1. (v. i.) To open the mouth involuntarily through drowsiness, dullness, or fatigue; to gape; to oscitate.

2. (v. i.) To open wide; to gape, as if to allow the entrance or exit of anything.

3. (v. i.) To open the mouth, or to gape, through surprise or bewilderment.

4. (v. i.) To be eager; to desire to swallow anything; to express desire by yawning; as, to yawn for fat livings.

5. (n.) An involuntary act, excited by drowsiness, etc., consisting of a deep and long inspiration following several successive attempts at inspiration, the mouth, fauces, etc., being wide open.

6. (n.) The act of opening wide, or of gaping.

7. (n.) A chasm, mouth, or passageway.

aperture boredom broaching cavity chasm check clearing cleft crack dehisce dehiscence disclosure doldrums doze drowse ennui fenestra fistula fontanel foramen gap gape gaping gat gulf hang open hiatus hole hollow inlet interval lacuna laying open leak nap opening opening up orifice oscitancy oscitate oscitation outlet pandiculation passageway pore slot snooze space split stoma the gapes throwing open uncorking unstopping yaw yawning


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