Dictionary (a.) Not licked; hence, not properly formed; ungainly. Cf. To lick into shape, under Lick, v.Thesaurus Gothic Neanderthal animal arrested backward barbarian barbaric barbarous bestial brutal brutish budding callow coarse crude dewy embryonic green growing ill-bred immature impolite impubic in embryo in ovo in the rough inexperienced ingenuous innocent intact juicy minor naive new-fledged noncivilized outlandish oversimple primitive raw reductionistic reductive ripening rough rough-and-ready roughcast roughhewn rude rudimental rudimentary sappy savage simplistic stunted tender troglodytic unadult unblown uncivil uncivilized uncombed uncouth uncultivated uncultured uncut underage underdeveloped undeveloped unfashioned unfinished unfledged unformed unhewn unkempt unlabored unmellowed unpolished unprocessed unrefined unripe unseasoned unshaped unshapen untamed untreated unworked unwrought vernal virginal wild |