Dictionary 1. (n.) A slave; a bondman; a slave to an appetite or a passion\.2. (n.) Slavery; bondage; servitude; thralldom. 3. (n.) A shelf; a stand for barrels, etc. 4. (a.) of or pertaining to a thrall; in the condition of a thrall; bond; enslaved. 5. (v. t.) To enslave. Thesaurus absolutism bond service bondage bondmaid bondman bondslave bondsman bondswoman captive captivity chattel chattel slave churl concubine control debt slave debt slavery deprivation of freedom disenfranchisement disfranchisement domination enslavement enthrallment feudalism feudality galley slave helot helotism helotry homager indentureship liege liege man liege subject odalisque peon peonage restraint serf serfdom serfhood servant servility servitude slave slavery subject subjection subjugation theow thralldom tyranny vassal vassalage villein villenage yoke |