Dictionary (n.) A personage in the old Italian comedy (derived from Spain) characterized by great boastfulness and poltroonery; hence, a person of like characteristics; a buffoon.Thesaurus Captain Bobadil Gascon Herod Narcissus Scaramouch Texan big mouth blatherskite blower blowhard bluff bluffer blusterer boaster boastful boasting brag braggadocio bragging bravo bucko bully bullyboy conceited egocentric egoist egotist fanfaron fanfaronading gasbag gasconader gasconading hector hectorer hot-air artist individualist know-it-all loudmouth miles gloriosus narcissist narcist no modest violet peacock ranter raver rodomontade roisterer self-advertising self-applauding self-flattering self-glorious self-lauding self-vaunting show-off smart aleck swaggerer swashbuckler swasher swellhead thrasonic thrasonical vain vainglorious vaporer vaporing vaunting windbag windjammer windy |