Dictionary 1. (n.) A musical response; alternate singing or chanting\. See Antiphone.2. (n.) A verse said before and after the psalms. Thesaurus Agnus Dei Benedicite Gloria Gloria Patri Gloria in Excelsis Introit Magnificat Miserere Nunc Dimittis Te Deum Trisagion Vedic hymn acknowledgment alleluia answer answering anthem antiphonal chanting antiphony back answer back talk backchat canticle chant chorale comeback doxology echo evasive reply hallelujah hosanna hymn hymn of praise hymnody hymnography hymnology laud mantra motet offertory offertory sentence paean psalm psalmody reaction ready reply receipt rejoinder repartee replication reply report repost rescript rescription respond respondence response responsion responsory responsory report retort return reverberation riposte short answer snappy comeback versicle witty reply witty retort yes-and-no answer |