CHAPTER I. THE PREPARATION FOR REFORM IN ART. CHAPTER II. THE RENAISSANCE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. CHAPTER III. THE PRE-RAPHAELITE BROTHERHOOD. CHAPTER IV. PERIOD OF TRANSITION. CHAPTER V. LATER DEVELOPMENTS OF THE MOVEMENT. CHAPTER VI. TREATMENT OF RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS. CHAPTER VII. TREATMENT OF MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN ROMANCE. CHAPTER VIII. THE POETRY OF DANTE ROSSETTI. Errors, when reasonably attributable to the printer, have been corrected. The corrections appear underlined as corrected text. The original text appears when the mouse hovers on the underlined word or phrase. Please see the transcriber’s note at the end of this text for details. Footnotes have been resequenced to be unique across the book, and have been gathered at the end of the text. They are linked to their referents in the text. The illustrations have been moved to avoid falling within a paragraph. Each plate accompanied by a caption and attribution either on a previous or following page, and both caption and illustration were blank on their verso, and all four were not included in the pagination. The blank pages are not included here, obviously. The cover has been fabricated and is placed in the public domain. DANTE ROSSETTI AND |