F. J. Pritchard Frontispiece
1. The tomato is the leader among greenhouse vegetables 19
2. The tomato flower 22
3. Long section of tomato flower 23
4. How nitrate nitrogen affects tomato growth 27
5. Effect of omission of phosphorus from complete fertilizer 33
6. Cultivating and side-dressing tomatoes 36
7. Types of tomato interiors 43
8. The Earliana tomato 45
9. Marglobe plant 48
10. Marglobe fruit 49
11. A good small greenhouse for plant growing 58
12. Plants for the early crop 61
13. Tin can prepared for sowing tomato seed 64
14. Plants that have been crowded and overgrown 69
15. Tomatoes pruned and trained with post, wire and twine 80
16. Fine clusters on trained plants 81
17. Resistance to fusarium wilt 87
18. Diseases of the tomato 89
19. Packing tomatoes on a farm 99
20. A California packing house 101
21. Puffiness is a common defect in tomatoes 102
22. The lug box 104
23. Lug boxes as loaded in car 105
24. The square braid basket 106
25. The Connecticut half bushel box 107
26. Repacked tomatoes 108
27. Cellulose film is used for repacked tomatoes 109


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