The following documents are obtained from the original MSS. in the British Museum: 1. Plan of an expedition.—Jure Empt. 19, 298; Plut. CLII. E. 2. Letter to Lord Anson.—Hardwicke papers; Vol. DL. Navy papers, 1693–1779; Add. 35, 898; fol. 278, 279. 3. Letters to Earl of Egremont (letter of Nov. 1).—East India military letters; Add. 5939; fol. 80 verso—82 verso. The following are taken from Scots Magazine for 1763; from a copy belonging to the library of the Wisconsin Historical Society: 4. Letters to Clevland.—Pp. 232–235. 5. Letters to Earl of Egremont (letter of Nov. 2).—Pp. 225–227; the third set of “Proposals” are taken from Draper’s A plain narrative (pp. 27–30). 6. Draper’s Journal.—Pp. 227–232. One document is from Le Gentil’s Voyage, from a copy belonging to the library of the Wisconsin Historical Society: 7. Rojo’s Journal.—ii, pp. 232–235, 236, 237–239, 241, 242, 243–247, 248–252, 255–259. The following are from MSS. in the Ayer Collection: 8. Anda and the English invasion.—From MS. (copy of 1765), entitled “Documents for the history of the invasion and war with the English in Filipinas, 1762–1764.” 9. Rojo’s narrative.—From original MS., entitled “Operations in Manila.” 10. Synopsis of letter to CÁrlos III.—From Ventura del Arco transcripts, iv, pp. 641–649. 11. Letter to CÁrlos III.—From Ventura del Arco transcripts, iv, pp. 597–620. 12. Synopsis of communications to CÁrlos III.—From Ventura del Arco transcripts, iv, pp. 621–640. The following are from the original MSS. in the Archivo general de Simancas, all bearing pressmark “SecretarÍa de Gracia y Justicia; leg. 691.” 13. Letter to Gonzalez. 14. Letter to Rueda. 15. Letter to Mesquida. One is from two small bound pamphlets belonging to the Ayer Collection: 16. Draper’s defense.—I. A plain narrative (London, 1764?). II. Colonel’s Draper’s answer to the Spanish arguments (London, 1764). 17. References.—Editorial compilation of titles. |