
Maximum power, voltage, loss, and weight of conductors having been fixed for a transmission line, the number of circuits that shall make up the line, and the relations of these circuits to each other, remain to be determined.

In practice wide differences exist as to the number and relations of circuits on a single transmission line between two points. Cases illustrating this fact are the 147-mile transmission from Electra power-house to San Francisco and the 65-mile transmission between CaÑon Ferry, on the Missouri River and Butte, Mont. At the Electra plant the generator capacity is 10,000 kilowatts, and the transmission to San Francisco is carried out over a single pole line that carries one circuit composed of three aluminum conductors, each with an area in cross section of 471,000 circular mils. From the generators at CaÑon Ferry, which have an aggregate capacity of 7,500 kilowatts, a part of the energy goes to Helena over a separate line, and the transmission to Butte goes over two pole lines that are 40 feet apart. Each of these two pole lines carries a single circuit composed of three copper conductors, and each conductor has a cross section of 105,600 circular mils. The difference in practice illustrated by these two plants is further brought out by the fact that their voltages are not far apart, as the CaÑon Ferry and Butte line operates at 50,000, and the Electra and San Francisco line at 60,000 volts.

Economy in the construction of a transmission line points strongly to the use of a single circuit, because this means only one line of poles, usually but one cross-arm for the power wires per pole, the least possible number of pins and insulators, and the smallest amount of labor for the erection of the conductors. In favor of a single circuit there is also the argument of greatest mechanical strength in each conductor, since the single circuit is to have the same weight as that of all the circuits that may be adopted in its place. Where each conductor of the single circuit would have a cross section of less than 83,690 circular mils, if of copper, corresponding to a No. 1 B. & S. gauge wire, the argument as to mechanical strength is of especial force, since two equal circuits instead of one, in the case where one circuit of No. 1 wires would have the required weight, reduce the size of each conductor to No. 4 wire, of 41,740 circular mils cross section, and this is the smallest wire that it is practicable to use on long lines for mechanical reasons. Opposed to these arguments for a single circuit are those based on the supposed greater reliability of two or more circuits, their greater ease of repair, their more effective means of regulation, and the influence on inductance of a reduction in the size of conductors.

In spite of the consequent reduction in the size of each conductor, the use of two or more separate circuits for the same transmission is sometimes thought to increase its reliability, because in case of a break or short-circuit on one of the circuits the other will still be available. Breaks in transmission conductors are due either to mechanical strains alone, as wind pressure, the falling of trees, or the accumulation of ice, or else to an arc between the conductors that tends to melt them at some point. As a smaller conductor breaks or melts more readily than a large one, the use of two or more circuits instead of a single circuit tends to increase troubles of this sort. It thus seems that while two or more circuits give a greater chance of continued operation after a break in a conductor actually occurs, the use of a single circuit with larger conductors makes any break less probable.

When repairs must be made on a transmission line, as in replacing a broken insulator or setting a pole in the place of one that has burned, it is certainly convenient to have two or more circuits so that one may be out of use while the repairs on it are made. It is practicable, however, to make such repairs on any high-voltage circuit, even when it is in use, provided the conductors are spaced so far apart that there is no chance of making a contact or starting an arc between them. To get such distance between conductors there should be only one circuit per pole, and even then more room should be provided for that circuit than is common in this type of construction. On each of the two pole lines between CaÑon Ferry and Butte there is a single circuit of three conductors arranged in triangular form, two at the opposite ends of a cross-arm and one at the top of the pole, and the distance from each conductor of a circuit to either of the other two is 6.5 feet. This distance between conductors is perhaps as great as that on any transmission circuit now in use, but it seems too small to make repairs on the circuit reasonably safe when it is in operation at a pressure of 50,000 volts. There seems to be no good reason why the distance between the conductors of a single circuit to which a pole line is devoted might not be increased to as much as ten feet, at the slightly greater expense of longer cross-arms. With as much as ten feet between conductors, and special tools with long wooden handles to grasp these conductors, there should be no serious danger about the repair of even 60,000-volt lines when in operation. As the 60,000-volt line between Electra and San Francisco consists of only one circuit, it seems that repairs on it must be contemplated during operation.

Another example of a high-voltage transmission carried out with a single circuit is that between Shawinigan Falls and Montreal, a distance of eighty-five miles. In this case the circuit is made up of three aluminum conductors, each of which has an area in cross section of 183,750 circular mils, and these conductors are located five feet apart, one at the top of each pole, and two at the ends of a cross-arm below. This single circuit is in regular operation at 50,000 volts for the supply of light and power in Montreal, and it is hard to see how repairs while there is current on the line are to be avoided.

Inductance varies with the ratio between the diameter of the wires in any circuit and the distance between these wires, but as inductance simply raises the voltage that must be delivered by generators or transformers, and does not represent a loss of energy, it may generally be given but little weight in selecting the number of circuits, the distance between conductors, and the size of each conductor. If two or more circuits with smaller conductors have a combined resistance in multiple equal to that of a single circuit with larger conductors, the loss of voltage due to inductance may be greater on the single circuit than the corresponding loss on the multiple circuits, but the advantages due to the single circuit may more than compensate for the higher pressure at generators or transformers. That such advantages have been thought to exist in actual construction may be seen from the fact that the 147-mile line from Electra power-house to San Francisco, and the 83-mile line from Shawinigan Falls to Montreal, are composed of one circuit each. As inductance increases directly with the length of circuits, these very long lines are especially subject to its influence, yet it was thought that the advantages of a single circuit more than offset its disadvantages in each case.

Where several sub-stations, widely separated, are to be supplied with energy by the same transmission line, another argument exists for the division of the line conductors into more than one circuit, so that there may be an independent circuit to each sub-station. As the pressure for local distribution lines must be regulated at each sub-station, it is quite an advantage to have a separate transmission circuit between each sub-station and the power plant, so that the voltage on each circuit at the power-house may be adjusted as nearly as possible to the requirements of its sub-station. An interesting illustration of this practice may be noted in the design of transmission circuits for the line between Spier Falls on the Hudson River and the cities of Schenectady, Troy, and Albany, located between thirty and forty miles to the south, which passes through Saratoga and Ballston on the way. When this transmission line is completed, four three-phase circuits, one of No. 0 and three of No. 000 copper wire, will run to the Saratoga switch-house from the generating plant at the Falls, a distance of some eight miles.

From this switch-house two circuits of No. 0 conductors go to the Saratoga sub-station, a little more than one mile away, two circuits of No. 000 wires run to the Watervliet sub-station, across the river from Troy and thirty-five miles from the generating station, and one circuit of No. 0 and one circuit of No. 000 wires are carried to Schenectady, thirty miles from Spier Falls, passing through and supplying the Ballston sub-station on the way. Other circuits connect the sub-station at Watervliet with that at Schenectady and with the water-power station at Mechanicsville. From the Watervliet sub-station secondary lines run to sub-stations that control the local distribution of light and power in Albany and Troy. This network of transmission circuits was made desirable by the conditions of this case, which include the general supply of light and power in three large and several smaller cities, the operation of three large electric railway systems, and the delivery of thousands of horse-power for the motors in a great manufacturing plant.

In not every transmission system with different and widely scattered loads it is thought desirable to provide more than one main circuit. Thus, the single circuit eighty-three miles long that transmits energy from Shawinigan Falls to Montreal is designed to supply power also in some smaller places on the way.

So again, the 147-mile circuit from Electra power-house to San Francisco passes through a dozen or more smaller places, including Stockton, and is tapped with side lines that run to Oakland and San JosÉ. In cases like this, where very long lines run through large numbers of cities and towns that sooner or later require service, it is obviously impracticable to provide a separate circuit for each centre of local distribution. It may well be in such a case that a single main transmission circuit connected to a long line of sub-stations will represent the best possible solution of the problem. At the power-house end of such a circuit the voltage will naturally be regulated to suit that sub-station where the load is the most important or exacting, and each of the other sub-stations will be left to do all of the regulating for its own load.

Fig. 76.—Connections at Watervliet Sub-station on Spier Falls Line.

The greater the total loss of voltage on a transmission line supplying sub-stations that are scattered along much of its length, the larger will be the fluctuations of voltage that must be compensated for at all of the sub-stations save one, under changing loads, if only one circuit is employed between the power-plant and these sub-stations. Suppose, for example, that a transmission line 100 miles long is composed of a single circuit, and supplies two sub-stations, one located 50 miles and the other 100 miles from the power-plant. Assume at first that there is no load whatever at the intermediate sub-station. If the single transmission circuit operates with 50,000 volts at the power-plant, and 45,000 volts at the sub-station 100 miles away when there is a full load there, corresponding to a loss of ten per cent, then the pressure at the intermediate sub-station will be 47,500 volts. If, now, the load at the sub-station 100 miles from the power-house drops to a point where the entire line loss is only 1,000 volts, and the pressure at the generating plant is lowered to 46,000 volts so as to maintain 45,000 volts at the more distant sub-station, then the pressure at the intermediate sub-station will be 45,500 volts, or 2,000 volts less than it was before. If the loss on the entire line at full load were only five per cent, making the voltage at the sub-station 100 miles away 47,500 when that at the generating station is 50,000, then the pressure at the intermediate sub-station will be 48,750 volts. Upon a reduction of the loss on the entire length of line to one-fifth of its maximum amount, or to 500 volts, the pressure at the generating station must be reduced to 48,000 volts, if that at the more distant sub-station is to be held constant at 47,500. At the intermediate sub-station the pressure will then be 47,750 volts, or 1,000 volts less than it was at full load. From these two examples it may be seen that the extent of pressure variation at the intermediate sub-station will depend directly on the maximum line loss, if the regulation at the generating station is such as to maintain a constant voltage at the sub-station 100 miles away.

Fig. 77.—Sections of Switch-house on New Hampshire Traction System.

All the foregoing has assumed no load to be connected at the intermediate sub-station, and with a load there the fluctuations of pressure will of course depend on its amount as well as on the load at the more distant sub-station.

One of the strongest reasons for the use of two or more circuits in the same transmission line arises from the rapid fluctuations of load where large stationary motors or an electric railway system is operated. When a transmission line must carry a load of stationary or railway motors, it is a common practice to divide the line into at least two circuits, and to devote one circuit exclusively to railway or motor work and another to lighting, at any one time. In some cases this division of the transmission system into two parts, one devoted to the lighting and the other to the motor load, is carried out not only as to the sub-station apparatus and the line, but also as to the transformers, generators, water-wheels, and even the penstocks at the power-plant. It is possible even to carry this division of the transmission system still further, and to separate either the motor or the lighting load, or both, into sections, and then to devote a distinct transmission circuit, group of transformers, generator, and water-wheel to the operation of each section. An example of the complete division of generating and transmitting apparatus into independent units may be noted in the case of the system that supplies light and power in Portland, Me., from a generating plant on the Presumpscot River, thirteen miles away. At this station four steel penstocks, each provided with a separate gate at the forebay wall, bring water to as many pairs of wheels, and each pair of wheels drives a direct-connected generator. Four three-phase circuits connect the generating plant with the sub-station at Portland, and each circuit between the generating plant and a transformer-house outside the business section of the city is made up of No. 2 solid soft-drawn copper wires.

Each of these four sets of apparatus, from head-gate to sub-station, is usually operated independently of the others, and supplies either the motor load or a part of the electric lighting. In this way changes in the amount of one section of the load cause no fluctuation of the voltage on the other sections. At Manchester, N. H., the sub-station receives energy from four water-power plants, and is provided with two sets of low-tension, 2,300-volt, three-phase bus-bars, one set of these bus-bars being devoted to the operation of the local electric railway system, and the other set to the supply of lamps and stationary motors. Each set of these bus-bars is divided into a number of sections, and by means of these sections different transmission circuits are devoted to different portions of the lighting and motor loads. As three of the four water-power plants are connected to the sub-station by two circuits each, the division of loads in this case is often carried clear back to the generators, one generator in a power-house being operated, for instance, on railway work and another on a lighting load at the same time. This plan has the obvious advantage that much of the regulation for the several parts of the entire load may be done at the generators, thus reducing the amount of regulation necessary at the sub-station, and that fluctuating motor loads do not affect the lamps. In this case the conductors of the several transmission circuits are all of moderate size, and the division of the lines was evidently adopted for purposes of regulation, rather than to reduce the amount of inductance. Thus the line between Gregg’s Falls and the sub-station, a distance of six miles, is made up of one three-phase circuit of No. 4 and one circuit of No. 6 bare copper wires. The fourteen-mile line between the plant at Garvin’s Falls and the sub-station, the longest of the four transmissions, is made up of two three-phase circuits, each composed of No. 0 bare copper wires. In the case of the Gregg’s Falls plant the subdivision of the line has gone further than that of the generating equipment, for the station there contains only a single generator, the rating being 1,200 kilowatts, while two circuits run thence to the sub-station. Another instance showing extensive subdivision of a line into separate circuits may be noted in the seven-mile transmission from Montmorency Falls to Quebec, Canada, where sixteen conductors, each No. 0 copper wire, make up four two-phase circuits that connect a plant of 2,400 kilowatts capacity with its sub-station.

Such multiplication of transmission circuits has some advantages from the standpoint of regulation, but there are good reasons for limiting it to rather short lines, where it is, in fact, almost exclusively found. On very long lines the use of numerous circuits composed of rather small conductors would obviously increase the constant expense of inspection and repairs and add materially to uncertainty of the service. Very few, if any, transmission lines of as much as twenty-five miles in length are divided into more than two circuits, and in several instances lines of superlative length have only a single circuit each. The greatest single power transmission in the world, that between Niagara Falls and Buffalo, is carried out with two pole lines, one of which is about twenty and the other about twenty-three miles long. The longer pole line, which is also the older, carries two three-phase circuits, each of which is made up of three 350,000 circular mil copper conductors. The shorter pole line carries a single three-phase circuit composed of aluminum conductors, each of which has an area in cross section of 500,000 circular mils. In electrical conductivity the aluminum circuit is intended to be equal to each of the two that are composed of copper. According to the description of the Niagara Falls and Buffalo transmission system in vol. xviii., A. I. E. E., pages 518 to 527, each of these three circuits is designed to transmit about 7,500 kilowatts, and the maximum power transmitted up to August, 1901, was 15,600 kilowatts, or about the calculated capacity of two of the circuits. According to the description just mentioned, the transmission circuits used to supply energy for use at Buffalo are regularly operated in parallel, and this is also true of the generators and the step-down transformers, though the uses to which this energy is applied include lighting, large stationary motors, and the electric railway system. Apparatus in the generating station at Niagara Falls and in the terminal-house near the city limits of Buffalo is so arranged, however, that two of the 3,750 kilowatt generators and eight step-up transformers at the power-house, together with one transmission circuit and three step-down transformers in the terminal-house at Buffalo, may be operated independently of all the other apparatus.

As already pointed out, the use of separate circuits for each sub-station, and for lighting and power loads at each sub-station in very long transmission systems, is often impracticable. Even in comparatively short transmissions the multiplication of circuits and the use of rather small and mechanically weak conductors increased the first cost of installation and the subsequent expense of inspection and repairs. An objection to operation with a single circuit in a transmission line that supplies widely separated sub-stations with lighting, power, and railway loads is the consequent difficulty of pressure regulation on the distribution lines at each sub-station. Such a transmission line necessarily delivers energy at different and fluctuating voltages at the several sub-stations, and these fluctuations are of course reproduced on the secondary side of the step-down transformers. Fortunately, however, the use of synchronous motor generators, either in place of or in connection with static transformers, goes far to solve the problem of pressure regulation for distribution circuits supplied with energy from transmission lines. This is due to the well-known fact that with constant frequency the speed of rotation for a synchronous motor is constant without regard to fluctuations in the applied voltage or changes in its load. With a constant speed at the motor and its connected generator it is of course easy to deliver current at constant voltage to the distribution lines. This constancy of speed makes the synchronous motor generator a favorite in large transmission systems with both power and lighting loads. The satisfactory lighting service in Buffalo, operated with energy transmitted from Niagara Falls, seems to be due in some measure to the use of synchronous motor generators at the sub-station in Buffalo, whence lighting circuits are supplied. As above stated, the three circuits that make up the transmission line between Niagara Falls and Buffalo are operated in multiple, and in the latter place there is a large load of both railway and stationary motors. As the three circuits are operated in multiple, they of course amount to only a single circuit so far as fluctuations of voltage due to changes in these several sorts of loads are concerned. According to vol. xviii., A. I. E. E., pages 125 and following, the load on the transmission system at Buffalo in 1901 was made up of about 7,000 horse-power in railway motors, 4,000 horse-power in induction motors, and 4,000 horse-power divided up between series arc lamps, constant pressure incandescent lamps, and continuous current motors. The railway load is operated through step-down transformers and rotary converters. The induction motors are connected either to the 2,000-volt secondary circuits of the step-down transformers or to service transformers supplied by these circuits. On these railway and stationary motor loads there is of course no necessity for close pressure regulation. Series arc lamps are operated through step-down transformers and synchronous motors direct-connected to constant continuous current dynamos. Continuous current stationary motors draw power from the transmission lines through step-down transformers and rotary converters, like the railway load. For the 2,200 volt circuits that supply service transformers for commercial arc and incandescent lighting the transmitted energy passes through step-down transformers and synchronous motor-generators. These motor-generators raise the frequency from twenty-five to sixty cycles per second. Finally the continuous current three-wire system for incandescent lighting at about 250 volts between outside wires is operated through step-down transformers and synchronous motors direct-connected to continuous current generators. For this last-named service rotary converters were at first tried, but were found to be impracticable because voltage fluctuations on the transmission line (due largely to the railway and motor loads) were reproduced on the continuous-current circuits by the rotary converters. Since the adoption of motor-generators this fluctuation of the service voltage is no longer present.

Another case in which synchronous motor-generators deliver power from a transmission line that carries both a lighting and a motor load is that of the Shawinigan sub-station in Montreal. At this sub-station the 85-mile transmission line from the generating plant at Shawinigan Falls terminates. As already pointed out, this line is composed of a single three-phase circuit of aluminum conductors, each of which has a cross section of 183,750 circular mils. In the Montreal sub-station the thirty-cycle, three-phase current from Shawinigan Falls is delivered to transformers that lower the voltage to 2,300. The current then goes to five synchronous motor-generators of 1,200 horse-power capacity each, and is there converted to sixty-three cycles per second, two-phase, at the same voltage. This converted current passes onto the distribution lines of the local electrical supply system in Montreal, which also draws energy from two other water-power plants, and is devoted to lighting, stationary motors, or to the street railway work, as may be required. Though separate local distribution circuits are devoted to these several loads, the fluctuations in the stationary and railway motor work necessarily react on the voltage of the transmission line and transformers at the sub-station. By the use of the synchronous motor-generators the lighting circuits are protected from these pressure variations.

As the numbers of sub-stations at different points on long transmission lines increase, and stationary motor and railway loads at each become more common, it is to be expected that the use of synchronous motor-generators for lighting service will be much more frequent than at present. With such use there will disappear one of the reasons for the multiplication of transmission circuits.

Fig. 78.—Transfer Switches at Saratoga Switch-house on Spier Falls Line.

Where several transmission circuits connect a generating plant with a single sub-station, or with several sub-stations in the same general direction, it is desirable to have switches so arranged that two or more circuits may be combined as one, or so that any circuit that ordinarily operates a certain load or sub-station may be devoted to another when occasion requires. For this purpose transfer switches on each circuit are necessary at generating plants, sub-stations, and often at switch-houses. These transfer switches will ordinarily be of the knife type, and intended for manual operation when the circuits to which they are connected are not in use. As such switches are exposed to the full voltage of transmission, the insulation of their conducting parts should be very high. In the extensive transmission system between the power-plants at Spier Falls and Mechanicsville and the sub-stations at Troy, Albany, and Schenectady, N. Y., a transfer switch of highly insulated construction has been much used. The two blades of this switch move independently of each other, but both are mounted between the same metal clips. Each blade is of two by one-quarter inch drawn copper rod, and the clips supporting the two blades are mounted on top of a circular metal cap four and three-quarter inches in outside diameter and two inches high, that is cemented over the top of a large, double petticoat, porcelain line insulator.

Fig. 79.—Cross Section of Schenectady Switch-house on Spier Falls Line.

Clips into which these copper blades are swung in closing the switch are also mounted in caps carried by insulators in the way just described. Each of these insulators is mounted on a large wooden pin, and these pins are secured in timbers at the points where the switches are wanted. This construction of switches gives ample insulation for the line voltage of 30,000 in this system. By means of the transfer switches just described, either of the transmission circuits leaving the Spier Falls power-plant may be connected to any one of the ten generators and ten groups of transformers there. At the Saratoga switch-house, any one of the twelve conductors, making up the four three-phase circuits from Spier Falls may be connected to any one of the eighteen conductors making up the six three-phase circuits that go south to Saratoga, Watervliet, and Schenectady sub-stations, in the way indicated by the drawing. So again at the Watervliet sub-station, where energy at 26,500 volts is received from Spier Falls and energy at 10,800 volts from Mechanicsville, any single conductor from either of these water-power plants may be connected, either directly or through a transformer, with either conductor running to the railway and lighting sub-stations about Albany and Troy. Where several transmission circuits are employed, this complete flexibility of connection evidently adds materially to the convenience and reliability of operation.

Circuits in Transmission Lines.

Location of Lines. Length
of Pole
Electra to San Francisco 147 1 1 [A]471,034 60
Colgate to Oakland, Cal. 142 2 2 133,100 60
Santa Ana River to Los Angeles 83 2 1 83,690 60
Shawinigan Falls to Montreal 85 1 1 [A]183,750 30
CaÑon Ferry to Butte 65 2 2 106,500 60
Welland Canal to Hamilton 35 1 1 83,690 60
Welland Canal to Hamilton 37 1 1 133,100 60
Spier Falls to Schenectady 30 2 1 105,600 40
Spier Falls to Watervliet, N. Y. 35 2 1 167,800 40
Ogden to Salt Lake City 36 2 1 83,690 60
Apple River Falls to St. Paul 27 2 1 66,370 60
Niagara Falls to Buffalo 23 2 1 350,000 25
Niagara Falls to Buffalo 20 1 1 [A]500,000 25
Farmington River to Hartford 11 1 1 [A]364,420 60
Niagara Falls to Toronto 75 2 1 [B] 190,000 25
[A] Aluminum conductor.
[B] Steel towers.


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