Dictionary 1. (n.) One of the chief divisions of a long poem\; a book.2. (n.) The highest vocal part; the air or melody in choral music; anciently the tenor, now the soprano. Thesaurus Spenserian stanza accompaniment air alto antistrophe aria baritone bass basso continuo basso ostinato bassus book burden cantus cantus figuratus cantus planus chorus continuo contralto couplet descant distich drone envoi epode figured bass ground bass heptastich hexastich lay line measure melodia melodic line melody monostich note octastich octave octet ottava rima part pentastich plain chant plain song prick song quatrain refrain rhyme royal septet sestet sextet solo solo part song soprano soprano part stanza stave strain strophe syllable tenor tercet terza rima tetrastich thorough bass treble triplet tristich tune undersong verse voice voice part |