{acquisition} ac-qui-si´tion of the property
{pasteurized} pas´teur-ized milk
{coercion} co-er´cion by the Powers
{classicism} clas´si-cism of the poet
{chivalry} chiv´al-ry of the knight
{chiffonier} chif-fo-nier´ made of oak
{chaperon} chap´er-on the young couple
{modal} mo´dal form of verb
{model} mod´el of the machine
{catastrophe} cat-as´tro-phe on the railroad
{cashmere} cash´mere dress
{celery} cel´er-y for dinner
{catarrh} ca-tarrh´ of the throat
{determine} de-ter´mine his meaning
{discourage} dis-cour´age his efforts
{diagramming} di´a-gram-ming the sentence
{isolated} is´o-la-ted on an island
{lessee} les-see´ paid his rent
{legend} leg´end of "Sleepy Hollow"
{legion} le´gion of soldiers
{league} league of baseball teams
{moisture} mois´ture in the atmosphere
{molecules} mol´e-cules of elements
{monarchy} mon´arch-y ruled by a king
{machine} ma-chine´ for making shoes



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