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London: WALTER SCOTT, Ltd., Paternoster Square. Transcriber's Notes. The publisher's advertisement for the Contemporary Science Series, which was at the beginning of the book, was moved directly after the Index, before the other advertisements. Spelling variants were there was no obvious preference were left as is. These include: "Ægean" and "Egean;" "bobac" and "bobak" (Arctomys); "boulder-clay" and "boulder clay;" "caspia" and "caspica" (Mysis); "earthworm" and "earth-worm;" "eocene" and "Eocene;" "europÆus" and "EuropÆus" (Lepus); "freshwater" and "fresh-water;" "indistinguishable" and "undistinguishable;" "luscinea" and "luscinia" (Daulias); "maugei" and "Maugei" (Testacella); "Midwife" and "Mid-wife;" "miocene" and "Miocene;" "Miogale" and "Myogale;" "oligocene" and "Oligocene;" "paludosa" and "palludosa" (Branchinecta); "pensylvanica" and "pennsylvanica;" "Pica" and "Pika;" "pleistocene" and "Pleistocene;" "pliocene" and "Pliocene;" "polaki" and "Polaki" (Meles); "repeople" and "re-people;" "Rhodes" and "Rhodos;" "rusconii" and "Rusconii" (Molge); "souslik" and "suslik", along with derivatives; "subarctic" and "sub-arctic;" "subdivide" and "sub-divide", along with derivatives; "submarine" and "sub-marine;" "subtropical" and "sub-tropical;" "Tianshan" and "Tian Shan;" "woodlice" and "wood-lice", with "woodlouse" and "wood-louse." Changed "Atlantis" to "Atlantic" on page 48: "across the Atlantic." Changed "Millepede" to "Millipede" on page 115: "Millipede, Polydesmus gallicus." Added period at end of sentence on page 144: "was more temperate." Added period at end of sentence on page 145: "such northern latitudes." Changed "know" to "known" on page 175: "known as the inter-glacial phase." Changed "europea" to "europÆa" on page 191: "Bullfinch (P. europÆa)." Changed "mers-de-glace" to "mers de glace" on page 226: 'ice-sheets, or "mers de glace,"'. Changed "Altai" to "AltaÏ" on page 245: "the AltaÏ Mountains." Changed "Telphusa" to "Thelphusa" on page 281: "(Thelphusa fluviatilis)." Changed "CampylÆa" to "Campylaea" on page 297: "Alpine sub-genus Campylaea." Changed "GrÖnland's" to "GrÖnlands" on page 354: "Ueber GrÖnlands Vegetation." Inserted comma after "65" on page 357 in index entry for "Climate in Glacial period." Changed "octopetela" to "octopetala" on page 357: "Dryas octopetala, 79, 238." In the index entry for Mysis, changed "necropthalma" to "micropthalma" to match the text of the book. However, I suspect both should actually be "microphthalma." Changed "Oeneis" to "Œneis" on page 361, in its index entry. Changed "moschatas" to "moschatus" on page 361: "Ovibos moschatus." Changed "apollo" to "Apollo" on page 361 in the index entry for Parnassius. Changed "Stronglyocentrotus" to "Strongylocentrotus" on page 363: "Strongylocentrotus lividus, 125." Changed "Natter-jack" to "Natterjack" on page 363: "Toad, Natterjack, 30." Changed "Wag-tails" to "Wagtails" on page 364, in its index entry. Added closing square bracket in advertisement for the HUMOUR OF JAPAN: "[In preparation.]". |