Dictionary (n.) The act of discoursing or reasoning; range, as from thought to thought.Thesaurus Wanderjahr aberrancy aberration afoot and lighthearted aside bend bias branching off bumming bypath byway circuitousness corner crook curve declination departure detour deviance deviancy deviation deviousness digression divagation divarication divergence diversion dogleg double drift drifting episode errantry excursion excursus exorbitation flitting gadding hairpin hoboism indirection itineracy itinerancy nomadism obliquity parenthesis peregrination pererration ramble rambling roam roaming rove roving sheer shift shifting shifting course shifting path side path side road sidetrack skew slant straying sweep swerve swerving swinging tack traipsing turn turning twist vagabondage vagabondia vagabondism vagrancy variation veer wandering wayfaring yaw zigzag |