{persecuted} per´se-cu-ted the Christians
{pieces} pie´ces of glass
{poured} poured the water
{picture} pic´ture of his home
{precise} pre-cise´ moment
{piazza} pi-az´za of the house
{petroleum} pe-tro´le-um cream
{patriotic} pa-tri-ot´ic citizen
{swords} swords for fighting
{sacrifice} sac´ri-fice his honor
{salmon} salm´on from the river
{salve} salve on the wound
{sapphire} sap´phire and diamond ring
{satisfactorily} sat-is-fac´to-ri-ly explained
{saving} sav´ing his money
{scarred} scarred in a fight for life
{scenery} sce´ner-y in Colorado
{scholar} schol´ar in the university
{achieve} a-chieve´ great renown
{annuity} an-nu´i-ty paid to him
{admitted} ad-mit´ted his guilt
{admittance} ad-mit´tance to the lodge
{acetic} a-cet´ic acid in the bottle
{academy} a-cad´e-my of science
{accountant} ac-count´ant to examine the books



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