Dictionary 1. ( v. i.) To open the mouth wide 2. (v. i.) Expressing a desire for food; as, young birds gape. 3. (v. i.) Indicating sleepiness or indifference; to yawn. 4. (v. i.) To pen or part widely; to exhibit a gap, fissure, or hiatus. 5. (v. i.) To long, wait eagerly, or cry aloud for something; -- with for, after, or at. 6. (n.) The act of gaping; a yawn. 7. (n.) The width of the mouth when opened, as of birds, fishes, etc.
Thesaurus abysm abyss aperture arroyo attend be amazed be astonished be curious bedroom eyes bore box canyon breach break broaching burn with curiosity canyon cavity chap chasm check chimney chink clearing cleft cleuch clough col come-hither look coulee couloir crack crane crane the neck cranny crevasse crevice cut cwm defile dehisce dehiscence dell dig around for dig up dike disclosure ditch donga draw evil eye excavation eye fault fenestra fissure fistula flaw flume fontanel foramen fracture furrow gap gaping gash gat gaup gawk gaze gaze open-mouthed glad eye glare gloat glower glowering look goggle gorge groove gulch gulf gully hang open hiatus hole hollow incision inlet inquire interrogate interval joint kloof lacuna laying open leak look look at look on malocchio marvel moat nose around for nose out notch nullah ogle opening opening up orifice oscitancy oscitate oscitation outlet pandiculation part pass passage passageway peer penetrating look pore query question quiz ravine rent rift rime rubber rubberneck rupture scissure seam seek slit slot space split stand aghast stand on tiptoe stare stare at stare down stare hard stare openmouthed stoma take in the gapes throwing open trench uncorking unstopping valley void wadi want to know watch yaw yawn yawning |