A kat iz sed to hav 9 lives, but i beleaf they dont hav but one square deth. It iz allmost unpossible to tell when a kat iz ded without the aid ov a koroners jury. I hav only one way miself to judge ov a ded kat. If a kat iz killed in the fall ov the year, and thrown over the stun wall into yure nabors lot, and lays thare all winter 187 under a sno bank, and dont thaw out in the spring, and keeps quiet during the summer months, and aint missing when winter sets in agin, I have alwus sed, that, ‘that kat,’ waz ded, or waz playing the thing dredful fine. Speaking ov kats, mi opinyun iz, and will continue to be, that the old-fashioned kaliko-coulered kats iz the best breed for a man ov moderate means, who haint got but little munny to put into kats. They propugate the most intensely, and lay around the stove more regular than the Maltese, or the brindle kind. The yeller kat iz a fair kat, but they ain’t reliable; they are apt tew stay out late nights, and once in a while git on a bad bust. Blak kats hav a way ov gitting on the top ov the wood-house when other folks hav gone tew bed, and singing dewets till their voices spile, and their tails swell till it seems az tho they must split. |