Dictionary 1. (a.) Seeking the conversion of others; relating to the four Christian Gospels\.2. (a.) Belonging to, agreeable or consonant to, or contained in, the gospel, or the truth taught in the New Testament; as, evangelical religion. 3. (a.) Earnest for the truth taught in the gospel; strict in interpreting Christian doctrine; preeminently orthodox; -- technically applied to that party in the Church of England, and in the Protestant Episcopal Church, which holds the doctrine of Justification by Faith alone; the Low Church party. The term is also applied to other religion bodies not regarded as orthodox. 4. (n.) One of evangelical principles. Thesaurus Bohemian Evangelical Protestant Reformationist Reformed believer Zwinglian apostate beatnik demurrer deviant dissentient dissident dropout flower child freak heretic hippie maverick misbeliever misfit non-Catholic nonconformist nonjuror objector opinionist opposition voice original protestant protester recusant schismatic sectarian sectary separatist swinger ugly duckling unconformist yippie |