{modern} | mod´ern fashions | {possible} | pos´si-ble to do it | {poplar} | pop´lar tree | {popular} | pop´u-lar song | {political} | po-lit´i-cal speech | {peculiarity} | pe-cu-li-ar´i-ty of the man | {papacy} | pa´pa-cy at Rome | {paging} | pag´ing the book | {physics} | phys´ics studied in school | {ruffian} | ruf´fi-an attacked him | {rectangle} | rect´an-gle is a quadrilateral | {sandwiches} | sand´wich-es made of ham | {sacrilegious} | sac-ri-le´gious speech | {sacrilege} | sac´ri-lege against the church | {sincere} | sin-cere´ friend | {scheme} | scheme to make money | {accustomed} | ac-cus´tomed to hard work | {allegory} | al´le-go-ry of "Pilgrim's Progress" | {allowed} | al-lowed´ him his expenses | {ally} | al-ly´ of the English | {assassin} | as-sas´sin of McKinley | {assault} | as-sault´ and battery | {ambassador} | am-bas´sa-dor to France | {attention} | at-ten´tion to the lesson | {aluminum} | a-lu´mi-num cooking utensils |