The variety of Publications annually announced under SPORTING TITLES, with which the contents, upon examination, are found so ill to accord, first suggested to the Writer, the idea of forming an aggregate of information, from whence both entertainment and instruction (to the young and inexperienced) might be derived. From a review of the works now extant, under titles nearly similar, it was found they were the productions of more than a century past. These having been repeatedly re-copied, and repeatedly transmitted from one generation to another, are replete with matter nearly obsolete, and sports long since To compensate for such deficiency, is the professed purport of the present Work; calculated to recommend itself to public attention upon no other ground than its originality, and the great variety of useful information it will be found to comprehend. Numerous and diversified It is a long standing and universally acknowledged axiom, that the art of life consists as much in knowing what to avoid, as what to pursue; and this cannot apply with more force or propriety, than to those who throw themselves unthinkingly upon the fascinating prospects, and uncertain chances, of the SPORTING WORLD; the necessitous and determined dependents upon which are replete with numerous barbed and unerring instruments of depredation. To juvenile adventurers, who feel themselves inadequate to the talk of self-denial, and who cannot resist the predominant temptation of engaging in scenes of such duplicity and danger, is earnestly recommended an occasional reference to those heads in the following Work, which are fully fraught with precautions they may probably stand much in need of; amongst these, BETTING, COCKING, GAMING, HAZARD, and Professed SPORTSMEN of every other description will find no unfair restraint laid upon their distinct or separate inquiries, or investigations. The HORSE will be found very fully expatiated upon in all its states and stages, as well in SICKNESS as in HEALTH. The CHASE, of every particular kind, will be found to have undergone the most minute description; and its numerous appendages proportionally explained. The existing GAME LAWS are simplified, and reduced to one comprehensive single point of view. Lovers of the TURF will find themselves gratified with a recital of "Vain his attempt who strives to please ye all." The |