
The entrance of transmission lines into generating plants and sub-stations presents special problems in construction and insulation. One of these problems has to do with the mechanical security of each conductor at the point where it passes through the side or roof of the station. Conductors are sometimes attached to the station so that the strain of the line is borne by the side wall where they enter and tends to pull it out of line.

This practice has but little to commend it, aside from convenience, for unless the conductors are rather small, or the wall of the station is unusually heavy, the pull of the former is apt to bulge the latter in the course of time. For any heavy line the end strain is ultimately most suitably taken by an anchor securely fixed. As special insulators must be used where a conductor is secured directly to such an anchor, it is usually more convenient to set one or more heavy poles with double cross-arms at the end of a line, and then to make these poles secure by large struts, or by guys attached to anchors. Extra heavy cross-arms on these end poles should be provided with iron pins for the line insulators; two or more of the insulators mounted in this way within a few feet of each other, for each wire, will stand up against the end strain on almost any line.

Insulators that are to take the end strain of a line in this way should allow attachment of the wire at the side, so that the force exerted by each conductor tends to press the insulator against the side of its pin, rather than to pull off the top of the insulator. The end strain of the line having been taken on poles close to the station, the conductors may be attached to insulators on the wall, the latter thus being subjected to very little mechanical strain.

Overhead lines usually enter a station through one of its side walls, but an entry may be made in the roof. It is desirable to have a side entry on the gable end of a building rather than on a side below the eaves where there will be much dripping of water. If an entry must be made below the eaves, a shelter should be provided above the entry, and the roof of this shelter should have a gutter that will carry water away from the wires.

Entrance of each conductor into a station must be effected in such a way that ample insulation of the circuit will be maintained, and in some cases so that rain, snow, and wind will be excluded. The line voltage and the climate where the station is located thus have an important bearing on the form of entry that is suitable in any particular case.

The simplest form of entry for a high-voltage line is a clear opening, usually circular in form, through the wall of the station for each wire. Insulators for each wire should be provided both inside and outside of the wall to hold the wire at the centre of this opening. Such insulators are usually most conveniently supported by fixtures attached to both sides of the wall, and insulators on the outside should of course be kept in an upright position, unless completely protected from rain and snow.

The diameter of the openings through the wall should be great enough to prevent any visible discharge of current between the wire and wall under the worst conditions of snow, rain, fog, or dust. Such an opening must, therefore, increase in diameter with the voltage of the line. The larger these openings for the line wires, the greater is the opportunity for rain, snow, dust, and cold air to enter the station through them.

Openings may be so protected as to keep out snow and rain by means of shelters on the outside of the wall on which they are placed, but such shelters cannot keep out the cold air. If the openings for the entrance of wires are located in the wall of a room that contains air-blast transformers, the area of openings for circuits of very high voltage may be no greater than is necessary to allow the escape of heated air from the transformers.

The milder the climate, other factors being the same, the higher the voltage of circuits which may enter a station through openings that are free for the movement of air. With circuits of only moderate voltage, say less than 15,000, it is quite practicable to admit wires to a station through perfectly free openings, in the coldest parts of the United States. With voltages of 20,000 to 60,000 it is often necessary, in the colder parts of the country, to close the opening in the wall through which each wire enters with a disc of insulating material.

In order to keep the current leakage over these discs within proper limits, the diameters of the discs must increase with the voltage of the circuit. This increase of disc diameter obviously lengthens the path of leakage current over the disc surface. Where the openings in a wall for the entrance of high-voltage circuits are closed by insulating discs about the wires, these discs may make actual contact with bare wires, or the wire at each entry may have some special insulation.

In the side wall of the sub-station at Manchester, N. H., the entrance of transmission lines from four water-power plants is provided for by circular openings in slate slabs that are built into the brickwork. The transmission circuits from three of the water-power plants operate at 10,000 to 12,000 volts, and the circuit from the fourth plant at about 6,000 volts. Circular openings in the slate slabs are each five inches in diameter, and they are spaced twelve to fifteen inches between centres. A single wire enters through each of these openings and is held at the centre by insulators both inside and outside of the wall. Each wire is bare where it passes through the slate slab, and the circular openings are not closed in any way. The largest wires passing through these five-inch circular openings in the slate slabs are of solid copper, No. 0, of 0.325-inch diameter each.

Before passing through the opening in the slate slabs the wires of these transmission circuits are tied to regular line insulators supported by cross-arms secured to the outside of the brick wall by iron brackets. The point of attachment of each wire to its insulator is about nine inches below the centre of the circular hole by which it enters the sub-station.

This Manchester sub-station is equipped with air-blast transformers from which the hot air is discharged into the same room that the transmission lines enter. Along one side of the sub-station there are twenty-seven of these five-inch circular openings in the slate slabs for entrance of the high-voltage lines, and on another side of the sub-station there are a greater number of smaller openings for the distribution circuits. Were it not for the air-blast transformers, all of these openings would probably admit more air than would be desirable in a climate as cold as that at Manchester.

Another example of openings in the walls of a station for the entrance of transmission circuits, where there is free movement of the air between the inside and outside of the building, is that of the 33,000-volt line between Santa Ana River and Los Angeles, Cal. In this case a sewer pipe twelve inches in diameter is built into the wall of the station for each wire of the line, so that there is a free opening of this size from inside to outside.

Each wire of the 33,000-volt circuit enters the station through the centre of one of these twelve-inch pipes, and is thus surrounded by six inches of air on every side. As the temperature near Los Angeles seldom or never goes down to zero, these large openings do not admit enough air to be objectionable. Besides this mild climate, air-blast transformers add to the favorable features in the stations having the twelve-inch openings.

In another case, however, where the openings for the entrance of wires of very high voltage allow free movement of air between the inside and outside of the station, the climate is cold and the winter temperatures go down to 30° or more below zero. This condition exists on the 25,000-volt line between Apple River Falls and St. Paul, where six No. 2 wires enter the generating station through plain circular openings in the brick side wall of a small extension where the lightning arresters are located. Air-blast transformers are located in the end of the station next to this lightning-arrester house, but it is not certain that the hot air from them escapes through the openings for the wires.

In another case where the climate is about as cold as that just named, a gallery is built along one side of the exterior of the station at some distance above the ground, and two openings are provided for each wire of the high-tension line. One of these two openings is in the horizontal floor of the gallery and allows the entrance of the wire from the outside, and the other opening is in the side wall of the station against which the gallery is built. The two openings for each wire being thus at right angles to each other, and the opening to the outside air being protected from the wind by its horizontal position, no more than a permissible amount of cold air, it is said, finds its way into the station.

In some cases with lines of moderate voltage, say 10,000 to 15,000, and in probably the majority of cases with lines of 25,000 volts or more, the entry for the high-tension wires is entirely closed. An example of this practice may be seen at the various sub-stations of the New Hampshire Traction Company, which are located along their 12,000-volt line between Portsmouth and Pelham, in that State.

For the entry of each wire on these lines a sixteen-inch square opening is made in the brick wall of the sub-station. On the outside of this wall a box is built about a group of three or more of these openings located side by side. The top or roof of this box is formed by a slab of bluestone three inches thick, which is set into the wall and extends twenty-six inches from the face of the wall, with a slight slope from the horizontal.

The ends, the bottom, and the outer side of this box are formed by slabs of slate one inch thick, so that the enclosed space has an area in vertical cross section at right angles to this building 15.5 inches high and twenty-two inches wide.

Fig. 89.—Cable Entering Building.

In the bottom of this box there is a circular opening for each wire, and into this opening fits a heavy glass or porcelain bushing through which the wire passes. After reaching the inside of the box the wire turns at right angles and passes through the sixteen-inch square opening into the sub-station. Beneath the box a special insulator is secured by an iron bracket to the outside of the brick wall for each line wire, and this insulator takes the strain of the wire before it is carried up through the bushing in the bottom of the box. This form of entry is permissible where the desire is to exclude cold air from the station, and where the voltage is not high enough to cause serious leakage over the surface of the bushing and the slate forming the bottom of the box. In all of the cases above mentioned the wires used to enter the stations were the regular line conductors and were bare.

Another type of entry in sub-stations is that employed on the extensive transmission system between Spier Falls, Schenectady, and Albany, N. Y. The maximum voltage on this system is 30,000, and the lines usually enter each sub-station through the brick wall at one of its gable ends. Outside of and about the entry of each circuit or group of circuits a wooden shelter is built on the brick wall of the sub-station. Each shelter has a slanting roof that starts from the brick wall at some distance above the openings for the entrance of the line, and terminates in a gutter. The front of each shelter is carried down three feet below the centre of the openings in the brick wall, and the ends go still lower. The front of each shelter is four feet in height, is four feet from the face of the brick wall, and has a circular opening of 10-inch diameter for each wire of the transmission line.

In line with each circular opening in the wooden shield there is an opening of 15-inch diameter in the brick wall of the sub-station, and into this opening in the brickwork fits a ring of wood with 15-inch outside and 11-inch inside diameter. To this wooden ring a 15-inch disc of hard fibre 1/8-inch thick is secured, and a porcelain tube 24 inches long and of 2-inch inside diameter passes through a hole in the centre of this disc. Within the wooden shield and in line with each circular opening in it and with the corresponding porcelain tube through the fibre disc a line insulator is secured. Within the sub-station and in line with each tube there is also an insulator, and the two insulators near opposite ends of each tube hold the line wire that passes through it in position.

Each wire of the transmission lines, of which the largest is No. 000 solid of 0.410-inch diameter, terminates at one of the insulators within the wooden shield, and is there connected to a special insulated wire that passes through one of the porcelain tubes into the sub-station. A copper trolley sleeve 12 inches long is used to make the soldered connection between the bare line wire and the insulated conductor that passes through the porcelain tube. Each of these entry cables, whatever its size, is insulated first with a layer of rubber 9/32-inch thick, then with varnished cambric wound on to a thickness of 9/32-inch, and lastly with two layers of weather-proof braid outside of the cambric. This form of closed entry for the transmission lines obviously excludes snow, rain, cold air, and dust from the station. Whether the fibre discs and wooden rings, together with the insulation on the entry cables, are as desirable as a glass disc at the entry is another question.

Another instance where the entry for a high-tension line is closed with the aid of combustible material is that of the 25,000-volt transmission between the water-power plant at Chambly, on the Richelieu River, and the sub-station in Montreal. The four three-phase circuits of this line are made up of No. 00 wires of 0.365-inch diameter each, which enter the power-station at Chambly and the terminal-house in Montreal bare, as they are outside.

At each end of the line the wires are secured to insulators on a horizontal arm with their centres twenty-two inches outside of an end wall of the station or terminal building. The insulators are mounted with their centres thirty inches apart, and a few inches above the tops of these insulators a corresponding row of wooden bushings pass through the wall with an outward slant.

At the Chambly end of the line each of these bushings is of oak, boiled in stearin, four inches in diameter and twelve inches long. At the Montreal end the wall bushings are of boxwood, and each is four inches square and twelve inches long. Each of the wooden bushings carries a glass tube, and is itself held in position by the concrete of the wall in which it is located. Entrance to the station by each of the bare No. 00 wires is gained through one of these glass tubes, and cold air is excluded.

Quite a different type of closed entry for the wires of a transmission line is in use on that between Shawinigan Falls and Montreal, which operates at 50,000 volts. For the entry of each of the three aluminum cables that make up this line, each cable being composed of seven No. 6 B. & S. gauge wires, a tile pipe of twenty-four-inches diameter was set into the station wall. The end of each tile pipe is closed by a glass plate, with a small hole at its centre, through which the cable passes.

As the cable is thus held twelve inches from the terra cotta pipe all the way around, any leakage of current must pass over this length of glass surface at each cable or through the air.

A heavy coating of frost sometimes collects on these plates, and this increases the amount of current leakage over them. Surface leakage in a case of this sort, of course, varies with the size of the glass plate, and if a tile pipe is used the limit of size is soon reached.

There seems to be no good reason, however, why a glass plate of any desired dimensions should not be set directly into the brick wall of a station for each line wire and the tile pipes entirely omitted. This plan is followed on the system of the Utah Light & Power Company, which extends to Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo, and a number of other points in that State.

On the 40,000-volt line of that system an entry for each wire is provided by setting two plates of glass into the brick wall, one plate being flush with the inner surface and the other with the outer surface of the wall.

In the centre of each plate there is a hole of about 2.5-inch diameter, into which a glass or porcelain tube fits. The line wire enters the station through this tube, and it does not appear that any shelter for the glass plates is located outside of the building. An entry of this type for the 40,000-volt line with glass plates in a brick wall at a gable end of the Murphy mill is said to have given satisfactory results during four years, though that wall faces the southwest, from which direction most of the storms come. At this entry each glass plate is not more than eighteen inches in diameter, and the wires are about four feet apart. On a 16,000-volt line of the same company, a glass plate twelve inches square with a three-quarter-inch hole at its centre, and the bare wire passing through without a tube, has given results that were entirely satisfactory.

Two quite different types of entry to stations are used on the 50,000-volt line between CaÑon Ferry and Butte, Mont. One type, employed at the side wall of a corrugated iron building, consists of a thick bushing of paraffined wood carrying a glass tube two inches in diameter, four feet long, with a side wall of five-eighths to three-quarter-inch, through which the line conductor passes.

On the roof of the power-station at CaÑon Ferry a vertical entry is made with the 50,000-volt circuit. For this purpose each line wire is brought to a dead end on three insulators carried by a timber fixture on the roof. A vertical tap drops from each line wire and passes through the roof and into the station. This roof is of wood, covered with tin outside and lined with asbestos inside. Each tap is an insulated wire, and elaborate methods are adopted in the way of further insulation, and to prevent water from following the wire down through the roof.

Over the point of entrance sits a large block of paraffined wood with a central hole, and down through this hole passes a long cylinder of paper that extends some distance above the block. Into the top end of this cylinder fits a wood bushing, and a length of the tap wire that has been served with a thick layer of rubber is tightly enclosed by this bushing. The rubber-covered portion of the tap wire also extends above the bushing, and has taped to it a paper cone that comes down over the top of the paper cylinder to keep out the water. On the outside of this paper cylinder, at a lower point, a still larger paper cone is attached to prevent water from following the cylinder down through the wooden block. At the lower end of the paper cylinder, within the station, there is another bushing of wood, and between this and the wooden bushing at the top of the cylinder and inside of the paper cylinder there is a long glass tube. Down through this tube and into the station the insulated tap wire passes.

From the experience thus far gained with high-voltage lines, it seems that their entrance into stations should always be at a side wall, unless there is some imperative reason for coming down through the roof. If climatic conditions permit, no form of entry can be more reliable than a plain, ample opening through the wall with a large air-space about each wire. If the opening must be closed, it had better be done with one or more large plates of thick glass set directly into the brickwork of the wall. Some additional insulation is obtained by placing a long glass or porcelain tube over each wire where it passes through the central hole in the glass plates. Each conductor should be bare at the entry, as it is on the line. Some of the above examples of existing practice in entries for transmission lines are taken from Vol. xxii., A. I. E. E.


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