COFFEE I. As Prepared By Maria Parloa. COFFEE II. As Prepared by Marion Harland. COFFEE III. Two Ways with Coffee, as Described by Mrs. Helen Campbell. COFFEE IV. As prepared by Juliet Corson. COFFEE VI. A Cup of Good Coffee, as Described and Prepared by Catherine Owen. THE STORY OF COFFEE. Its History, Properties and Powers, as described by Hester M. Poole. A FEW FACTS ABOUT GOOD COFFEE. ———FOR——— Count Rumford Horsford's title ACID PHOSPHATE. A liquid preparation of the phosphates and phosphoric acid. Recommended by physicians. It makes a delicious drink. Invigorating and strengthening. Pamphlet free. For sale by all dealers. RUMFORD CHEMICAL WORKS, Providence, R. I. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Finest Tone. Best Work and EMERSON More than 45,000 Sold. Every
THESE ARE SOLID FACTS. Ridge's Food For Infants and Invalids It is undoubtedly true that more children have been successfully reared by the use of Ridge's Food than by the use of all the other foods combined. Do not experiment with your child, but take the food that has stood the test of time. [The following is a nurse's experience in one of Boston's best families; few can boast of bringing up five children in a single family. It speaks well for both the nurse and the food.] Boston, June 16, 1886. Messrs. Woolrich & Co. Gentlemen,—I feel it my duty to write and tell you my experience with Ridge's Food. When I first began to use it I expected, of course, to obtain some benefit, but was not prepared for such wonderful results. Instead of the babe being feeble, cross and sickly, it was well and hearty all the time. I thought at first it must be because it was that kind of a baby, but now I have brought up five babies on it, and my experience is the same with all. They are all well and hearty, there is never any fear for sickness, you can sleep all night, and I know it is the food that does it. I think every mother ought to know about this, and there would not be any more fretful, cross and sickly babies. Very truly, Mary Monohan. Wellsville, O., Oct. 16, '84. Woolrich & Co. I had long tried to procure, for a pair of twins in my practice, a food that would not acidulate; also, one which the babes would not reject after a few meals. I am happy to say that Ridge's Food has fulfilled these conditions perfectly. Respy., Dr. J. R. Hooper. Camden, N. J., Aug. 31, '83. Messrs. Woolrich & Co. Sirs,—I am selling more of Ridge's Food, and it gives better satisfaction, than any other food I have handled for twenty-five years. Please send some advertising matter for distribution. Respectfully, Send to Woolrich & Co., Palmer, Mass., for pamphlet, entitled Mention this Pamphlet. Every Woman wishes to be Beautiful, and desires to have a Clear, Transparent, Soft, and Healthy Skin. Many use cosmetics, in a vain hope to produce this effect, some few foolish ones make their skin death-looking by taking arsenic. All may have a Beautiful, Rosy, Soft and Healthy Skin if they enrich the blood and feed the brain and nerves with VITALIZED PHOSPHITES. This is not a medicine, it is a Special Food to enrich the blood and feed the brain and nerves. It cures Nervousness, Debility and Headache, gives bright, new life and health, and produces sleep without the injurious effects of Opium and Drugs. Crosby's Vitalized Phosphates title 56 W. 25th, St., N. Y. For sale by Druggists or sent by mail $1. SIX CUPS OF COFFEE.PREPARED FOR THE PUBLIC PALATE Maria Parloa, Catherine Owen, Marion Harland, Juliet Corson, two pots of coffee APPETIZING, AROMATIC, HEALTHFUL. Copyright, 1887. |