1. (n.) A number of lines forming a division of a song or poem\, and agreeing in meter, rhyme, number of lines, etc., with other divisions; a part of a poem, ordinarily containing every variation of measure in that poem; a combination or arrangement of lines usually recurring; whether like or unlike, in measure.

2. (n.) An apartment or division in a building; a room or chamber.

Spenserian stanza anacrusis antistrophe bass passage book bourdon bridge burden cadence canto chorus coda couplet development distich division envoi epode exposition figure folderol harmonic close heptastich hexastich interlude intermezzo introductory phrase line measure monostich movement musical phrase musical sentence octastich octave octet ornament ottava rima part passage pentastich period phrase quatrain refrain resolution response rhyme royal ritornello section septet sestet sextet statement stave strain strophe syllable tailpiece tercet terza rima tetrastich triplet tristich tutti tutti passage variation verse


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