Dictionary 1. (imp. & p. p.) of Vest.2. (a.) Clothed; robed; wearing vestments. 3. (a.) Not in a state of contingency or suspension; fixed; as, vested rights; vested interests. Thesaurus appareled arrayed attired bedecked breeched capped chausse clad cloaked clothed coifed confirmed costumed decked deep-dyed deep-engraven deep-fixed deep-grounded deep-laid deep-rooted deep-seated deep-set deep-settled dight disguised dressed dyed-in-the-wool embedded embossed endued engrafted engraved entrenched established etched firmly established garbed garmented gowned graven habilimented habited hooded implanted impressed imprinted indelibly impressed infixed ingrained ingrown invested inveterate inwrought liveried long-established mantled old-line on a rock on bedrock pantalooned raimented rigged out robed rooted set settled shod shoed stabilized tired togged tricked out trousered vestmented well-established well-founded well-grounded well-set well-settled |