- Academy, The Royal, 33, 74-75, 80-81, 108, 122, 126-128, 161.
- Academy Schools, 23, 27-31.
- Academicians of last generation, 33.
- “Adam and Eve,” 34.
- “Alastor,” 108.
- Albert Gallery, Edinburgh, 118.
- Allingham, William, 136.
- “Anniversary of the Death of Beatrice,” 118, 255.
- “Annunciation, The,” 204-205.
- Anthony, Mark, 87, 128-129.
- “April Love,” 125.
- “Art and Poetry,” 72.
- “Arthur conveyed to Avalon,” 143.
- Art Union, The, 129.
- Arundel Club, The, 117.
- “Astarte Syriaca,” or “Venus Astarte,” 59, 184-185, 189.
- “Aurelia, or Fazio’s Mistress,” 117, 157.
- Australia, 108.
- “Autumn Leaves,” 121, 127, 229.
- “Awakening Conscience, The,” 149, 224, 236, 239.
- “Ballads and Sonnets,” 186, 298.
- Banks, Mrs., 168.
- Barbizon School, 134.
- Baring, Miss, 168.
- Bateman, E.L., 109.
- “Beata Beatrix,” 4, 91, 121, 157, 159, 161-162, 224, 252-253.
- “Beatrice,” 129.
- Behnes, 108.
- “Bello Mano, La,” 181.
- “Beloved, The,” or “The Bride,” 91, 157.
- “Benedick and Beatrice,” 106.
- Beryl Songs, 298.
- “Bethlehem Gate,” 116, 160, 217.
- Birchington, 155.
- “Crucifixion, The,” 116, 215.
- Cumberland, 188-189.
- Cuyp, 132.
- Cyclographic Society, 60-61.
- “Cymon and Iphigenia,” 62.
- Dalrymple, Mrs., 168.
- “Damozel, The Blessed,” 4, 162, 175-176, 180, 185, 217, 257, 263, 287, 290, 301-304.
- “Damozel of the Sanct Grael, The,” 116, 181.
- Danby, 132.
- “Dante at Verona,” 215, 262, 284-285.
- Dante, influence of, 22, 98;
- “Dante’s Dream,” 4, 116, 118, 138, 162, 168, 173, 188, 190, 253-255.
- “Day and Night Songs,” 136.
- “Day-dream, The,” 139, 180-181, 186-187.
- Davis, William, 118, 129.
- “Death of Boadicea,” 108.
- “Death of Breuse sans PitiÉ, The,” 116.
- “Death of Chatterton, The,” 128.
- “Death of Lady Macbeth, The,” 236.
- “Death of Sir Tristram, The,” 154.
- Dennis, William, 61.
- Deverell, Walter, 5, 61, 99, 119.
- “Devout Childhood of St. Elizabeth, The,” 126.
- “Dis Manibus,” or “The Roman Widow,” 167, 175, 86-87, 92, 95, 100, 101, 109, 118-119, 122, 137, 146, 148-150;
- characteristics of, 6, 15, 86, 107, 138, 208-213, 215-217, 224, 230, 236, 239, 244, 246, 248;
- portrait of, 109.
- “Il Ramoscello,” 157.
- Inchbold, 118.
- “Infant Christ Adored, The,” 116, 156, 218.
- “Infants’ Repast, The,” 34.
- “Isabella,” 55, 60, 65, 67, 229.
- “Isabella and the Pot of Basil,” 150.
- “Isumbras at the Ford, Sir,” 148, 245-246.
- Italian Pre-Raphaelites, The, 39-57, 113.
- “Jenny,” 304-307.
- “Jesus Washes Peter’s Feet,” 155.
- “Joan of Arc,” 191, 245.
- Johnson, Dr., and the Methodist Ladies, 159.
- “Joli Coeur,” 119.
- “Justice,” 34.
- “Kate the Queen,” 95.
- Keats, influence of, 58, 267, 277;
- Keene, J.B., 61.
- Kelmscott, 172, 178.
- Kernahan, Mr. Coulson, 174.
- “King Arthur Receiving Excalibur,” 143.
- “King Arthur’s Tomb,” 116, 233.
- Kingdon, Miss, 274-275.
- Morris, Mrs. William, 145, 168, 186.
- Morris, Miss May, 168.
- Morten, Thomas, 129.
- Mount Temple, Lord and Lady, 161, 168, 175, 185.
- Moxon’s “Tennyson,” 137.
- Murillo, 132.
- Museum, South Kensington, 102.
- Myers, Mr. T.W.H., 7, 273.
- National Gallery, The, 79, 159.
- “Nativity, The,” 205.
- Nature as a Background, 15-16.
- “Nature’s Mirror,” 129.
- “New Day, The,” 179.
- Nicholson, P.W., 200.
- “NimuË Brings Sir Peleus,” 143.
- “Nineveh,” 140.
@public@vhost@g@html@files@52008@52008-h@52008-h-8.htm.html#Page_117" class="pginternal">117. “Salutation of Beatrice, The,” 1. F.W.H. Myers, “Rossetti and the Religion of Beauty.”
Errors in the text have been corrected where they can be reasonably attributed to the printer or editor, or where the same word appears as expected elsewhere. Inconsistencies in punctuation, particularly in the Index, have been resolved. p. xi | “Bethlehem Gate”[—] | Added. | p. 4 | Ruskin: “I believe [Rosetti’s] | Sic. | p. 22 | its poet[r]y, its self-devotion | Added. | p. 30 | Mill[ia/ai]s’s | Transposed. | p. 67 | duly signed and [monogramed] | Sic. | p. 71 | a poem called “The Seasons,” Mr[.] Tupper | Added. | p. 73 | [“]Ruggiero and Angelica” | Added. | p. 74 | apologia for the Pre-Rapha[e]lite Brotherhood | Added. | p. 74 | heaped upon the Pre-R[e/a]phaelites | Corrected. | p. 79 | seen only in the o[b]scure little Portland Gallery | Added. | p. 84 | is to [to] have a principal | Removed. | p. 131 | ‘You see purple,’ ‘You see red,’ [‘]You see yellow.’ | Added. | p. 224 | marked degree perhaps tha[t/n] any other drawings | Corrected. | p. 239 | ever-significant story of “Psyche” suggest[s] the same | Added. | |