
Long transmission lines should follow the most direct routes between generating and sub-stations as far as practicable. The number of poles, cross-arms, and insulators increases directly with the length of line, and the weight of conductors with the square of that length, other factors remaining equal. Every material deviation from a straight line must therefore be paid for at a rather high rate.

Distribution lines necessarily follow the public streets in order to reach consumers, but the saving of the cost of a private right of way and ease of access are the main considerations which tend to keep transmission lines on streets and highways. Except in very rough or swampy country, the difficulty of access to a pole line on a private right of way is not a serious matter and should be given but little weight. The cost of a private right of way may be more important, and should be compared with the additional cost of the pole line and conductors if erected on the public highway. In this additional cost should be included any items for paving about the poles, extra pins, insulators, and guys made necessary by frequent turns in the highway, and the sums that may be required to secure the necessary franchises. There is also the possible contingency of future legislation as to the voltage that may be maintained on wires located over public streets. These considerations taken together give a strong tendency to the location of long transmission lines on private rights of way, especially where the amount of power involved is great and the voltage very high.

A transmission line 80.3 miles in length recently erected between Rochester and Pelham, N. H., by way of Portsmouth, where the generating station is located, to feed an electric railway system, operates at 13,200 volts and is mainly located on private rights of way. Deeds conveying the easements for this right of way provide that all trees or branches within one rod on either side of the line may be cut away. The transmission line between Niagara Falls and Buffalo, about twenty-three miles long and operating at 22,000 volts, is largely on a private way thirty feet wide.

Fig. 80.—Transmission Line of New Hampshire Traction Company over Hampton River Bridge, 4,623 Feet Long.

For the transmission between CaÑon Ferry and Butte the line is mainly located on a private way. Between Colgate and Oakland the transmission line is mostly on private way, and this is also true of the greater part of some other high-pressure lines in California. These private rights of way range from fifty to several hundred feet wide, it being necessary in forests to cut down all trees that are tall enough to fall onto the wires.

In some cases of transmission at very high voltage two independent pole lines are erected and one or more circuits are then run on each set of poles. This construction has been followed on the transmission line between Niagara Falls and Buffalo, CaÑon Ferry and Butte, Welland Canal and Hamilton, and between Colgate and Oakland. Such double pole lines are more usually located on the same right of way, this being true of the CaÑon Ferry and Colgate systems, but this is not always the case. In the Hamilton system the two lines of poles, one thirty-five miles and the other thirty-seven miles in length, are located several miles apart. The two sets of poles on a part of the Buffalo line are less than thirty feet, on the Colgate line are twenty-five feet, and on the CaÑon Ferry line are forty feet apart.

The main reasons for the use of two pole lines instead of one are the probability that an arc started on one circuit will be communicated to another on the same poles, and the greater ease and safety of repairs when each circuit is on a separate line of poles. On each pole line of the CaÑon Ferry transmission, and also on each pole line of the Colgate transmission, there is only one three-wire circuit. On the CaÑon Ferry line each wire of the two circuits has a cross-section of only 106,500 circular mils, and on the Colgate line one circuit is of 133,225 circular mils wire and the other circuit is of 211,600 circular mils cable. In contrast with these figures the line of the Standard Electric Company between Electra and Mission San JosÉ, a distance of ninety-nine miles, is made up of only three conductors, each being an aluminum cable of 471,034 circular mils section. Inductance increases with the frequency of the current in a conductor, and in each of the three systems just considered the frequency is sixty cycles per second.

The use of one circuit of larger wire instead of two circuits of smaller wire has the obvious advantage of greater mechanical strength in each conductor, saves the cost of one pole line and of the erection of the second circuit. With voltages above 40,000 to 50,000 on long transmission lines there is a large loss of energy by leakage directly through the air from wire to wire. To keep this loss within desirable limits it may be necessary to give each wire of a circuit a greater distance from the others of the same circuit than can readily be had if all the wires of each circuit are mounted on one line of poles. If there is only one three-wire circuit to be provided for, three lines of poles or two lines with a long crosspiece between them may be set with any desired distance between the lines so that the leakage through the air with one wire on each pole will be reduced to a small quantity. On a line built in this way it would be practically impossible for an arc to start between the wires by any of the usual means.

Distances from pole to pole in the same line vary somewhat with the number, size, and material of the conductors to be carried. On ordinary construction in a straight line poles are often spaced from 100 to 110 feet apart—that is, about fifty poles per mile. On curves and near corners the spacing of poles should be shorter. Poles for the 80.3 miles, mentioned in New Hampshire, are regularly located 100 feet apart. Of the two pole lines between Niagara Falls and Buffalo, the older was designed to carry twelve copper cables of 350,000 circular mils each, and its poles were spaced only 70 feet apart. The newer line is designed to carry six aluminum cables of 500,000 circular mils each and its poles are 140 feet apart. Poles in each of the lines between CaÑon Ferry and Butte are regularly spaced 110 feet apart and each pole carries three copper cables of 106,500 circular mils.

Fig. 81.—Chambly-Montreal Line Crossing the Chambly Canal.

Fig. 82.—Special Wooden Structures on Line Between Spier Falls and Schenectady.

The two 142-mile lines between Colgate and Oakland are each made up of poles 132 feet apart, and one line of poles carries the three copper conductors and the other line of poles the aluminum conductors already named. As aluminum wire has only one-half the weight of copper wire of equal conductivity, the length of span between poles carrying aluminum wire may be greater than that where copper is used. Only a part of the strain on poles is due to the weight of wires carried, however. Where a body of water must be crossed, a very long span, with special supports for the wires at each side, may be necessary. A case of this sort was met where the Colgate and Oakland line crosses the Carquinez Straits at a point where the waterway is 3,200 feet wide. It was necessary to have the lowest part of the cables across these straits at least 200 feet above the surface of the water so that vessels with the tallest masts could pass underneath. To secure the necessary elevation for the cables a steel tower was built on each bank of the straits at such a point that the distance between the points for cable support on the two towers is 4,427 feet apart. As the banks rise rapidly from the water level, one steel tower was given a height of only 65 feet, while the height of the other was made 225 feet. Between these two towers four steel cables were suspended, each cable being made up of nineteen strands of galvanized steel wire, having an outside diameter of seven-eighths inch and weighing 7,080 pounds for the span. The breaking strain of each cable is 98,000 pounds, and it has the electrical conductivity of a No. 2 copper wire. The cables are simply supported on the towers by steel rollers, and the pull of each cable, amounting to twelve tons, is taken by an anchorage some distance behind each tower, where the cable terminates. Each anchorage consists of a large block of cement deeply embedded in the ground, and with anchor bolts running through it. Each cable is secured to its anchorage through a series of strain insulators, and the regular line cables of copper and aluminum are connected with the steel cables just outside of the shelter built over the strain insulators of each anchor. Steel cables were used for the long span across the straits because of the great tensile strength that could be had in that metal. This span is, no doubt, the longest and highest that has ever been erected for electrical transmission at high voltage.

Fig. 83.—Special Structure on Line Between Spier Falls and Schenectady.

It has been suggested in one instance that steel towers ninety feet high and 1,000 feet apart be substituted for pole lines and the wires strung from tower to tower. Such construction would increase the difficulty of insulation and would cost more at the start than a line of wooden poles. The question is whether a lower maintenance and depreciation rate for the steel towers would offset their disadvantages compared with poles. Pole lines should be staked out with a transit, and the same instrument can be used to give a perpendicular position to each pole and bring it into line. Wooden poles are used in most cases of high-voltage transmission lines. Iron poles would make it unsafe to work on any circuit carried by them when it was transmitting current at high voltage. With iron poles a defective insulator might lead to the destruction of the conductors at that point through continuous arcing on to the iron.

Fig. 84.—Crossing of Delaware and Hudson Railway Tracks
by 30,000-volt Line at Saratoga, N. Y.

The kinds of wood used for poles vary in different sections of the country. In New England, chestnut poles are a favorite and were used on the 80.3 miles of transmission line mentioned in New Hampshire. Cedar poles are used to some extent in nearly all parts of the country, including Canada. Spruce and pine poles are employed to some extent, especially in lengths of more than fifty feet. In the Rocky Mountain region and in California round cedar poles from the forests of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho are much used. Sawed redwood poles from the trunks of large trees were erected on the 147-mile line between Electra power-house and San Francisco. For the Colgate and Oakland line Oregon cedar poles were selected, and the transmission between CaÑon Ferry and Butte was carried out with cedar poles from Idaho. For transmission circuits it is far more important at most points to have poles very strong rather than very long. Where wires or obstructions must be crossed by the high-voltage circuits the poles should be long enough to carry these circuits well above everything else. In the open country, where no obstructions are to be avoided, it does not pay to use poles with a length greater than thirty-five feet.

Fig. 85.—Pole Line from Spier Falls over Mount McGregor.

Short poles offer less surface to the wind, the length of the lever through which wind pressure acts to break the pole at the ground decreases with the length of pole, and the shorter the poles the smaller is the strain on struts and guy wires. If poles are only thirty or thirty-five feet long, they may be large in diameter without excessive cost. As a rule, no pole should be used with a top less than seven inches in diameter, and a pole with this top should not be required to carry more than three wires. A pole with seven- or eight-inch top and thirty feet long should measure not less than twelve inches in diameter at the butt. For longer poles the diameters at the butt should increase up to at least eighteen inches for a round pole sixty feet long.

In the New Hampshire transmission above named the standard length of poles is thirty-five feet. On the line between CaÑon Ferry and Butte the poles range from thirty-five to ninety feet in length. The round cedar poles used in the Colgate and Oakland line range from twenty-five to sixty feet in length, from eight to twelve inches diameter at the top, and from twelve to eighteen inches diameter at the butt. On the line between Electra and San Francisco the square-sawed redwood poles are reported to have the following dimensions, in a paper read at the annual convention of Edison Illuminating Companies in 1902.

35 7 × 7 12 × 12 5 .5
40 8 × 8 13 1/2 × 13 1/2 6
45 9 × 9 15 × 15 6 .5
50 10 × 10 16 × 16 7
60 11 × 11 17 × 17 8

The relative dimensions of these poles are of interest because, being sawed from the trunks of large trees, they could have any desired measurements at the tops and butts. These poles, over the greater part of the line, carried the three aluminum cables of 471,034 circular mils each, previously mentioned. Depth to which poles are set in the ground ranges from about five feet for twenty-five- or thirty-foot poles to eight feet for poles sixty feet long. In locations where the soil is very soft or where poles must resist heavy strains the stability of each pole may be much increased by digging the hole two feet or more larger in diameter than the butt of the pole, and then filling in cement concrete—one part, by measure, of Portland cement, three of sand and five of broken stone—all around the butt of the pole after it is in the hole. The butts of poles up to a point one foot or more above the ground line are frequently treated with hot tar, pitch, asphalt, or carbolineum before the poles are erected, and in Salt Lake City salt is said to be used around pole butts after they are in the hole.

In some cases the poles of transmission lines are painted over their entire length. Pole tops should always be pointed or wedge-shaped, to shed water, and paint or tar should be applied to these tops. In some cases poles are filled with crude petroleum or other preservative compound in iron retorts, where moisture is withdrawn from the pole by exhausting the air, and then, after treatment with dry steam, the poles have the compound forced into them by hydraulic pressure.

In favorable soils cedar poles may remain fairly sound for twenty years, chestnut poles more than one-half of that time, and spruce and pine about five years. Poles up to forty feet in length may be readily set with pike poles, but when they are much longer than this a derrick will save time and labor. A derrick should have a little more than one-half the length of the poles to be set.

Fig. 86.—Chambly-Montreal Line Crossing the Richelieu River.

Poles should be guyed or braced at all points where there are material changes in the direction of the line, and on long straight stretches about every fifth pole should be guyed or braced in both directions to prevent the poles setting back when the line wire is cut or broken at any point. Where there is room for wooden struts, as on a private right of way, they should be used instead of guys because of their more substantial character and the higher security of insulation thus obtained. Ordinary strain insulators cannot be relied on with lines that operate at very high voltages, and where guys must be used a timber four by six inches and ten to twenty feet long may have the guy twisted about each end of it and be used as a strain insulator. A guy or strut should come well up under the lower cross-arm on a pole to avoid breaking of the pole at the point of attachment.

Where poles have heavy circuits and several cross-arms each it is sometimes desirable to attach a guy or strut beneath the lowest arm and also a guy close to the pole top. Galvanized iron or steel wire is the material best suited for guys, and the cable form has greater strength and is more flexible than solid wire.

Fig. 87.—Cross-arms and Insulators on the Line Between the Chambly Plant and Montreal.

On the transmission line between Electra and San Francisco, which is intended to operate at 60,000 volts, the use of guys has been mostly avoided and struts employed instead. Where a guy had to be used, a strain insulator of wood six by six inches and twenty feet long was inserted in it.

The number and spacing of cross-arms on the poles of transmission lines are regulated by the number of circuits that each pole must carry and by the desired distance apart of the wires. Formerly it was common to carry two or more circuits on a single line of poles, but now a frequent practice is to give each pole line only one circuit and each pole only one cross-arm, except that a small cross-arm for a telephone circuit is placed some feet below the power wires. With only one transmission circuit per pole line, one wire is usually placed at the top of the pole and the other two wires at opposite ends of the single cross-arm. The older pole line for the transmission between Niagara Falls and Buffalo carried two cross-arms per pole for the power wires, these cross-arms being two feet apart. Each cross-arm was of yellow pine, twelve feet long, four by six inches in section, and intended to carry four three-wire circuits, but only two circuits have been erected on these two cross-arms. On the later pole line for this same transmission each pole carries two cross-arms, the upper intended for four and the lower cross-arm for two wires, so that one three-wire circuit may be strung on each side of the poles, two wires on the upper and one on the lower arm in the form of an equilateral triangle. The pole lines between CaÑon Ferry and Butte, Colgate and Oakland, and Electra and San Francisco all have only one cross-arm for power wires per pole, and the third wire of the circuit in each case is mounted at the top of the pole so that the three conductors are at the corners of an equilateral triangle.

This relative position of the conductors makes it easy to transpose them as often as desired. On the line from CaÑon Ferry to Butte the cross-arms are each eight feet long with two holes for pins seventy-eight inches apart, and are attached to the pole five feet ten and one-half inches from the top. Gains for cross-arms should be cut from one to two inches deep in poles before they are raised, and one hole for three-quarters or seven-eighths-inch bolt should be bored through the centre of the cross-arm and of the pole at the gain. Each cross-arm should be attached to the pole by a single bolt passing entirely through the pole and cross-arm with a washer about three inches in diameter next to the cross-arm. One large through bolt weakens the pole and arm less than two smaller bolts or lag-screws, and the arm can be more easily replaced if there is only one bolt to remove. Alternate poles in a line should have their cross-arms bolted on opposite sides, and at corners double arms should be used.

Yellow pine is a favorite wood for cross-arms, though other varieties are also used. The large, long pins necessary on high voltage lines tend to increase the sectional area of cross-arms, and a section less than five and one-half by four and one-half inches is seldom desirable. On the line between Electra and San Francisco, which carries the three aluminum cables of 471,034 circular mils each, the cross-arms of Oregon pine have a section of six by six inches each. Standard dimensions of some smaller cross-arms are four and three-quarters by three and three-quarters inches, but it may be doubted whether these arms are strong enough for long transmission work. Cross-arms should be surfaced all over and crowned one-quarter to one-half inch on top so as to shed water. After being kiln dried, cross-arms should be boiled in asphaltum or linseed oil to preserve the wood and give it higher insulating properties. Cross-arms longer than five feet should be secured by braces starting at the pole some distance below each arm and extending to points on the arm about half-way between the pole and each end of the arm.

Fig. 88.—Tail Race and Pole Line at Chambly, Quebec Power-station.

Each brace may be of flat bar iron about one and one-half by one-quarter inch in section, or the brace for both ends of an arm may be made of a single piece of angle-iron bent into the proper shape. For high-voltage lines it is undesirable to employ iron braces of any sort, since these braces form a path of low resistance that comes much too close to the pins on which the insulators and wires are mounted. Braces formed of hard wood are much better as to insulation, and such braces of maple are in use on the line between Butte and CaÑon Ferry where the voltage is 50,000. Each brace on that line is thirty-six inches long and three inches wide, with one end bolted to the centre of its pole and the other end to the cross-arm twenty-three inches from the pole centre.

The line from Electra has hard-wood braces secured with wood pins.

Wood is the most common material for pins on which to mount the insulators of high-voltage transmission circuits. Iron has been used for pins to some extent, and its use is on the increase. Oak and locust pins are generally used, the latter being stronger and more lasting. In California, pins of eucalyptus wood are much used and are said to be stronger than locust. All wooden pins should be boiled several hours in linseed oil after being well dried. This increases the insulating and lasting properties of the pins.

High-voltage lines require long pins to hold the lower edges of insulators well above the cross-arms, and these pins must be much stronger than those used on ordinary lines, because of the increased leverage of each wire.

A pin twelve inches long over all and having a diameter of one and one-half inches in the part that enters the cross-arm has been much used for transmission circuits, but is much too short and weak for high voltages. On the 50,000-volt line between CaÑon Ferry and Butte the pins are seasoned oak boiled in paraffin. Each of these pins is seventeen and one-half inches long, two and one-half inches in diameter for a length of four and one-half inches in the middle part, two inches in diameter for a length of five and one-half inches that fits into the cross-arm or pole top, and one and one-half inches in diameter at the top of the thread inside of the insulator. These pins hold the outside edges of the insulators nine inches above the tops of cross-arms. Each of these pins is held in its socket by a three-eighths-inch bolt that passes entirely through the pin and the cross-arm or pole top.

On the line between Electra and San Francisco the pins are each sixteen and seven-eighths inches long, two and three-quarters inches in diameter at the largest central part, and two and one-quarter inches in diameter in the lower part, five inches long, that fits into the cross-arm or pole top. One of these pins broke at the shoulder with a pull of 2,200 pounds at the threaded part. Carriage bolts one-half inch in diameter pass through the cross-arm and pin two inches from the top of the arm, and one bolt three inches from the pin on each side. Without these bolts the arms split on test with a pull of 1,200 pounds on the pin, but with the bolts the pin broke as above.


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