir John, 123 Fleming, Denis, Clerk of the Acts, brown paper stuff, xc, 155 Fleming, Mrs., 152 Flim-flam, 39 Floor, of ship, 37 Flushing, 72, 109, 110, 111 Folly John Park, 143 Foxe, Captain Luke, cii, 159 France, 91 Franklyn, Rev. Mr., 138 Frating, xlviii Frederick, Elector Palatine, marriage to Lady Elizabeth, 102 n., 103; transportation to Holland, 103-10; at Margate, 108; lands at Flushing, 109 Freeman, Mr., sues Phineas for debt, lxxxvi, 139, 141 Fryer, Colonel Sir Thomas, 140 Fuller, Rev. Thomas, xlii Fuller, Thomas, 56 Furring, lxviii Gad's Hill, 113 Gawdy, Sir Bassingbourn, xlv Geare (Geere) Captain, 54, 107 Geere, Michael, 54 n. Geere, William, 54 n. George, Prince of Denmark, xl Gibbons, John, 139 Gibbons, William, mate and purser of Resistance, 26; master, 78; North-west Passage, cii, 97 Gibraltar, 123 Giles, Captain Edward, captain of Spy, 122; mentioned, 133, 135 Gillingham, lviii, 17, 24, 94, 104, 105, 111, 125, 151, 153 Glemham, Edward, captain, 4 Goddard, Henry, master shipwright, xxvi, xcix, 144, 150; builds Henrietta Maria, 149 Gofton, Sir Francis, 119 Gondomar, Count of, 129 Gonson, Benjamin, 3 n. Goodale, Edward, master carpenter of Gallion Constance, 4 Goodwin, John, master attendant, 150 Goodwin, John, professor of mathematics, 14 Gore, The, 85, 123 Gore End Road, 91 Grantham, 161 Grass, 127 Graves, Thomas. See Greaves, John Gravesend, 21, 26, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 99, 111, 113, 114, 116, 123, 148, 168, 169, 171 — ferry, 162 Greaves, John, report on Prince Royal, lxxv; the Commission of Inquiry, 33; inquiry before James at Woolwich, 55; survey of Prince, 124; worm at Portsmouth, 145 n.; mentioned, 183 Greenhithe, 20, 167, 168 Greenwich, school at, 2; Court at, 14; inquiry at, 68; Park, 126; mentioned, 25, 82, 84, 91, 95, 98, 111, 142, 148, 157, 166 Grene, Ralph atte, xvi Grent, John, 196 Griffin, John, 116 Griffin, Robert, 116 Greville, Sir Fulke (Lord Brooke), treasurer of the navy, lvi, lxv; disfavour of, 11, 15, 17; favour of, 18; chancellor of the exchequer, 117; plots against Phineas, 126 Groyne (CoruÑa), lx, 25, 26 Guildford, 151 Guisborough, 159 Gunfleet, 111, 126, 169 Gunter, Edmund, xci n. Halfway tree, 87 Hamilton, Marquis of, 126, 146 Hamon, Christopher, 116 Hampton Court, 92, 127, 136, 141, 157, 167, 171 Hampton, Thomas, 57 Handcroft, John, boatswain of Prince Royal, 136 Harling, xlv Harten, 106 Harwich, xlvii, 151, 152, 153, 154, 158, 172 n. Hawkridge, William, cousin, cii, 116; journey to Portsmouth, 151; Arctic exploration and capture by pirates, 151 n. Hawkridge (niece), 120 Hawkyns, Sir John, last voyage, 6 Head, John, 178 Hedger, William, 183 Hendon, 28 Henrietta Maria, Queen, transportation to England, 135; launch of ship named after her, 149; attempted launch of Sovereign, 165; visits ship, 167 Henry VIII, shipwrights under, xvii; annuity granted, xxxxxix Jenkins, Thomas, 57, 85, 86, 183 Jobson, Humfrey, 197 Johnson, Thomas, 56 Jones, William, 56 Jordan, Edward, 56, 57 n. Jordon, Edmund, 183 Kech, John, xvi Keling, Edward, xxxviii Kellie, Earl of, 127 Kelm, William de, xvi Kent, 151 Keymer, Mr., mediates between Waymouth and Phineas, 72-3 King, John, master attendant, master of Flemish ship, 9; Prince Royal inquiry, 56; captain of Mathew, 85, 86; master of Prince Royal, 86, 104; master of Rainbow, 130; mentioned, 89, 91, 93, 97, 99, 115 King, William, assists Phineas, 5 King's Bench, Court of, xxxvi Kingston, 127, 171, 172 La Boderie, Sieur de, French Ambassador, visit to Prince Royal, 79 Lambeth, 22, 127, 140 Landguard Point, 152 Launching, ceremony at, 81, 83 Lawrence, William, xc Legatt, John, clerk of the check at Chatham, the Commission of Inquiry, 34; inquiry into abuses at Greenwich, 69; Prince Henry stays at his house, 88; dinner at, 99; Nottingham stays at, 105, 111; mentioned, 89, 98 Legatt, Mrs., 122 Leigh, 91 Lennox, Duke of, 167 Levant, voyage to, 5 Leveson, Sir Richard, lx Lewes, 151 Light horseman, 91 n. Limehouse, model built at, 7; yard at, 7, 8, 24; house at, 9, 10, 13, 17, 19; mentioned, 21, 27, 178 Lindsey, Earl of, 143 Lisbon, visit in Resistance, lix, 25; ravens of St. Vincent, 32 Lizard, 25 London, mentioned, 5, 91, 93, 101, 102, 126, 127, 136, 137, 139, 151, 161, 171; Algiers committee of merchants, lxxxiv, 122; All Hallows, Barking, 16; Birchin lane, 5; Bridge, 21; Compter in the Poultry, 139; Dolphin, 16; Fleet prison, 139, 141; Friday Street, 76; Gresham College, 59; Inns of Court, 103; King's Head, 31, 99, 112; Lord Mayor, 205; Marshalsea, xxxv, lvii, 111; Mincing lane, 144, 154; Paul's wharf, 22; plague, 19; St. Dunstan's church, lxxxvii; St. James's, 50; St. Mary Overy, 103; shipwrights, vide sub voce; Somerset House, 114; Three Cranes, 73; Tower, 35; Tower Street, lxxxvii, 79 Long Sand Head, 108 Love, Captain Thomas, 125, 133 Lydiard, Hugh, clerk of the check at Woolwich, xci n.; Joseph and Phineas lodge with, 9; the Commission of Inquiry, 33; Joseph born in his house, 34; salute in his garden, 35, 36; banquet in parlour, 36; Phineas and friends dine in his parlour, 37; Northampton at his house during inquiry, 51; inquiry before James, 55; Prince Henry at his house, 81 Mainwaring, Sir Arthur, purchase of Resistance, 96 Mainwaring, Sir Henry, purchases Resistance, 96; pinnace for Lord Zouch, 116, 117; captain of Prince Royal, 131 Malaga, lxxxiv, 123 Man-of-war, private, 4 n. Mansell, Lady, 37, 67 Mansell, Sir Robert, xlii, lix, lx, lxi, lxvi, xci; treasurer of the navy, 24; part owner of Resistance, 25; purchases trees, 27; the Commission of Inquiry, 34, 38; plot revealed to, 40; inquiry before James at Woolwich, 49, 51, 57, 67; inquiry at Greenwich, 69; launch of Prince Royal, 80, 82, 83; sails to Chatham in, 86-7; Prince Henry's visit to Chatham, 88-90; sham sea-fight, 102; committed to Marshalsea, 111; attends King of Denmark on visit to Woolwich and Chatham, 114; entertains Archbishop of Canterbury, 115; visits Chatham with Buckingham, 120; expedition against Algiers, lxxxiv, 122; names the Leopard at Woolwich, 157; launch and naming of the Sovereign of the Seas, 166-7; mentioned, 27, 28, 37, 68, 79 Mar, Earl of, 89 Margate, Lady Elizabeth at, 108; road, 108; mentioned, 92, 169 Marie de Medicis, Queen Mother of France, 172 Marsh, James, 183 Marten, Sir Henry, judge of Admiralty, xxxv, xxxvii Mason, Captain, 140 Masters attendant, 102, 119, 145, 166 Maurice, Prince of Orange, on board Prince Royal, 109 May, John, 183 Medway, lxxix, 152 Melcheburn, Thomas de, xvi Melcheburn, William de, xvi Meriall, Michael, 56 Meritt, Hugh, master attendant, the Commission of Inquiry, 33; inquiry at Woolwich, 54; master of Anne Royal, 106 Meritt, Richard, liii; report on Prince Royal, lxxv; purveyor in forest of Shotover, 30 Meryett. See Meritt Middleburg, 110 Middleton, David, captain of Expedition, 91 Middleton, Sir Henry, Prince Royal inquiry at Woolwich, 54 Milbourne, Rev. Dr., 99, 100 Miller, Captain, 54 Mins, Jarvis, 19 Minster, church, 94 Models, for Lord Treasurer, 7; for John Trevor, 14; for Prince Henry, 31; James intends to compare it with Prince Royal, 32; upon wheels for Prince Charles, 156; of Sovereign of the Seas, 157 Mompesson, Sir Giles, waste of timber, 118 Montgomery, Earl of, 127 Moore, Captain, 54 Moptye, John, xlvii n. Morgan, Captain, lx, 25 Morice, Roger, master attendant, 108 Mould, 95 n. Moyle, Captain, 151 Murray, Sir David, 31 Navy (ab
uses in), inquiry moved by Mr. Wiggs, 10; Northampton's inquiry, 32; see also Commissions of Inquiry Navy Commissioners, xxxix, xl, lxxx, lxxxv, lxxxix, xcviii, c, 136; their actions questioned, 137 Needles, The, 123 Newark-upon-Trent, 161 Newcastle, carvel, 14; mentioned, 158, 159, 180, 205 New Forest, 118 Newman, Rev. Mr., marries Rachel Pett, 2 Newman, Richard, 186 Newport, Captain Christopher, Prince Royal inquiry at Woolwich, 54; master of Centaur, 85; mentioned, 56 n. Nicholas, Edward, lxxxvii, 211 Nicholls, Ann, Phineas meets, 9; and marries, 10; sickness, 17; birth of John, 17; of Henry, 18; at Highwood Hill, 19; birth of Richard, 28; of Joseph, 34; of Peter, 78; of Ann, 100; sickness and birth of Phineas, 115; of Mary and Martha, 117; sickness, 118; birth of Phineas, 120; birth of Christopher, 121; death, 137; mentioned, 20, 77, 85, 93, 111, 113, 123, 124, 127, 132 Nicholls, John, death, 76 Nicholls, Katherine, 78; death of, 136 Nicholls, Richard, father-in-law, 10; death of, 117 Noise, band of musical instruments, 20, 21, 34 Noman's Land, xci; appointment as Lord High Admiral, xcix; captain of Vanguard, 135; Rochelle expedition, 138; release of Phineas from prison, 139; assists Phineas in prison, 141; sells baronetcy for him, 142; Admiral of fleet in Downs, 169, 170 Pepys, Samuel, transcribes the MS., vii, ix, x, civ; mentioned, xl, liii, xcvii Perin, Robert, 19 Petre, Lord, mentioned, 34 Pett, early instances of the name, xliii; family of, xlii; genealogical tables, l, li Pett, Abigail, killed by stepfather, 12 Pett, Ann (wife). See Nicholls Pett, Ann (daughter), birth of, 100 Pett, Ann (wife of Christopher), 168 Pett, Arthur, 56 Pett, Christopher, xcvii; birth of, 121; voyage to Harwich, 151, 153; in north of England, 161 Pett, Elizabeth (mother). See Thornton Pett, Elizabeth (sister), ill-treatment by stepfather, 11; at Limehouse, 13; death, 13 Pett, Elizabeth (widow of Peter), arrest of Phineas for debt due to her, lxxxvi, 154 Pett, Henry, birth, 18, 28; death, 112 Pett, John (great-grandfather), xliv, xlvi Pett, John (son), birth, 17, 28; voyage to Spain, 125; return, 132; goes to Ireland, 133; married, 136, 138; captain of merchant ship, 137; captain of Sixth Whelp, 138; takes leave, 140; lost at sea, 140-1 Pett, Joseph, master shipwright, grant to, xxiv; mentioned, xlvii, xlviii, liii; succeeds his father, Peter, 4; unkindness to Phineas and Noah, 4; loan to Phineas, 5; sheathes Defiance, 6; employs Phineas, 6; rebuilds Triumph, 6; yard at Limehouse, 7, 8; employs Phineas on Elizabeth Jonas, 9; lack of assistance from, 13, 15; reconciliation, 15; reversion of post to Phineas, 23; wharf at Limehouse, 24; death, burial at Stepney, 27; mentioned, 174, 178 Pett, Joseph (son), birth, 34; death, 136 Pett, Joseph (nephew), mentioned, 151, 153; his wife mentioned, 158 Pett, Katharine. See Cole Pett, Lydia, xlviii; death, 76 Pett, Martha, birth of, 117; married to John Hodierne, 164 Pett, Mary (sister), ill-treatment by stepfather, 12; at Limehouse, 13; sickness, 14; death of husband, 117; death, 137 Pett, Mary (daughter), birth of, 117; death, 118 Pett, Mildred. See Byland Pett, Noah, xlviii; emigrates to Ireland, 4; master in Popinjay, 5; drowned at Cork, 6 Pett, Peter (of Harwich), xliv, xlvii Pett, Peter (of Deptford), master shipwright: grants to, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv; grant of arms, xliv, 218; father of Phineas, 1; lodging at Chatham, 2; death, 2; ships built by, xlvii, lxx; his children, lxviii, l Pett, Peter (of Wapping), xlii, xlv, xlviii, lxix; death, lxxxvi; assists his brother, 4, 5; woods at Paglesham, 8; purveyor in forest of Alice Holt, 30; mentioned, 78, 113, 178, 183 Pett, Peter (son of Peter of Wapping), voyage in Disdain, 93; builds the Sixth Whelp, 139; builds James, 154; mentioned, 120, 145 n. Pett, Peter (the younger), xlviii; service as tutor, 12; ill-treatment by father-in-law, 12; lives at Limehouse, 13; clerk in Arches, 14; death, 16 Pett, Peter (son), commissioner at Chatham, ix; Shipwrights' Company, xxxvii, xxxix; rebuilds Prince Royal, lxxxi; plan of Sovereign, xci; portrait, ci; birth of, 78; builds Charles, 149; voyage in Henrietta, 151; arrangements for marriage, 152; journey to Woodbridge, 152; to build new ship, 153; married to Mr. Cole's daughter, 153; visit to father at Chatham, 156; builds Leopard at Woolwich, 156-7; sets out for north of England, 158; timber for Sovereign, 160; return to Woolwich, 162; on board Sovereign, 169, accompanies father to King, 171; and Lord Admiral, 172 Pett, Phineas, the manuscript, vii; table of his relations, l; of his family, li; birth, 1; school at Rochester, 1; at Greenwich, 2; enters Emmanuel College, 2; misfortunes from his mother's second marriage, 2; apprenticed as shipwright, 3; serves under Mathew Baker, 3; ships as carpenter's mate in the Constance, 4; assisted by a stranger, 5; misery of voyage, 5; lands in Ireland and visits his uncle at Dublin, 5; returns to London and lodges with his brother Peter, 5; assistance of brother Joseph, 5; employed on Defiance and Triumph, 6; employed by Baker on Repulse, 7; instruction given by Baker, liii, 7; makes model for Burghley, 8; presented to Nottingham, lvi, 8; employed by Joseph, 8; courtship, 9; takes house at Limehouse, 9; married to Ann Nicholls, 10; unemployed, 10; purveyor of timber in Suffolk and Norfolk, 11; trouble over the accounts, lvi, 11; takes care of his brother and sisters, 12; model made for Trevor, 14; studies mathematics, 14; appointed storekeeper at Chatham, 15; reconciliation with Joseph, 15; takes house at Chatham, 16; nearly captured by Dunkirker, 16; assistant master shipwright, 17; contractor for victualling, 17; sued at law for striking George Collins, lvii, 18; undertakes to fit out fleet, 18; voyage to Ipswich, 19; journey to Highwood Hill, 19; works on Answer, 20; his letter to Baker, liii; builds Disdain for Prince Henry, 21; voyage up the Thames, 21; presented to Prince Henry, 23; granted reversion of master shipwright's place, xxvi, 23, 173; builds Resistance, 24; voyage to Spain in her, lviii, 25; returns to Chatham, 26; journeys to East Bere, 26, 28; succeeds Joseph as master shipwright despite opposition of Stevens, xxv, 27; King of Denmark visits Chatham, 29; works on Ark Royal and Victory, lxiv, 30; journeys to Alice Holt and Shotover, 30; elected master of Shipwrights' Co., 30; makes model for Prince Henry, lxvi, 31; interview with James I, 32; Commission of Inquiry (1608), lxi, 32; entertainment of Prince Henry, 34; launch of Anne Royal, 37; lays keel of Prince Royal, 37; hostility of other shipwrights, 38; warned by Vicars, 38; frustrates Waymouth, 40; seeks help of Mansell and Trevor, 40; and of Nottingham, 41; Nottingham visits James, 42; inquiry ordered, lxxiv, 42; inquiry at Woolwich, lxxv, 44; anger of Northampton, 46; James decides on personal inquiry, 47; support of Prince Henry, 50; proceedings of inquiry before James, lxxxi, 51-66; James exonerates him, 63; favoured by James, 68; inquiry into abuses at Greenwich, 69; the case of the Resistance, lviii, 70; Waymouth appeals to him, 73; displeasure of Prince Henry, 75; feast at St. James's, 76; Prince Henry visits him, 76; the Prince and James examine the Prince Royal, 77; visitors to the ship, 77; survey of the navy, 78; journey to Nonsuch, 78; preparations for launching, 79; failure to launch, 81; disappointment of James, 82; Prince Royal launched, and named by Prince Henry, 83; removes from Woolwich to Chatham, 85; Resistance sails for the Straits, 85, 93; embarks in Prince Royal, and sails to Chatham, 86; journey to London, 87; visit of Prince Henry to Chatham, 88; takes leave at Gravesend, 90; search for Arabella Stuart, 91; on board Resistance in storm, 91; reproved by Prince Henry for survey of navy, 92; voyage in Disdain, 93; at Woolwich, 94; choice of, ship for N.W. Passage, 95; takes leave of Button, 96; builds Phoenix, 96; sells Resistance, 96; visit to Prince Henry, 97; visit of Prince's suite, 98; master of Shipwrights' Co., 99; portrait commenced, ci, 100; grief at death of Prince Henry, 101; journey to London and preparations for m
internal">lii, 1 Pickasee, Mr., victualling at Chatham, 17 Picks, William, 183 Pitt, William, 119 Plague, 19 Plats, 95 Plumstead, 77 Plymouth, 205; Sound, 128, 214 Popham, Sir John, lord chief justice, 13 Pole, William de la, xvi Pope, Mr., lvii Portsmouth, xxi, xlvi, 126, 127, 132, 138, 140, 151; Dock, 144; examination of harbour, 144; worm at, 145; Queen's Head, 148; King at, 148; survey at, 150 Pory, John, mediates between Waymouth and Phineas, 72-3 Price, Rev. Dr., 101 Prime, Thomas, 57, 178 Principal Officers of the Navy, 81, 99, 102, 119, 138-9, 142, 145, 147, 148; Phineas, created assistant to, 143; meet in Mincing Lane, 144, 146 Privy Council, inquiry before James at Woolwich, 52; release of Phineas from prison, 139; mentioned, lxxxiv, 29, 68, 72, 76, 81, 122, 138 Prytly, 108 Puniett, Thomas, 85, 86, 123 Pyham, Rev. John, 120, 136 Queenborough, 25, 88, 89, 91, 93, 105, 106, 126, 158 Rabye, Nicholas, 178 Radclyffe, Francis, 121 Rainham, 16 Ralegh, Sir Walter, lxxxviii; Phineas contracts to build Destiny, 115; launched, 116; mentioned, 116, 139, 211 Rammekens, 110 Ratcliff, xxxiv, 20, 77, 91, 118, 139, 178; Phineas lodges at, 101; Mercury and Spy built at, 122 Redriff (Rotherhithe), company of shipwrights, xxxii; court of shipwrights, 40; common hall, 116; mentioned, 178, 181, 182, 205 Red Sand, 123 Redwood, Thomas, 54 Reynolds, Henry, appointed to survey materials for Prince Royal, 68 Reynolds, John, master gunner of Prince Royal, 86, 90, 97, 107; mentioned, 98; master gunner of England, 133 Rich, Henry. See Holland Richmond, 31, 92, 97, 98 Rickman, Robert, 54 Rochelle, ships for expedition, 138; mentioned, 140 Rochester, Free School, 2; Boley Hill, 16, 20; proclamation at, 19; college of, 116; St. Margaret's Church, 138; Crown Inn, 147; King at, 148; mentioned, 99, 100, 115, 205 Rock, Thomas, ship-painter, ci, 19, 100 Rogers, Thomas, xlvii n. Rotherhithe. See Redriff Rupert, Prince, 162 Russell, James, 178 Russell, Mrs., 120 Rutland, Earl of, Admiral of fleet fetching Prince Charles from Spain, 127, 131 Rye, 26 Sackville, Edward. See Dorset St. Helens, 132 St. James's Palace, 23, 88, 100, 101, 132, 156 St. John, Captain Sir William, 88 St. Mary Creek, 87, 105, 125, 126, 154, 171 St. Vincent, ravens of, 32 St. Vincent, Cape, 123 Salisbury, Earl of, lord high treasurer, advises James not to discharge men working on Prince Royal, 48; the inquiry before James at Woolwich, 57; mediates on behalf of Waymouth, 72, 74; search for Arabella Stuart, 91 Salmon, R., 216 Sandis, Edwyn, xcix Sandwich, 135, 136 San Lucar, lix, 26 Santa Maria (Cape), 26 Santander, 26, 125, 128, 130 Scarborough, 159 Scavelmen, 82 n. Scilly Islands, mentioned, 130; Prince Charles lands, 131; stays in Castle Hugh, 132; leaves, 132 Scotland, xlvi Scotland Yard, 156 Seames, The, 141 Seaton, Colonel Sir John, xcix Seville, 26 Sharpe, Robert, 57, 93 Sheerness, 87, 94 Sheldon, Francis, clerk of check at Woolwich, 153 Sheppey, Isle, 94 Ships, Shipwrights' Company to examine, xxxii; armament of, xxxii; of Holland, lxxiii, 130; Flemish, 9; Newcastle carvel, 14; little, for the Prince, 21; pinnace for the Prince, 96; for Lord Zouch, 116; general survey, 119; ketch, 130; Dunkirk, 130; See also Models Ships, named, merchant: Althea, 85 Archangel, lxx Centaur, 85 Constance, 4 Destiny, lxxxvi, lxxxviii, ciii, 54 n., 117, 211, 217 Discovery, lxx, 95 n., 97 n. Dolphin, 133 Expedition, 54 n., 91 n. Godspeed, lxx Mathew, 85 Mercury, lxxxiv, ciii, 122, 217 Peppercorn, 75, 76 Resistance, lviii, lxiii, lxviii, cii, 24-26, 70, 77, 78, 84, 85, 91-3, 95, 96, 217 Resolution, cii, 95 n., 97 n. Spy, lxxxiv, ciii, 122, 217 Trade's Increase, 75, 76 Ships named, royal: Achates, xlvii Advantage, xlvii Anne Royal (See also Ark Royal), lxiv, 34, 35, 37, 103, 105-7, 163 Answer, liii, lxviii, 20, 24, 217 Antelope, 125, 133, 134, 213 Ark Royal, 21, 29, 30, 37, 217 Bear, lxx, 25, 29 Bonaventure, 95 Britannia, ci Charles, 149, 150, 164 n., 217 Convertive, lxxxviii; See also Destiny Crane, lvii Defiance, xlvii, 6, 94-5, 112, 114, 115, 129, 217 Disdain, 23, 93, 102, 217 Dreadnought, 95 Elizabeth Jonas, lxxx, 9, 10, 24, 29, 115 Foresight, lix, lx Fortune Pink, 156 Garland, 170 George, 213 Golden Lion, 29, 56 n. Grace Dieu, xvii, xlvi Greyhound, xlvii, 163, 217 Happy Entrance, 121 Henrietta, 137, 151, 153, 217 Henrietta Maria, 149 Henri Grace À Dieu, xvii James, 154 Leader barge, xxii Leopard, 156, 157 Lion, 103, 147 Lion barge, xxii Lion's Whelps, 17, 138, 149 Maria, 137, 148, 217 Mary Rose, 215 Merhonour, lxvii, 94, 95, 112, 114, 115, 217 Moon, fails to obtain it on death of Joseph, 27; the Commission of Inquiry, 33; combines against Phineas, 38, 43; evidence before inquiry, 45; inquiry before James at Woolwich, 49, 55, 60; censured by James, 63; at Chatham with Phineas, survey of Prince, 124; mentioned, 178, 183 Stevens, Edward, junior, shipwright, 149 Steward, Sir Francis, voyage to Spain, 125, 132, 213 Stockton, 159 Stokes Bay, 126, 127 Stonham Aspul, xliii Stowmarket, 161 Stowood, 142, 149, 153 Straits, The, 26, 91, 93 Strood, 90, 147 Stuart, Arabella, escape and search for, 91 Stuart, James. See Lennox Suffolk, 151 Suffolk, Earl of, lord high chamberlain, inquiry on Prince Royal, lxxiv, 42; lord treasurer, 117 Sunderland, 160 Sunning Park, 143 Surtis, Nicholas, 57, 93 Sussex, 148 Sutton, Sir Richard, 119 Swatchway, 17 Taylor, John, 145 n. Tayte, Lewis, lxxxviii, 211 Terne, Nathaniel, xc Terringham, Francis, 153 Thames, River, mentioned, 49, 53, 176; ice in, 123 Theobalds Park, 8, 80, 125, 212 Thetford, xliv Thornton, Elizabeth (mother of Phineas), wife of Peter Pett, xlviii, 1; marries Rev. T. Nunn, 2; death, 8 Thornton, George, captain in navy, assists his nephew, Noah, 4; visited at Dublin, 5 Through head, 9 n. Tilbury, 21 Tilbury Hope, 19, 87, 88, 93, 123, 163 Titchfield Haven, 148 Together, 96 Tonnage, measurement of, 96 Tranckmore, Robert, the Commission of Inquiry, 33; inquiry before James at Woolwich, 55 Treswell, Robert, 143 Trevor, Lady, 37 Trevor, Sir John, surveyor of the navy, lvi, lix, lx, lxvi; especial friend, 11; model for, 14, 15; sick, 18; part owner of Resistance, 25; purchases trees, 27; the Commission of Inquiry, 38; plot revealed to, 40; inquiry before James at Woolwich, 49, 51, 57, 67; inquiry into abuses at Greenwich, 69; survey of navy, 78; launch of Prince Royal, 80, 83; transfers post of surveyor to Bingley, 92; mentioned, 23, 27, 28, 37, 68, 138 Trevor, Sir Sackville, 129 Trinity House, report on Shipwrights' Company, xxxix; masters of, on inquiry of 1618, 119; examination of Portsmouth Harbour, 145; masters of, 165, 166, 167; protest against building Royal Sovereign, xci, 214 Tuck, 44 n. Tuxford, 161 Ungle, Robert, 11 Upnor, lxxix, 87, 89, 93, 104 n. Vale. See a Vale Valladolid, lix Vane, Sir Henry, c; comptroller of household, 155 Vaughan, Rev. Mr., 164 Vere, 110 Vicars, Sebastian, carver, warns Phineas of combination against him, 38, 39; death, 112; mentioned, 207 Virginia Company, ciii Waade, Sir William, lxi n. Wales, 177, 179, 180 Wales, Prince of. See Henry and Charles Walsham-le-Willows, xlv Wanstead, 157 Wapping, xlviii, 5 Warwick, Earl of, Lord High Admiral, xxxvii, xcix Waterford, 5 Watford, Richard, 183 Wathsfield, xliii, xlv Watts, Captain, Prince Royal inquiry at Woolwich, 54 Waymouth, Captain George, arctic exploration, lxx, ciii; knowledge of shipbuilding, lxx-lxxiv; report on Prince Royal, lxxv; the Commission of Inquiry, 33; combines against Phineas, 38; reveals plot to Burrell, 40; evidence before inquiry, 45; inquiry before James at Woolwich, 49, 51, 54, 55, 60; failure in building small ship, 70; goes to Flushing and Antwerp, 72; ordered to be apprehended as a pirate, 72; applies to Earl of Salisbury for protection, 72; pension as master engineer, 72; advised to get Phineas to mediate with Lord Admiral, 73; Phineas invited to supper, 73; Mr. Pory attempts reconciliation, 73; asks Phineas to pardon him, 74; explains how he was induced to act against him, 74; pardoned, 75; death, 75; North-west Passage, 95 n. Webb, Mr., master of free school at Rochester, 2 Wells, John, xci Wells, Thomas, 183 Wentbridge, 161 Westminster, mentioned, 19, 33, 40, 88, 112, 143, 211; Abbey, 101; St. Stephen's Alley, 102 Weston, 8, 11, 12 Weston, Richard (Lord), commissioner for the navy, 119; lord treasurer, 139, 141, 142, 143, 146, 148 Weymouth, 128 Whitaker Spit, 126 Whitby, 159 Whitechapel, lvii Whitehall, 22, 31, 32, 40, 46, 50, 67, 89, 114, 149, 164, 165; sham sea-fight, 102; masque by water, 103; privy stairs, 103; privy gallery, 157 Whitehead, Esau, 178 Whiting, Walter, master of Prince Royal, 131 Wiggs, Thomas, 10 Wight, Isle of, 148, 214 Wilkinson, Robert, 178 Williams, Thomas, shipwright, 136 Wills, Mr., 85 Wilson, George, boatswain of Lion, 21; master attendant, 138, 142 Wilson, Mr., Prince Henry's tailor, 97 Windebank, Sir Francis, secretary of state, 155 Windebank, Sir Thomas, 23, 24 Windsor, 112, 143 Witham, 162 Wolstenholme, Sir John, 119 Wood, Gilbert, presents Phineas to Lord High Admiral, 8 Wood, John, first servant, 6 Woodbridge, The Crown, 152; church, 154; collier of, 160; mentioned, 150, 156, 158, 162, 178, 205 Woodcott, James, 54 Woodcott, John, 56 Woodcott, Mathew, 54 Woolwich, Defiance brought into dock, 6; Triumph at, 7; Elizabeth Jonas brought into dock, 9; launched out, 10; Ark Royal and Victory docked, 29, 30; new gates for dock, 34; church, 34; Ark Royal renamed, 37; investigation into state of Prince Royal, 42, 44; James resolves on personal inquiry at, 47; Merhonour and Defiance docked, 94; and rebuilt, 112; neglect at, 113; Phineas returns to, 113, 143; visit of King of Denmark, 114; Merhonour and Defiance launched, 115; Elizabeth Jonas and Triumph docked, 115; Destiny built in galley dock, 116; Vanguard docked, 142; dock renewed, 142; Richard Pett buried at, 143; Phineas returns ill from Portsmouth, 145; launch of Vanguard and Victory, 146; Charles built, 149; King visits, 149; Peter to build ship at, 153; Unicorn launched, 154; Leopard built, 156; launched, 157; visit of Charles to, 156; Sovereign to be built at, 158; timber for, 160; keel laid, 162; visit of Charles I, 162; and Palsgrave, 162, 163; launch of the Sovereign, 166; docked, 167; mentioned, passim Worcester, Earl of, master of the horse, visits ship, 22; mentioned, 27, 28; inquiry on Prince Royal, lxxiv, 42 Wotton, Lord, lxi n. Wright, Robert, 56 Yacht, 109 Yardley, Catherine, married to John, 136; married to Edward Stevens, 149 Yardley, Edward, 146, 151 Yardley, Robert, 115, 136, 138 Yardley, Susan, married to Phineas, 138; mentioned, 142; journey to Chatham, 146, 164; death, 164 Yarmouth, 205; road, 158, 178 York, 161 York, Duke of. See Charles I Zapata, Cardinal, 129 Zouch, Lord, lord warden of cinque ports, lxi, lxxvii; pinnace built for, ciii, 116, 117 AT THE BALLANTYNE PRESS PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE, BALLANTYNE AND CO. LTD. COLCHESTER, LONDON AND ETON, ENGLAND TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. As noted in the Preface, some [missing words] in the text have been added inside brackets [ ] in this edition. Many archaic and nautical terms are explained in the Footnotes. On some handheld devices the two genealogical tables are best viewed in a small font or in landscape mode. An image of each table from the original text is also provided. Footnotes [298], [319] and [322] are referenced more than once (they have multiple anchors). Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example, Raleigh, Ralegh; sweet meats, sweetmeats; sea captain, sea-captain; connexion; throughly; cozened. Pg xliii Footnote [73], 'see Rye' replaced by 'see Rye'. Pg lxxiii, 'shipwrights a r no' replaced by 'shipwrights are no'. Pg lxxvii, 'HNorthampton.' replaced by 'H. Northampton.'. Pg lxxviii, 'HNorthampton.' replaced by 'H. Northampton.'. Pg lxxxii, missing anchor [141] added to 'Appendix,[141] which are'. Pg 45, 'any the materials used' replaced by 'any of the materials used'. Pg 119, 'Richard[445] Sutton,' replaced by 'Richard Sutton,[445]'. Pg 120, '3rd day of the same month' replaced by '3rd day of the next month'. Pg 136, the sentence 'My son Joseph ... this year.' has been moved to the top of the paragraph from the middle of it. Pg 153, 'of out Stowood' replaced by 'out of Stowood'. Appendix IV, italic formatting of heading 'Charter to Shipwrights' removed for consistency with headings of other Appendices. Index, 'Caesar, Sir' replaced by 'CÆsar, Sir'. Index, 'Pett, Peter (son)' reference to page cxvii changed to xci. Index, 'Trinity House', reference to page 314 changed to 214. Some abbreviations used in the text are explained below: Ao | Anno (in the year) | Cal. S.P. Dom. | Calendar of State Papers Domestic | H.C.A. | High Court of Admiralty | N.E.D. | New English Dictionary (late 1800s) | N.R.S. | Navy Records Society | P.R.O. | Public Records Office | S.P.D. | State Papers Domestic | ******* This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: /5/1/3/5/51357 Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed.
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