Dictionary 1. (n.) The stump of a tree; that part of a tree or plant which remains fixed in the earth when the stem is cut down; -- applied especially to the stump of a small tree, or shrub.2. (n.) A log; a block; a blockhead. 3. (n.) The short blunt part of anything after larger part has been broken off or used up; hence, anything short and thick; as, the stub of a pencil, candle, or cigar. 4. (n.) A part of a leaf in a check book, after a check is torn out, on which the number, amount, and destination of the check are usually recorded. 5. (n.) A pen with a short, blunt nib. 6. (n.) A stub nail; an old horseshoe nail; also, stub iron. 7. (v. t.) To grub up by the roots; to extirpate; as, to stub up edible roots. 8. (v. t.) To remove stubs from; as, to stub land. 9. (v. t.) To strike as the toes, against a stub, stone, or other fixed object. Thesaurus Thule Ultima Thule billhead bitter end book stamp bookplate bottom dollar boundary brand broad arrow brush butt butt end cachet carton of cigarettes cauda caudal appendage caudation check cig cigarette cigarette butt cigarette case colophon counterfoil countermark cue deck of cigarettes dock docket end extreme extremity fag fag end fantail farthest bound government mark government stamp hallmark imprint jumping-off place label letterhead limit logo logotype masthead nib pigtail plate point pole price tag queue rattail receipt registered trademark remnant running head running title seal sigil signet snipe stamp sticker stump tag tag end tail tail end tailpiece tally ticket tip title page token trade name trademark trademark name |