Walking of the Quadruped, Biped, etc.—As the earth, because of its solidity, will bear any amount of pressure to which it may be subjected, the size, shape, and weight of animals destined to traverse its surface are matters of little or no consequence. As, moreover, the surface trod upon is rigid or unyielding, the extremities of quadrupeds are, as a rule, terminated by small feet. Fig.18 (contrast with fig.17). Fig. 18.—Chillingham Bull (Bos Scoticus). Shows powerful heavy body, and the small extremities adapted for land transit. Also the figure-of-8 movements made by the feet and limbs in walking and running. u, t Curves made by right and left anterior extremities. r, s Curves made by right and left posterior extremities. The right fore and the left hind foot move together to form the waved line (s, u); the left fore and the right hind foot move together to form the waved line (r, t). The curves formed by the anterior (t, u) and posterior (r, s) extremities form ellipses. Compare with fig.19, p.39.—Original. In this there is a double purpose—the limited area presented to the ground affording the animal sufficient support and leverage, and enabling it to disentangle its feet with the The movements of the extremities in land animals vary considerably. In the kangaroo and jerboa,22 the posterior extremities only are used, the animals advancing per saltum, i.e. by a series of leaps.23 The deer also bounds into the air in its slower movements; in its fastest paces it gallops like the horse, as explained at pp. 40–44. The posterior extremities of the kangaroo are enormously developed as compared with the anterior ones; they are also greatly elongated. The posterior extremities are in excess, likewise, in the horse, rabbit,24 agouti, and guinea In the giraffe the legs of opposite sides move together and alternate, whereas in most quadrupeds the extremities move diagonally—a remark which holds true also of ourselves in walking and skating, the right leg and left arm advancing together and alternating with the left leg and right arm (fig.19). Fig. 19.—Diagram showing the figure-of-8 or double-waved track produced by the alternating of the extremities in man in walking and running; the right leg (r) and left arm (s) advancing simultaneously to form one step; and alternating with the left leg (t) and right arm (u), which likewise advance together to form a second step. The continuous line (r, t) gives the waved track made by the legs; the interrupted line (s, u) that made by the arms. The curves made by the right leg and left arm, and by the left leg and right arm, form ellipses. Compare with fig.18, p.37.—Original. In the hexapod insects, according to MÜller, the fore and hind foot of the one side and the middle one of the opposite side move together to make one step, the three corresponding and opposite feet moving together to form the second step. Other and similar combinations are met with in the decapods. The alternating movements of the extremities are interesting as betokening a certain degree of flexuosity or twisting, either in the trunk or limbs, or partly in the one and partly in the other. This twisting begets the figure-of-8 movements observed in walking, swimming, and flying. (Compare figs.6, 7, and 26 x, pp. 28 and 55; figs.18 and 19, pp.37 and 39; figs.32 and 50, pp. 68 and 97; figs.71 and 73, p.144; and fig.81, p.157.) Locomotion of the Horse.—As the limits of the present volume forbid my entering upon a consideration of the movements of all the animals with terrestrial habits, I will describe briefly, and by way of illustration, those of the horse, ostrich, Fig. 20.—Horse in the act of trotting. In this, as in all the other paces, the body of the horse is levered forward by a diagonal twisting of the trunk and extremities, the extremities describing a figure-of-8 track (s u, r t). The figure-of-8 is produced by the alternate play of the extremities and feet, two of which are always on the ground (a, b). Thus the right fore foot describes the curve marked t, the left hind foot that marked r, the left fore foot that marked u, and the right hind foot that marked s. The feet on the ground in the present instance are the left fore and the right hind. Compare with figs.18 and 19, pp.37 and 39.—Original. In the trot, according to Bishop, the legs move in pairs The gallop has been erroneously believed to consist of a series of bounds or leaps, the two hind legs being on the ground when the two fore legs are in the air, and vice versÂ, there being a period when all four are in the air. Thus Sainbell in his “Essay on the Proportions of Eclipse,” states “that the gallop consists of a repetition of bounds, or leaps, more or less high, and more or less extended in proportion to the strength and lightness of the animal.” A little reflection will show that this definition of the gallop cannot be the correct one. When a horse takes a ditch or fence, he gathers himself together, and by a vigorous effort (particularly of the hind legs), throws himself into the air. This movement requires immense exertion and is short-lived. It is not in the power of any horse to repeat these bounds for more than a few minutes, from which it follows that the gallop, which may be continued for considerable periods, must differ very materially from the leap. The pace known as the amble is an artificial movement, produced by the cunning of the trainer. It resembles that of the giraffe, where the right fore and right hind foot move together to form one step; the left fore and left hind foot moving together to form the second step. By the rapid repetition of these movements the right and left sides of the body are advanced alternately by a lateral swinging motion, very comfortable for the rider, but anything but graceful. The amble is a defective pace, inasmuch as it interferes with the diagonal movements of the limbs, and impairs the continuity of motion which the twisting, cross movement begets. Similar remarks might be made of the gallop if it consisted (which it does not) of a series of bounds or leaps, as each Mr. Gamgee, who has studied the movements of the horse very carefully, has given diagrams of the walk, trot, and gallop, drawn to a scale of the feet of a two-year-old colt in training, which had been walked, trotted, and galloped over the ground for the purpose. The point he sought to determine was the exact distance through which each foot was carried from the place where it was lifted to that where it alighted. The diagrams are reproduced at figures 21, 22, and 23. In figure 23 I have added a continuous waved line to indicate the alternating movements of the extremities; Mr. Gamgee at the time he wrote26 being, he informs me, unacquainted with the figure-of-8 theory of animal progression as subsequently developed by me. Compare fig.23 with figs.18 and 19, pp.37 and 39; with fig.50, p.97; and with figs.71 and 73, p.144. Fig. 21. Fig.22. Fig. 23. In examining figures 21, 22, and 23, the reader will do well to remember that the near fore and hind feet of a horse are the left fore and hind feet; the off fore and hind feet being the right fore and hind feet. The terms near and off “At fig.23, which represents the gallop, the distance between two successive impressions produced, say by the near fore foot, is eighteen feet one inch and a half. Midway between these two impressions is the mark of the near hind foot, which therefore subdivides the space into nine feet and six-eighths of an inch, but each of these is again subdivided into two halves by the impressions produced by the off fore and off hind feet. It is thus seen that the horse’s body instead of being propelled through the air by bounds or leaps even when going at the highest attainable speed, acts on a system of levers, the mean distance between the points of resistance of which is four feet six inches. The exact length of stride, of course, only applies to that of the particular horse observed, and the rate of speed at which he is going. In the At fig.22, which represents the trot, the stride is ten feet one inch. At fig.21, which represents the walk, it is only five feet five inches. The speed acquired, Mr. Gamgee points out, determines the length of stride; the length of stride being the effect and evidence of speed and not the cause of it. The momentum acquired in the gallop, as already explained, greatly accelerates speed. “In contemplating length of strides, with reference to the fulcra, allowance has to be made for the length of the feet, which is to be deducted from that of the strides, because the apex, or toe of the horse’s hind foot forms the fulcrum in one instant, and the heel of the fore foot in the next, and vice versÂ. This phenomenon is very obvious in the action of the human foot, and is remarkable also for the range of leverage thus afforded in some of the fleetest quadrupeds, of different species. In the hare, for instance, between the point of its hock and the termination of its extended digits, there is a space of upwards of six inches of extent of leverage and variation of fulcrum, and in the fore limb from the carpus to the toe-nails (whose function in progression is not to be underrated) upwards of three inches of leverage are found, being about ten inches for each lateral biped, and the double of that for the action of all four feet. Viewed in this way the stride is not really so long as would be supposed if merely estimated from the space between the footprints. “Many interesting remarks might be made on the length of the stride of various animals; the full movement of the greyhound is, for instance, upwards of sixteen feet; that of the hare at least equal; whilst that of the Newfoundland dog is a little over nine feet.”27 Locomotion of the Ostrich.—Birds have been divided by naturalists into eight orders:—the Natatores, or Swimming Birds; the Grallatores, or Wading Birds; the Cursores, or Running Birds; the Scansores, or Climbers; the Rasores, or The first five orders have been classified according to their habits and modes of progression. The Natatores I shall consider when I come to speak of swimming as a form of locomotion, and as there is nothing in the movements of the wading, scraping, and climbing birds,28 or in the Passeres29 or Raptores, requiring special notice, I shall proceed at once to a consideration of the Cursores, the best examples of which are the ostrich, emu, cassowary, and apteryx. The ostrich is remarkable for the great length and development of its legs as compared with its wings (fig.24). In this respect it is among birds what the kangaroo is among mammals. The ostrich attains an altitude of from six to eight feet, and is the largest living bird known. Its great height is due to its attenuated neck and legs. The latter are very powerful structures, and greatly resemble in their general conformation the posterior extremities of a thoroughbred horse or one of the larger deer—compare with fig.4, p.21. They are expressly made for speed. Thus the bones of the leg and foot are inclined very obliquely towards each other, the femur being inclined very obliquely to the ilium. As a consequence the angles made by the several bones of the legs are comparatively small; smaller in fact than in either the horse or deer. Fig. 24.—Skeleton of the Ostrich. Shows the powerful legs, small feet, and rudimentary wings of the bird; the obliquity at which the bones of the legs and wings are placed, and the comparatively small angles which any two bones make at their point of junction. a Angle made by femur with ilium. b Angle made by tibia and fibula with femur. c Angle made by tarso-metatarsal bone with tibia and fibula. d Angle made by bones of foot with tarso-metatarsal bone. r Bones of wing inclined to each other at nearly right angles. Compare with fig.4, p.21, fig.26, p.55, and fig.27, p.59.—Adapted from Dallas. The feet of the ostrich, like those of the horse and deer, are reduced to a minimum as regards size; so that they occasion very little friction in the act of walking and running. The foot is composed of two jointed toes,30 which spread out when the weight of the body comes upon them, in such a manner as enables the bird to seize and let go the ground with equal facility. The advantage of such an arrangement in rapid locomotion cannot be over-estimated. The elasticity and flexibility of the foot contribute greatly to the rapidity Fig. 25.—Ostriches pursued by a Hunter. Professional runners in many cases at matches reduce the length of their anterior extremities by flexing their arms and carrying them on a level with their chest (fig.28, p.62). It would seem that in rapid running there is not time for the arms to oscillate naturally, and that under these circumstances the arms, if allowed to swing about, retard rather than increase the speed. The centre of gravity is well forward in the ostrich, and is regulated by the movements of the head and neck, and the obliquity of the body and legs. In running the neck is stretched, the body inclined forward, and the legs moved alternately and with great rapidity. When the right leg is flexed and elevated, it swings forward pendulum-fashion, and describes a curve whose convexity is directed towards the right side. When the left leg is flexed and elevated, it swings forward and describes a curve whose convexity is directed towards the left side. The curves made by the right and left legs form when united a waved line (vide figs.18, 19, and 20, pp.37, 39, and 41). When the right leg is flexed, elevated, and advanced, it rotates upon the iliac Locomotion in Man.—The speed attained by man, although considerable, is not remarkable. It depends on a variety of circumstances, such as the height, age, sex, and muscular energy of the individual, the nature of the surface passed over, and the resistance to forward motion due to the presence of air, whether still or moving. A reference to the human skeleton, particularly its inferior extremities, will explain why the speed should be moderate. On comparing the inferior extremities of man with the legs of birds, or the posterior extremities of quadrupeds, say the horse or deer, we find that the bones composing them are not so obliquely placed with reference to each other, neither are the angles formed by any two bones so acute. Further, we observe that in birds and quadrupeds the tarsal and metatarsal bones are so modified that there is an actual increase in the number of the angles themselves. In the extremities of birds and quadrupeds there are four angles, which may be increased or diminished in the operations of locomotion. Thus, in the quadruped and bird (fig.4, p.21, and fig.24, p. 47), the femur forms with the ilium one angle (a); the tibia and fibula with the femur a second angle (b); the cannon or tarso-metatarsal bone with the tibia and fibula a third angle (c); and the bones of the foot with the cannon or tarso-metatarsal bone a fourth angle (d). In man three angles only are found, marked respectively a, b, and c (figs.26 and 27, pp.55 and 59). The fourth angle (d of figs.4 and 24) is absent. The absence of the fourth angle is due to the fact that in man the tarsal and metatarsal bones are shortened and crushed together; whereas in the quadruped and bird they are elongated and separated. As the speed of a limb increases in proportion to the number and acuteness of the angles formed by its several bones, it is not difficult to understand why man should not be so swift Another drawback to great speed in man is his erect position. Part of the power which should move the limbs is dedicated to supporting the trunk. For the same reason the bones of the legs, instead of being obliquely inclined to each other, as in the quadruped and bird, are arranged in a nearly vertical spiral line. This arrangement increases the angle formed by any two bones, and, as a consequence, decreases the speed of the limbs, as explained. A similar disposition of the bones is found in the anterior extremities of the elephant, where the superincumbent weight is great, and the speed, comparatively speaking, not remarkable. The bones of the human leg are beautifully adapted to sustain the weight of the body and neutralize shock.35 Thus the femur or thigh bone is furnished at its upper extremity with a ball-and-socket joint which unites it to the cup-shaped depression (acetabulum) in the ilium (hip bone). It is supplied with a neck which carries the body or shaft of the bone in an oblique direction from the ilium, the shaft being arched forward and twisted upon itself to form an elongated cylindrical screw. The lower extremity of the femur is furnished with spiral articular surfaces accurately adapted to the upper extremities of the bones of the leg, viz. the tibia and fibula, and to the patella. The bones of the leg (tibia and fibula) are spirally The bones of the superior extremities in man merit attention from the fact that in walking and running they oscillate in opposite directions, and alternate and keep time with the legs, which oscillate in a similar manner. The arms are articulated at the shoulders by ball-and-socket joints to cup-shaped depressions (glenoid cavities) closely resembling those found at the hip-joints. The bone of the arm (humerus) is carried away The bones of the human extremities (superior and inferior) are seen to advantage in fig.26; and I particularly direct the attention of the reader to the ball-and-socket or universal joints by which the arms are articulated to the shoulders (x, x´), and the legs to the pelvis (a, a´), as a knowledge of these is necessary to a comprehension of the oscillating or pendulum movements of the limbs now to be described. The screw configuration of the limbs is well depicted in the left arm (x) of the present figure. Compare with the wing of the bird, fig.6, and with the anterior extremity of the elephant, fig.7, p.28. But for the ball-and-socket joints, and the spiral nature of the bones and articular surfaces of the extremities, the undulating, sinuous, and more or less continuous movements observable in walking and running, and the twisting, lashing, flail-like movements necessary to swimming and flying, would be impossible. The leg in the human subject moves by three joints, viz., the hip, knee, and ankle joints. When standing in the erect position, the hip-joint only permits the limb to move forwards, From this it follows that the trunk maintains its erect position during the extension and flexion of the limbs. The step in walking was divided by Borelli into two periods, the one corresponding to the time when both limbs are on the ground; the other when only one limb is on the ground. In running, there is a brief period when both limbs are off the ground. In walking, the body is alternately supported by the right and left legs, and advanced by a sinuous movement. Its forward motion is quickened when one leg is on the ground, and slowed when both are on the ground. When the limb (say the right leg) is flexed, elevated, and thrown forward, it returns if left to itself (i.e. if its movements are not interfered with by the voluntary muscles) to the position from which it was moved, viz. the vertical, unless the trunk bearing the limb is inclined in a forward direction at the same time. The limb returns to the vertical position, or position of rest, in virtue of the power exercised by gravity, and from its being hinged at the hip by a ball-and-socket joint, as explained. In this respect the human limb when allowed to oscillate exactly resembles a pendulum,—a fact first ascertained by the brothers Weber. The advantage accruing from this arrangement, as far as muscular energy is concerned, is very great, the muscles doing comparatively little work.37 In beginning to walk, the body and limb which is to take the first step are advanced together. When, however, the body is inclined forwards, a large proportion of the step is performed mechanically by the tendency which the pendulum formed by the leg has to swing forward and regain a vertical position,—an effect produced by the operation of gravity alone. The leg which is advanced swings further forward than is required for the step, and requires to swing back a little before it can be deposited on the ground. The pendulum Similar movements occur in the arms, which, as has been explained, are articulated to the shoulders by ball-and-socket joints (fig.26, x x´, p.55). The right leg and left arm advance together to make one step, and so of the left leg and right arm. When the right leg advances the right arm retires, and vice versÂ. When the left leg advances the left arm retires, and the converse. There is therefore a complementary swinging of the limbs on each side of the body, the leg swinging always in an opposite direction to the arm on the same side. There is, moreover, a diagonal set of movements, also complementary in character: the right leg and left arm advancing together to form one step; the left leg and right arm advancing together to form the next. The diagonal movements beget a lateral twisting of the trunk and limbs; the oscillation of the trunk upon the limbs or feet, and the oscillation Fig. 27 shows the simultaneous positions of both legs during a step, divided into four groups. The first group (A), 4 to 7, gives the different positions which the legs simultaneously assume while both are on the ground; the second group (B), 8 to 11, shows the various positions of both legs at the time when the posterior leg is elevated from the ground, but behind the supported one; the third group (C), 12 to 14, shows the positions which the legs assume when the swinging leg overtakes the standing one; and the fourth group (D), 1 to 3, the positions during the time when the swinging leg is propelled in advance of the resting one. The letters a, b, and c indicate the angles formed by the bones of the right leg when engaged in making a step. The letters m, n, and o, the positions assumed by the right foot when the trunk is rolling over it. g Shows the rotating forward of the trunk upon the left foot (f) as an axis. h Shows the rotating forward of the left leg and foot upon the trunk (a) as an axis. Compare with fig.4, p. 21; with fig.24, p.47; and with fig.26, p.55.—After Weber. The alternate rotation of the trunk upon the limb and the limb upon the trunk is well seen in fig.27, p.59. At A of fig.27 the trunk (g) is observed rotating on the left foot (f). At D of fig. the left leg (h) is seen rotating on the trunk (a, i): these, as explained, are complementary movements. At A of fig. the right foot (c) is firmly placed on the ground, the left foot (f) being in the act of leaving it. The right side of the trunk is on a lower level than the left, which is being elevated, and in the act of rolling over the foot. At B of fig. the right foot (m) is still upon the ground, but the left foot having left it is in the act of swinging forward. At C of fig. the heel of the right foot (n) is raised from the ground, and the left foot is in the act of passing the right. The right side of the trunk is now being elevated. At D of fig. the heel of the right foot (o) is elevated as far as it can be, the toes of the left foot being depressed and ready to touch the ground. The right side of the trunk has now reached its highest level, and is in the act of rolling over the right foot. The left side of the trunk, on the contrary, is subsiding, and the left leg is swinging before the right one, preparatory to being deposited on the ground. From the foregoing it will be evident that the trunk and limbs have pendulum movements which are natural and peculiar to them, the extent of which depends upon the length of the parts. A tall man and a short man can consequently never walk in step if both walk naturally and according to inclination.39 In traversing a given distance in a given time, a tall man The slouching walk of the shepherd is more natural than that of the trained soldier. It can be kept up longer, and admits of greater speed. In the natural walk, as seen in rustics, the complementary movements are all evoked. In the artificial walk of the trained army man, the complementary movements are to a great extent suppressed. Art is consequently not an improvement on nature in the matter of walking. In walking, the centre of gravity is being constantly changed,—a circumstance due to the different attitudes assumed by the different portions of the trunk and limbs at different periods of time. All parts of the trunk and limbs of a biped, and the same may be said of a quadruped, move when a change of locality is effected. The trunk of the biped and quadruped when walking are therefore in a similar condition to that of the body of the fish when swimming. In running, all the movements described are exaggerated. Thus the steps are more rapid and the strides greater. In walking, a well-proportioned six-feet man can nearly cover his own height in two steps. In running, he can cover without difficulty a third more. In fig.28 (p.62), an athlete is represented as bending forward prior to running. The left leg and trunk, it will be observed, are advanced beyond the vertical line (x), and the arms are tucked up like the rudimentary wings of the ostrich, to correct undue oscillation at the shoulders, occasioned by the violent oscillation produced at the pelvis in the act of running. Fig. 28.—Preparing to run, from a design by Flaxman. Adapted. In the original of this figure the right arm is depending and placed on the right thigh. In order to enable the right leg to swing forward, it is evident that it must be flexed, and that the left leg must be extended, and the trunk raised. The raising of the trunk causes it to assume a more vertical position, and this prevents the swinging leg from going too far forwards; the swinging leg tending to oscillate in a slightly backward direction as the trunk is elevated. The body is more inclined forwards in running than in walking, and there is a period when both legs are off the ground, no such period occurring in walking. “In quick walking, the propelling leg acts more obliquely on the trunk, which is more inclined, and forced forwards more rapidly than in slow walking. The time when both legs are on the ground diminishes as the velocity increases, and it vanishes altogether when the velocity is at a maximum. In quick running the length of step rapidly increases, whilst the duration slowly diminishes; but in slow running the length diminishes rapidly, whilst the time remains nearly the same. The time of a step in quick running, compared to that in quick walking, is nearly as two to three, whilst the length of the steps are as two to one; consequently a person can run in “The velocity in running is usually at the rate of about ten miles an hour, but there are many persons who, for a limited period, can exceed this velocity.”40 |