TO My Lord, It is now twenty Years since your Lordship's Appointment to the Head of his Majesty's Hunting Establishment, during which it has acquired a Degree of Perfection and Celebrity, hitherto unprecedented in the Annals of Sporting History. From the impressive Influence of your Lordship's philanthropic Representations, every Subordinate within the utmost Limits of your Lordship's Department, has derived an annual Addition, by which the domestic Comforts of his Family have been most happily encreased. The Hospitalities of Swinley Lodge[1] are universally known, and at all Times gratefully recollected, by that Infinity of Sportsmen who have so repeatedly experienced their salutary Effects. To have had the inexpressible Happiness of partaking with your Lordship the Pleasures of the Chase during the Whole of that Period; to have witnessed your Lordship's humane, polite, and condescending Attention to various Individuals, upon the most distressing Emergencies; to have been repeatedly honoured by your Lordship's public Patronage and private Favor; are Gratifications of so much Magnitude to the Ambition of a Sportsman, that it is impossible to resist the Temptation of dedicating to your Lordship, a Work solely appertaining to the Sports of the Field; and of publicly soliciting Permission to continue, With the most unsullied Respect and Gratitude, My Lord, Your Lordship's obliged And most obedient Servant, WILLIAM TAPLIN. Sloane-Square, May 1st, 1803. [1] The official Hunting Residence of the Master of the Stag Hounds in Windsor Forest. |