Dictionary (n.) The act of extirpating or rooting out, or the state of being extirpated; eradication; excision; total destruction; as, the extirpation of weeds from land, of evil from the heart, of a race of men, of heresy.Thesaurus abolishment abrogation annihilation annulment cancel canceling cancellation cassation choking choking off countermand counterorder defeasance deracination destruction elimination end eradication extermination extinction extinguishment extirpation invalidation liquidation negation nullification purge recall recantation renege repeal repudiation rescinding rescindment rescission retraction reversal revocation revoke revokement rooting out setting aside silencing snuffing out stifling strangulation suffocation suppression suspension termination uprooting vacation vacatur voidance voiding waiver waiving withdrawal write-off |