Motorland, September-October, 1955 |
Rocky headland, “The Pinnacle”, at Point Lobos State Park, and the gaunt branches of a Monterey Cypress. MOTORLAND SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 1955 · Vol. LXXVI No. 5 CALIFORNIA STATE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION (AAA) Published bi-monthly by CALIFORNIA STATE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION Officers of the California State Automobile Association Edward H. Peterson | President | A. E. Strong | Vice-President | Fred J. Oehler | Vice-President | Irving H. Kahn | Treasurer | Edwin S. Moore | Secretary and General Manager |
| Board of Directors | Reginald H. Biggs | Walnut Creek | H. J. Brunnier | San Francisco | S. V. Christierson | Salinas | G. A. Filice | Berkeley | Dr. Charles B. Griggs | Oroville | Irving H. Kahn | San Francisco | Joseph R. Knowland | Oakland | J. J. Krohn | Arcata | Harold J. McCurry | Sacramento | Joseph F. McDonald | Reno, Nevada | Fred J. Oehler | San Jose | J. E. O’Neill | Fresno | Obert Pedersen | Santa Rosa | Edward H. Peterson | San Francisco | Clyde W. Rann | Redding | J. B. Rice | San Rafael | Prentiss A. Rowe | San Francisco | Porter Sesnon | San Mateo | A. E. Strong | Santa Cruz | Norman S. West | Modesto | Honorary Life Director | E. B. Degolia | San Francisco | Inter-Insurance Bureau | Executive Committee | Reginald H. Biggs | H. J. Brunnier | Irving H. Kahn | Fred J. Oehler | J. E. O’Neill | Edward H. Peterson | Porter Sesnon | W. Foster Stewart | Manager and Attorney-in-Fact | Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at San Francisco, California, under the act of March 3, 1879. Trade Mark registered October 25, 1911. Subscription, $2.00 per year; single copy, 50 cents. Office of Publication and Editorial Office: 150 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco 2, California. Editor and Manager, Wm. F. Kilcline; Associate Editors, Fred Hamann, John G. Holmgren, Samuel B. Wylie; Editorial Consultant, Arthur M. Johnson; Art Direction, Paul Q. Forster. Copyright 1955 by the California State Automobile Association.