I INFORMATION regarding the making of good coffee is worthless unless the roasted coffee bean is at the outset of good value itself. The larger percentage of roasted coffee sold by the average retailer is inferior. The crude and ignorant manner in which roasted coffees are handled by the small dealers is of itself sufficient to depreciate and almost destroy the good that is in any coffee; and, to meet this emergency, the Schnull-Krag Coffee Co., of Indianapolis, Ind., adopted a patent can from which their coffees are sold. These cans are sealed as soon as the coffee is placed in them, and, by the intervention of a trap on the inside of the can, refilling is prevented except at their mills. To further protect the consumer a strip of heavy paper is fastened across the cap, or top, of the can, the removal of which becomes evidence of an attempt at tampering with the contents. The coffee placed in these cans comes hot from the coolers at the mills, and is, therefore, fresh and fragrant, and no portion of the aroma is allowed to escape. These patent cans guard jealously the rights of the consumer, and all lovers of good coffee should see that they get their supplies from these cans. The Schnull-Krag Coffee Co. has its own secrets of so mixing and blending coffee as to get results which have never been paralleled. Prof. William E. S. Fales, analytical chemist, of New York, pronounces the fine coffees roasted and sold by the Schnull-Krag Coffee Company not only the peer, but the giant of all roasted coffees. The leading brands roasted by this company are "Windsor, Mocha, and Java," and "Our Best Java," and every customer failing to find these goods with their dealer should insist, for their own happiness, comfort, and economy, that they order them from the company. The price is never above that of inferior goods, and the coffees are so boxed or crated that shipment is safe to all quarters of the globe. No dealer need excuse himself. He can get these coffees if he so wills it. Insist upon having them. WHEN the foregoing papers were written by the famous authorities on cooking, the Q. Q. common sense condensing coffee pot had not yet been shown to the public, the inventor prudently desiring to give it a rigid trial before claiming for it marvelous possibilities. It is now known that the whole field of invention in coffee pots has nothing which ever created the interest and captured the housekeepers affections as has the Q. Q. Had Mrs. Harland or Miss Parloa, or either of the contributors to this book been advised of the existence of this at once practical, reliable and common sense coffee pot they would have given it the priority over all other methods of coffee making. How do we know this? How do you know that you would prefer a glass of pure crystal spring water to a drink of Missouri river water? How do we know that a gas jet is preferable to a tallow dip? So do we easily reckon where the remarkable work of the Q. Q. coffee pot would place it in the opinions of all good housekeepers. "A DREAM OF PERSIA." THE AR-MO-JA COFFEE, (Powdered.) Sold only in one and three pound cans. Full weight. Ar-mo-ja is powdered from the purest importations of the highest grade coffees. It is economical, convenient and wholesome. Being packed as soon as roasted and pulverized, in air-tight cans, it will retain its strength and exquisite aroma for any length of time, and in any climate. For sale by all first-class grocers. Should you fail to find it with your grocer, have him order a case. Ar-mo-ja and the Q. Q. Coffee Pot make a partnership giving unexampled results. THE SCHNULL-KRAG COFFEE CO., Handsome Neckwear for Men and Boys Linene Collars and Cuffs title HOUSEWIVES who desire to have their Husbands and Boys look their best, should make note: The "Linene" Goods
We desire EVERYBODY to give these goods a FAIR TRIAL, and will send to any address a sample Collar and pair of Cuffs, on receipt of SIX CENTS. (Name Size.) Please send for our Illustrated Catalogue (free), which gives full particulars as to styles and varieties. Ten Collars, or Five pairs of Cuffs, sold at stores for 25 cents. right indexCollars and Cuffs for Ladies, both White and Percale. REVERSIBLE COLLAR COMPANY, THE DANGLER Vapor Cook Stove The Housekeeper's Delight These celebrated labor saving and economical Cook Stoves are rapidly going into general use. They will Bake, Roast, and Heat Irons Quicker and Better than either the coal or wood stoves or range; and no kindling wood or coal to carry, no ashes, dust or dirt. Be sure and inquire of your dealer for The Dangler Non-Explosive Vapor Cook Stove. For circulars and catalogue address THE DANGLER STOVE AND MFG. CO., The All Right Steam Heater. steam heater THESE HEATERS ARE GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS AGAINST ARE RELIABLE, ECONOMICAL AND EFFICIENT. Contains all that any good apparatus does, and the price is below CIRCULARS SENT ON APPLICATION TO
The proprietor of Phenol Dentifrice recommends it to the notice of those not already acquainted with its long established merits. This preparation which has been in the highest repute since its introduction in 1870, and sold to the dental profession throughout the United States by the leading Dental Depots, is a scientific combination of the finest materials, so united chemically as to insure the greatest efficiency and the best possible results upon the MOUTH, TEETH and GUMS.
As a TOOTH POWDER for general use, by old and young it stands unrivalled. On receipt of 35 c. a ¼ lb. can; of 50 c. a ½ lb. can; of $1 a 1 lb. can will be sent post paid, to any address. S. L. GEER, DENTIST, 59 BROADWAY, NORWICH CONN.
WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING requires no brush to polish; gives a brilliant finish; preserves the leather and is suitable alike for Ladies' French Kid Shoes and Men's Calf Boots; in fact, all leather. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, PHILADELPHIA.
For Restoring Grained Wood-Work To Its Original Beauty, Or Renewing Wall Paper. Can also be used for painting expensive Lincrusta Walton, and will add greatly to its beauty. Will make Imitation Stained Glass as clear as colored glass itself. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULARS. SAMPLE BOTTLE BY MAIL 35 CTS. BURNETT'S PERFECTLY PURE Standard Flavoring HIGHLY CONCENTRATED EXTRACTS Thoughtful people should read the testimonial below. Joseph Burnett & Co., Boston: Gentlemen,—I have used your Extracts for years, knowing them the best to be found in the market. MARIA PARLOA. With Thousands of Others of Same Import. Burnett's Coffee Clearer. A WOMAN'S INVENTION. A patented combination of At a daily expense of less than (½) one-half a cent per family. A superior article for settling Coffee, meeting with great success. If your grocer has not got it send 12 cents for full sized package by mail, to JOSEPH BURNETT & CO., "PRIME COFFEE AND GOOD COOKING" Is the remark of those who eat meals served on the gorgeous Dining Cars which run on all through passenger trains between Chicago and Council Bluffs (West), Minneapolis and St. Paul (via the "Famous Albert Lea Route," Northwest), and St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth and Kansas City (Southwest), over the CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Its passenger equipment also includes magnificent Pullman Palace Sleepers, fine Day Coaches and elegant Reclining Chair Cars, and is unequalled in the West, unsurpassed in the world. inside of dining car The "GREAT ROCK ISLAND" is the popular overland thoroughfare and offers a choice of the best routes to Pacific Coast cities, and all intermediate points, making connections in commodious Union Depots. To enjoy the superior facilities, comforts and luxuries of this First-class, Railway, apply to your nearest Coupon Ticket Office for tickets via Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway or Albert Lea Route, and refuse to take any other. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, copies of Western Trail, or any desired information, apply also at Chicago to
Given good browned Coffee it follows that it must be well made, and to do this a good Coffee Pot is essential. The Q. Q. is that pot. DON'T RUN IN A RUT! THE Q. Q. Common Sense Condensing Coffee Pot Patented in America, Canada and Europe. The Result of Experience and Experiments. PRACTICAL, ECONOMICAL, SENSIBLE. THE W. A. KRAG CO., Manuf'rs, Western Office, Indianapolis, Indiana. KINGSFORD'S Oswego Starch For the Table, is Most Delicious, for PUDDINGS, AND IS PERFECTLY PURE. To secure the BEST—the UNADULTERATED ARTICLE, see that the name T. KINGSFORD & SON, Is on Every Box and Every Package. P. D. & Co. Patent Tea or Coffee China Pot Lid Fastener.
It fits any shaped pot, and saves its cost many times over by preventing the breakage of lids and cups. It is made of German Silver and is an ornament to the pot. Every one will appreciate the additional comfort from its use. Per Mail, 20 Cents each. egg beater P. D. & CO. PATENT EGG BEATER. IT FITS INTO ANY SHAPED DISH. It whips up and down into the egg, being just as effective on one egg as more. With all revolving beaters but little of the whipping surface comes into use, the whipper spinning around above the egg, unless enough eggs are used to cover it. TRY IT! Beats ONE EGG in a TEA CUP in 18 Seconds. TEST IT! Beats SIX EGGS in a BOWL in 70 Seconds. PAINE, DIEHL & CO.
AGATE IRON WARE. WORKS OF THE LALANCE & GROSJEAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY EXTRACT FROM AN EDITORIAL "Those who use the AGATE IRON WARE, patented and made by this firm, need no recommendation of it. Eminent chemists certify to its safety, durability, and cleanliness of the materials employed in its composition. The shapes are unusually graceful for household and kitchen utensils. It is easily kept clean; is light, strong, and pleasing to the sight by contrast with the black Iron and dim or rusty Tins. After several years' trial and thorough satisfaction with this ware, editorial attestation to its excellence is an act of simple justice to the manufacturers. It is given in hope that others may share the comfort and pleasure attendant upon its use." For Candy Making
ANDES STOVES AND RANGES THEY ARE THE BEST. MANUFACTURED BY HUNTER'S ROTARY FLOUR And MEAL SIFTERS. MANUFACTURED BY FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS. A COMPLETE FAMILY OIL TANK AND LAMP FILLER COMBINED. KEROSENE CANS PATENTED. ALL WARRANTED. These Oil Cans are made of WOOD, with the inner surface so prepared as to be perfectly impervious to Kerosene or other Oils. They are fitted with Nickel-plated Compression Faucets and Vented Fillers. They are absolutely free from Leak, Sweat or Odor. Lamps can be filled direct from the Faucets, thus rendering them the Safest, Neatest and most Convenient Oil Can for Family Use. Beware of Infringements. MANUFACTURED BYTHE IMPERVIOUS PACKAGE CO., KEENE, N. H. WASTE EMBROIDERY SILK Factory Ends at half price; one ounce in a box—all good Silk and good colors. Sent by mail on receipt of 40 cents. 100 Crazy Stitches in each package. Send Postal note or Stamps to THE BRAINERD & ARMSTRONG SPOOL SILK CO., 621 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. or 469 Broadway, New York. right index For the names and addresses of 10 ladies interested in Art Needlework, we will send our new book "Art Needlework," free. The Brainerd & Armstrong Spool Silk Co., Books for Every Housekeeper. By MARIA PARLOA. First Principles of Household Management and Cookery. A Text-Book for Schools and Families. 18mo, New Edition enlarged. Flexible cloth, 75 cents. By MRS. A. D. T. WHITNEY. Just How: A Key to the Cook-Books. 16mo, $1.00. Of all the American cook-books we know, Mrs. Whitney's is the very best.—"H.H." in Denver Tribune. By CATHERINE OWEN. Ten Dollars Enough, Keeping House Well on Ten Dollars a Week, How it has been Done, How it may be Done Again. 16mo, $1.00. ? For sale by all Booksellers. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price by the Publishers. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY, MRS. E. M. VanBRUNT'S DRESS REFORM PARLORS, 39 E. 19th STREET, NEW YORK.
BATES' WAISTS (waist) CORDED WAISTS, For all ages, "Breakfast Corsets," Dress Forms, Stocking Supporters, Abdominal Bandages, Sanitary Towels, Bustles, etc., made of best material. Corsets for Equestriennes, Corselettes for Sea Shore Bathers. Send for Dress Reform Quarterly. THE BOSTON COOK BOOK, By MRS. D. A. LINCOLN, is the best Cook Book in the World. Nearly 600 pages, 50 illustrations, price $2.00. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price by the publishers, ROBERTS BROTHERS, Boston. Good Housekeeping Series of Household Books. PERFECT BREAD. Fifty Recipes for Making Breads of all kinds, the Preparation of Yeast, and Instructions, which, if duly followed, will enable any housewife to be sure of always having Perfect Bread. Postpaid on receipt of Twenty-Five Cents. A KEY TO COOKING. Of which the author, Catherine Owen, says, "I do not think anything I shall ever be able to write will be more valuable to the inexperienced cook than this book." Sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price, Twenty-Five Cents. LESSONS IN CANDY MAKING. The very popular Series of Catherine Owen's papers on Candy Making at Home, recently published in Good Housekeeping, are now re-published in book form. Sent postpaid for Fifty Cents. "SIX CUPS OF COFFEE." By Maria Parloa, Catherine Owen, Marion Harland, Juliet Corson, Mrs. Helen Campbell, Mrs. D. A. Lincoln. A book of greater value to housekeepers than anything of the kind ever before published. Sent postpaid on receipt of Twenty-Five Cents. We will send these Four Books for $1. Others of this series in preparation are: "Progressive Housekeeping." "In the Sick Room." CLARK W. BRYAN & CO., Publishers. Good Housekeeping A FAMILY JOURNAL. Good Housekeeping Bill of Fare. The Fortnightly Bill of Fare of Good Housekeeping has heretofore been enriched by contributions from some of the most noted and practical writers on household subjects, and new ones are being constantly added to the already largely extended list, which now contains the names of: Marion Harland, Maria Parloa, Catherine Owen, Juliet Corson, Rose Terry Cook, Mary E. Dewey, Margaret Sidney, Hester M. Poole, Lucretia P. Hale, Elisabeth Robinson Scovil, Mrs. D. H. R. Goodale, Dora Read Goodale, Anna L. Dawes, Ellen Bliss Hooker, Anna Barrows, Margaret Eytinge, Helen Campbell, H. Annette Poole, Emma P. Ewing, Ruth Hall, Carrie W. Bronson, Mrs. H. M. Plunkett, Elizabeth M. Griswold, Adelaide Preston, Pauline Adelaide Hardy, Henrietta Davis, Georgia A. Peck, Emily A. Brownell, Helen Chase, Mary Stuart Smith, Kate Tannatt Woods, Mary Winchester, Mrs. Fanny A. Benson, Carlotta Perry, Julia H. May, Sarah DeWolf Gamwell, Clarissa Potter, Mrs. C. S. Fox, May Kingston, Nellie F. Burnham, May Riley Smith, Anne Aldworth, Florence B. Hallowell, Mary Clark Huntington, Olive E. Dana, Emma W. Babcock, Marion Foster Washburne, Mary B. Sleight, Olivia Lovell Wilson, Mrs. Lewis Swift, Helen Whitney Clark, Frances B. James, England, Marie Gozzaldi, Lugano, Switzerland, E. C. Gardner, Milton Bradley, Dr. F. M. Hexamer, William Paul Gerhard, John Wentworth, Zenas Dane, Edgar L. Wakeman, Frank H. Stauffer, and scores of other famed writers on matters pertaining to the interests of the Higher Life of the Household in the Homes of the World. SAMPLE COPY 10 CENTS. Clark W. Bryan & Co., Publishers, MARK YOUR LINEN YOURSELF! PAYSON'S indelible INK With a Common Pen, without a preparation. THE OLDEST. {Established over 50 years} THE BEST. PAYSON'S INDELIBLE INK, for Marking Linen, Silk & Cotton WITH A COMMON PEN, Without a Preparation. EST 1815 A single letter or number even, will save time and confusion in sorting the family linen. Don't waste patience and money, trying the so called cheaper inks, or leave your articles to be disfigured and injured by laundrymen. Sold by all Book, Drug and Fancy Goods stores. ESTABLISHED, 1801 BENT & CO.'S Celebrated Hand-made WATER CRACKERS BENT & CO'S HAND MADE WATER CRACKERS GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PURE. Recommended by Eminent Physicians both sides the Atlantic. Get only the genuine, which bear the stamp of the makers. For more than four-score years the Crackers have been unequalled for excellence and their superior keeping qualities. They are sold by first-class grocers everywhere. BENT & CO., Milton, Mass. ![]() "Wait a moment, please, while I step in and order a package of Schnull-Krag's Windsor Mocha and Java Coffee. You know we are always sure of having a good cup of coffee when we use the Windsor." Transcriber's Notes: Obvious punctuation errors repaired. Page 33, repeated word "may" removed from text. Original read (coffee you may may make a) Page 42, "poision" changed to "poison" (to take slow poison) Page 56, "TOOH" changed to "TOOTH" (As a TOOTH POWDER for) Page 68, "SAFTY" changed to "SAFETY" (IMPERVIOUS SAFETY OIL) Page 69, "Enongh" changed to "Enough" (Dollars Enough, Keeping House) |