
Accounts of the capture and occupancy of Manila, and contemporaneous events, will be found in the following:

1. Vivar, Pedro del, O.S.A.RelaciÓn de los alzamientos de la ciudad de Vigan, cabecera de la provincia de Ilocos, en los aÑos de 1762 y 1763. Composed in 1764; published as part of vol. iv, of Biblioteca HistÓrica Filipina. An account of the insurrections of Diego SilÁn and NicolÁs CariÑo.

2. Castro, Agustin Maria de, O.S.A.ReseÑa sobre la guerra de los ingleses ca. 1765. MS. in Augustinian archives, Manila; and a copy of which is owned by Eduardo Navarro, O.S.A., at Valladolid. Cited by Montero y Vidal, and by PÉrez (CatÁlogo).

3. Le Gentil de la GalaisiÈre, Guillaume Joseph Hyacinthe Jean Baptiste.—Voyage dons les mers de l’Inde (Paris, 1779–1781), ii, chapter ii, articles xvii and xviii, pp. 230–275. This book contains the Journal of Archbishop Rojo concerning the siege. Le Gentil criticises the method of the British operations; and influenced by his friendship for Rojo’s nephew passes a severe criticism on Anda, which has caused him in turn to be criticised by the Spaniards.

4. Malo de Luque, Eduardo (pseudonym of Duke of Almodovar).—Historia polÍtica de los establecimientos ultramarinos de las naciones europeas (Madrid, 1784–1790), v, chaps. ix, and x, pp. 234–310. Contains many of the original documents and letters connected with the conquest period.

5. Martinez de ZÚÑiga, Joaquin, O.S.A.Historia de las Islas Philipinas (Sampaloc, 1803), chaps. xxxiii-xxxvii, pp. 601–687. Treats of siege, capture, insurrections, operations of Anda, and the peace.

6. Mas, Sinibaldo de.—Informe sobre el estado de las islas Filipinas (Madrid, 1843), i, no. 2. Uses preceding authorities largely.

7. Buzeta, Manuel, O.S.A., and Bravo, Felipe, O.S.A.Diccionario (Madrid, 1850), ii, pp. 289–291. A very short and unsatisfactory account.

8. Ferrando, Juan, O.P.Historia de los PP. Dominicos en las islas Filipinas (Madrid, 1871), iv, chaps. viii–x, pp. 611–742; v, chap. i, pp. 1–25. Contains Dominican history and general account of the conquest, etc.

9. Montero y Vidal, JosÉ.—Historia general de Filipinas, ii, chaps. i–iii, and part of iv, pp. 7–119; and portion of appendix, where he gives various documents of conquest period. Uses foregoing freely.

10. Jordan de Urries, Pedro, marquÉs de Ayerbe.—Sitio y conquista de Manila por los Ingleses en 1762 (Zaragoza, 1897). Based on ordinary authorities, and especially on an unpublished MS. written by Alfonso RodrÍguez de Ovalle, to the marquÉs de Cruillas, ancestor of the marquÉs de Ayerbe, which is conserved in the library of the latter. Ovalle sailed on the “Santa Rosa” with royal despatches notifying the city of Manila of the treaty of peace between Spain and England. While in the Philippines, he wrote a minute journal, accompanying it with plans and statistics, of the late events in Manila and the provinces. The dates of this journal are September 13, 1762-March 13, 1764.

11. Diez Aguado, Manuel, O.S.A.Biografia del P. AgustÍn Ma. de Castro, Agustino (Barcelona, 1902). This contains a short account of the siege and capture of Manila. It is drawn in large part from Augustinian sources. The author has had the benefit also of manuscript material possessed by Augustinian friars in his convent at Valladolid, some of which manuscripts were written by Castro.1

12. War Department.—Annual Report, 1903 (Washington, 1903), iii, appendix ix, pp. 435–454. Part i, Historical sketch of the walls of Manila, compiled and written under direction of various U. S. military officers. Part ii, translation of chapter ii, of no. 10, by Capt. A. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry; rather free translation. Contains many half-tone reproductions of Manila walls and fortifications.

13. MSS. in the Archivo general de EspaÑa, at Simancas; estado 6958.—Concerning the capture, sack, capitulation, and surrender of Manila, the propositions of the English, its recovery, etc.; 1762–1765. This contains also the documents regarding the capture of the “Santissima Trinidad.” This legajo contains much correspondence from the Spanish minister in England; and a number of letters written in English. Legajo 6954 is dated “London, 23 de Sept. 1763;” and treats of the restitution of the Philippines.

1 One of these MSS., entitled Breve noticia de los Religiosos Agustinos Calzados de esta provincia de Filipinas…, and which belongs to Bernardino Hernando, O.S.A., reader in the Valladolid convent, has the following data in regard to the contributions made to the English: “From the royal coffers, 12,469 pesos; from the governor, 6,991; from the cathedral, 9,000 pesos in coined silver, and 33,973 in wrought silver; the church of Quiapo, 716 pesos in wrought silver; that of Ermita, 5,117, ditto; from [the Order] of St. Dominic and tertiary branch, 16,028 in coined silver, and 11,616 in wrought; from the tertiary branch of [the Order of] St. Francis, 58,000 pesos in coined silver, and 970 in wrought; from [the Order of] St. Augustine, 25,556 pesos in coined silver, and 11,025 pesos in wrought silver; from the Society, 40,434 pesos in coined silver, and 8,794 in wrought silver; from the Misericordia, 196,042 pesos, 2 reals, and 4 granos in coined silver; from the minor Ruiz, 1,472 pesos in wrought silver, and 836 of the deposit belonging to Varela: all of which items make a total of 459,420 pesos. The wealthy citizens and families, to wit: Infante, Reyes, Jugo, Villar, SuÁrez, Ocampo, Memije, Varela, Bogan, PiÑÓn, Monteroso, Mazo, Neyra, LizÁrraga, Ruano, Noriega, Castro, Solano, Otal, CasaÑas, Cachit, Mantilla, Barrio, LeÓn y Verdugo—48,777 pesos. The sack amounted to 418,442 pesos. The English seized 25,000 pesos from [the property of] the absent Blanco; from the marquÉs de Monte Castro, 8,000 pesos; from the marquesa de Salinas, 10,000 pesos; in the seizure of San Pablo, the convent of the Calced Augustinian fathers, 60,000 pesos, which were buried, in coined silver, and 40,000 in wrought silver. To all these items must be added 2,000,000 pesos which were charged against his Catholic Majesty’s treasury. The total sum is 3,069,639 pesos.”?


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