Dictionary 1. ( n.) One of the elements which appear at the respective poles when a body is subjected to electro-chemical decomposition. Cf. Anion, Caution. 2. (n.) A noun suffix denoting act, process, result of an act or a process, thing acted upon, state, or condition; as, revolution, the act or process of revolving; construction, the act or process of constructing; a thing constructed; dominion, territory ruled over; subjection, state of being subject; dejection; abstraction.
Thesaurus acid acidity agent alkali alkalinity alloisomer anion antacid atom atomic model base biochemical cation chemical chemical element chromoisomer compound copolymer dimer electrocoating electroetching electrogalvanization electrogilding electrograving electrolysis electrolyte electron electroplating element galvanization heavy chemicals high polymer homopolymer hydracid inorganic chemical ionization ionogen isomer macromolecule meson metamer molecule monad monomer neutralizer nonacid nonelectrolyte nuclear atom nuclear particle nuclide organic chemical oxyacid planetary shell polymer proton pseudoisomer quark radical reagent shell subshell sulfacid tagged atom tracer tracer atom trimer valence shell |