
Optical glass differs so widely from all other varieties of glass that its manufacture may almost be regarded as a separate industry, to which, indeed, a separate volume could well be devoted. In the present chapter we propose to give an outline of the most important properties of optical glass, and in the next chapter to describe the more important features of the processes used in its production.

The properties which affect the value of optical glass may roughly be divided into two groups. The first group comprises the specifically “optical” properties—i.e., those directly influencing the behaviour of light in its passage through the glass, while the second group covers those properties of a more general nature, which are of special importance in glass that is to be used for optical purposes.

Optical Properties of Glass.—The most essential property of glass in this respect is homogeneity. We have already indicated that glass can never be regarded as a definite chemical substance or compound, but that it usually consists of mutual solutions of various complex silicates, borates, etc. Solutions being of the very nature of mixtures of two or more different substances, it follows that they can only become homogeneous when complete mixing has taken place. We have a familiar example of the formation of such a solution when sugar is dissolved in water. The water near the sugar becomes saturated with sugar and of different density from the remaining water; if the liquid is slightly stirred a very characteristic phenomenon makes its appearance—the pure water and the dense sugar solution do not at once mix completely, the denser liquid remaining for a time disseminated throughout the whole fluid mass in the form of more or less fine lines, sheets, or eddies, and these are visible because the imperfectly mixed liquids have different effects on the light passing through them. In the case of sugar-water we are, however, dealing with a very mobile liquid, and a few turns of a tea-spoon suffice to render the mixture complete, and the liquid, which for a few moments had appeared turbid, becomes homogeneous and transparent. In the case of glass, when the raw materials are melted together, a mixture is formed of liquids of differing densities similar to that which was temporarily formed in the sugar-water solution. Molten glass, however, is never so mobile a liquid as ordinary water, nor is it in the ordinary course of manufacture subjected to any such thorough mixing action as that which is produced by a spoon in a glass of water. In glass as ordinarily manufactured, therefore, it is not surprising to find that the lack of homogeneity which originates during the melting persists to the end. Its effects can be traced whenever a thick piece of ordinary glass is carefully examined, when the threads or layers of differing densities can be recognised in the form of minute internal irregularities in the glass. These defects are known as striÆ or veins, and their presence in glass intended for the better kind of optical work renders the glass useless. As will be seen below in the production of optical glass, special means are adopted for the purpose of rendering it as homogeneous as possible; in fact, the early history of optical glass manufacture is simply the history of attempts to overcome this very defect. The problem is, however, beset by chemical and physical difficulties of no mean order, and even in the best modern practice only a small proportion of each melting or crucible full of glass is entirely free from veins or striÆ. In many cases these defects are very minute, and sometimes escape observation until the stage of the finished lens is reached. At that stage, however, their presence becomes painfully evident from the fact that they interfere seriously with the sharp definition of the images formed by the lens in question. It will be seen that in such a case time and money has been wasted by grinding and polishing what turns out to be a useless piece of glass. Methods are, therefore, used for examining the glass before it is worked, whereby the existence of the smallest striÆ can scarcely escape detection. These methods depend upon the principle that a beam of parallel light passing through a plate of glass will meet with no disturbance so long as the glass is homogeneous, but if striÆ are present, they will cause the light to deviate from parallelism wherever it falls upon them. Under such illumination, therefore, the striÆ will appear as either dark or bright lines, when they can be readily detected. One form of apparatus used for this purpose is illustrated in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14.—Diagram of striÆ-testing apparatus.

L, source of light; S, slit; A and B, simple convex lenses; G, glass under test; E, eye of observer. The arrows indicate the paths of light-rays.

Transparency and colour are obviously fundamentally important properties of glass. In one sense homogeneity is essential to transparency, but the aspect of the subject which we are now considering is that of the absorption of light in the course of regular transmission through glass. It may be said at once that no glass is either perfectly transparent or, what comes to nearly the same thing, perfectly free from colour. In the case of the best optical glasses it is true that the absorption of light is very slight, but even these, when considerable thicknesses are viewed, show a greenish-yellow or bluish colouring. On the other hand, certain optical glasses which are used at the present time for many of our best lenses absorb light so strongly or are so deeply coloured that a thickness of a few inches is sufficient to reveal this defect. To some extent public taste or opinion which objects to the use of even a slightly greenish glass in optical instruments of good quality is to blame for the tint of these glasses. In many cases glass-makers could produce a very slightly greenish glass, but in order to overcome this colour they deliberately add to the glass a colouring oxide imparting to the glass a colour more or less complementary to the natural green tint. The result is a more or less neutral-tinted glass which, however, absorbs much more light than the naturally green glass would have done. Since such glass is frequently used for photographic lenses, it is interesting to note that the light rays whose transmission is sacrificed in order to avoid the green tint are those lying at or near the blue end of the spectrum, so that the photographic rapidity of the resulting lenses is decidedly reduced by the use of such glass.

Refraction and Dispersion.—The quantitative properties of glass, governing its effect upon incident and transmitted light, are, of course, of fundamental importance in all its optical uses. The fundamental optical constant of each variety of optical glass is known as its refractive index; this number really represents the ratio of the velocity with which light waves are propagated through the glass to the velocity with which they travel through free space. Not only does this ratio vary with every change in the chemical composition and physical condition of the glass, but it also varies according to the length of the light waves themselves. In other words, the short waves of blue light are transmitted through glass with a different velocity from that with which the longer waves of red light are transmitted. The consequence is that when a beam of white light is passed through a prism it is split up and spread out into a number of beams representing all the colours of the spectrum in their proper order, the blue light suffering the greatest deflection from its original path, while the red light suffers least deflection. Both the actual and relative amount by which light rays of various colours are deflected under such circumstances depends upon the nature of the glass in question; therefore, to fully characterise the optical properties of a given kind of glass it is necessary to state not only its refractive index but to specify the refractive indices for a sufficient number of different wave-lengths of light, suitably distributed through the spectrum. For this purpose a number of well-marked spectrum lines have been chosen, the systematic use of the particular set of lines which is now usually employed being due to the initiative of AbbÉ and Schott at Jena, who initiated the system of specifying the optical properties of glass in this way. The actual lines chosen are the line known as A', corresponding to a wave-length of 0·7677 micro-millimetres, and the lines known as C, D, F, and G', whose wave-lengths, in the same units, are 0·6563, 0·5893, 0·4862, and 0·4341 respectively. The A' line, however, lies so near the extreme red end of the spectrum that the data concerning it are seldom required.

As a matter of fact, the actual refractive index is only stated in most tables of optical glasses for sodium light (D line), the dispersive properties of the glass being indicated by tabulating the differences between the refractive indices for the various lines, the table thus containing columns marked C-D, D-F, F-G'. These figures are usually described as the “dispersion” of the glass from C to D, D to F, etc. In addition to these figures it is usual to tabulate what is called the “mean dispersion” of the glass, which is simply the difference between the refractive indices for C and F lines; this interval is usually taken as representing that part of the spectrum which is of the greatest importance for visual purposes. A further constant which is of great importance in the calculations for achromatic lenses is obtained by dividing the mean dispersion into the refractive index for the D line minus one (usually written (C-F)/(nD-1)=?). This term, for which no satisfactory name has yet been suggested, characterises the ratio of the dispersive power of the glass to its total refracting power. It is usually denoted by the Greek letter ?. The following table (taken from the Catalogue of the Optical Convention, 1905) gives a list of optical glasses produced by Messrs. Chance, of Birmingham. This list, although it is not nearly so long as that issued by the French and German firms who manufacture optical glass, contains examples of the most important types of optical glass which are available at the present time. Those, however, who wish to use the data for the purpose of lens calculation are advised to consult the latest issues of the optical glass-makers’ catalogues, since the range of types available, and even the actual figures for some of the glasses, are liable to variation from time to time.

Table of Optical Properties.

Name. nD. ?. Medium
Partial and Relative Partial Dispersions.
C–D. C–D
D–F. D–F
F–G'. F–G'
Extra Hard Crown 1·4959 64·4 ·00770 ·00228 ·296 ·00542 ·704 ·00431 ·560
Boro-silicate Crown 1·5096 63·3 ·00803 ·00236 ·294 ·00562 ·700 ·00446 ·555
Hard Crown 1·5175 60·5 ·00856 ·00252 ·294 ·00604 ·706 ·00484 ·554
*Medium Barium Crown 1·5738 57·9 ·00990 ·00293 ·296 ·00697 ·704 ·00552 ·557
*Densest Barium Crown 1·6065 57·9 ·01046 ·00308 ·294 ·00738 ·705 ·00589 ·563
Soft Crown 1·5152 56·9 ·00906 ·00264 ·291 ·00642 ·708 ·00517 ·570
*Medium Barium Crown 1·5660 56·3 ·01006 ·00297 ·295 ·00709 ·704 ·00576 ·572
Barium Light Flint 1·5452 53·5 ·01020 ·00298 ·292 ·00722 ·701 ·00582 ·570
Extra Light Flint 1·5316 49·0 ·01085 ·00313 ·288 ·00772 ·711 ·00630 ·580
Extra Light Flint 1·5333 48·5 ·01099 ·00322 ·293 ·00777 ·707 ·00640 ·582
Boro-silicate Flint 1·5623 47·4 ·01187 ·00343 ·289 ·00844 ·711 ·00693 ·584
*Barium Light Flint 1·5833 46·6 ·01251 ·00362 ·288 ·00889 ·711 ·00721 ·576
Soda Flint 1·5482 45·8 ·01195 ·00343 ·287 ·00852 ·713 ·00690 ·577
Light Flint 1·5472 45·8 ·01196 ·00348 ·291 ·00848 ·709 ·00707 ·591
Light Flint 1·5610 43·2 ·01299 ·00372 ·287 ·00927 ·713 ·00770 ·593
Light Flint 1·5760 41·0 ·01404 ·00402 ·286 ·01002 ·713 ·00840 ·598
Light Flint 1·5787 40·7 ·01420 ·00404 ·284 ·01016 ·715 ·00840 ·591
Dense Flint 1·6118 36·9 ·01657 ·00470 ·284 ·01187 ·716 ·01004 ·606
Dense Flint 1·6214 36·1 ·01722 ·00491 ·285 ·01231 ·715 ·01046 ·608
Dense Flint 1·6225 36·0 ·01729 ·00493 ·286 ·01236 ·715 ·01054 ·609
Extra Dense Flint 1·6469 33·7 ·01917 ·00541 ·285 ·01376 ·720 ·01170 ·655
Densest Flint 1·7129 29·9 ·02384 ·00670 ·281 ·01714 ·789 ·01661 ·678

In the table on p. 212 the first column contains the ordinary trade names by which the various types of glass are known. These names, while somewhat arbitrary, indicate in a rough way the chemical nature of the glass concerned. Thus the word “flint” always implies a glass containing lead and therefore having a comparatively high refractive index and low value of ?, while the word “crown,” originally applied only to lime-silicate glasses, is now used for all glass having a high value of ?. In the next column of the table are given the refractive indices of the glasses, while the third column contains the values of ?. It will be seen that the glasses are arranged in descending order of magnitude in respect of this constant. An inspection of the figures in these two columns will reveal the fact that for the majority of the glasses contained in this table the value of ? decreases as the refractive index increases. The glasses which are an exception to this rule are indicated by an *. As a matter of fact this rule applied to all glasses that were known or were at all events commercially available prior to the modern advances in optical glass manufacture which were initiated by AbbÉ and Schott of Jena. It was AbbÉ’s insight into the requirements of optical instrument design that led him to realise the importance of overcoming this limitation in the ratio between the dispersive and refractive powers of glass. With the collaboration of Schott he succeeded in producing a whole series of previously unknown varieties of optical glass in which the relation between nD and ? is not that of approximately simple inverse proportionality which holds for the older crown and flint-glasses. Most valuable and in many ways most typical of these new glasses are those known as the “barium crown” glasses, which combine the high refractive index of a light flint or even a dense flint-glass with the high ? value of an ordinary crown glass. It would lead too far into the subject of lens construction to explain in detail the possibility opened up to the optician by the use of these newer varieties of glass. We must content ourselves with pointing out that the great forward strides marked by the production of apochromatic microscope objectives, of anastigmatic photographic lenses, and the modern telescope objectives are all based upon the employment of these new optical media; and although optical glasses of these newer types are at the present time produced in the optical glass manufactories of France and England, in quality and quantity at least equal to the output of the Jena works themselves, these great optical achievements stand as a lasting monument to the pioneer work of AbbÉ and Schott in this field.

The last six columns of the table of optical glasses given above contain figures which define the manner in which each of the glasses named distributes the various sections of the spectrum. The columns C-D, D-F, and F to G' give as already indicated the differences between the refractive indices for the C, D, F and G' lines respectively; the smaller figures in the intermediate columns indicate the ratio of each of these differences to the mean dispersion of the glass. If all kinds of glass distributed the various portions of the spectrum in the same proportionate manner, merely differing in the total amount of dispersion produced, these figures would be identically the same for all glasses. In actual fact it will be seen that the figures differ very widely from one type of glass to another. A moment’s consideration will show that when two glasses are used in a lens for the purpose of achromatising one another, i.e., when one is used to neutralise the dispersion of the other, such achromatisation can only be perfect if these ratios (the relative partial dispersions) are the same for both glasses. To put the same statement in more concrete terms, if the spectrum produced by one glass is comparatively long-drawn out at the red end, relatively compressed at the blue end, while in the other glass the opposite relation holds between the two ends of the dispersion spectrum, it is evident that the two spectra can never be superposed in such a way as to entirely neutralise one another—the spectrum produced by the one glass will predominate and leave a residual colour at the blue end, while the other will predominate at the other end. In the case of lenses achromatised by the use of such glasses, there will always be a slight fringe of colour around the borders of the images which they produce. One of the aims which AbbÉ and Schott set themselves in the production of new varieties of optical glass was to obtain one or more pairs of glasses in which the relative partial dispersions should be as nearly alike as possible while the actual values of ? should differ as widely as possible. Some success in this direction was at first claimed by the Jena workers, but unfortunately some of the most promising glasses in this respect were found to be too unstable for practical use and had ultimately to be abandoned. At the present time the only pair of really perfectly achromatic glasses offered by the Jena firm is that tabulated below, and it will be seen that although the relative partial dispersions are very closely alike, the ? values of the two glasses only differ by 10, and at least one of these glasses is not readily obtainable in really satisfactory optical quality. On the other hand, practically perfectly achromatised lenses (generally known as “apochromatic”) have been produced, especially by Zeiss of Jena, for microscopic purposes, by the careful selection of glasses suited to each other in this respect. Such a solution of the problem is further facilitated by the fact that in these lenses more than two varieties of glass can be used to neutralise one another, while a natural mineral (fluorite) is also employed. From the glass-maker’s point of view, however, the problem of producing a satisfactory pair of glasses capable of entirely achromatising one another has yet to be solved.

Name. nD ? C–F. C–D. c–d
D–F. d–f
F–G'. f–g'
Telescope Crown 1·5254 61·7 ·00852 ·00250 ·292 ·00602 ·707 ·00484 ·568
Telescope Flint 1·5211 51·8 ·001007 ·00297 ·294 ·00710 ·705 ·00577 ·573

The table of optical glasses given above, although brief as compared with the lists issued by French and German optical glass-makers, fairly covers the range of practically available glasses, and a rapid inspection will at once show how extremely limited this range really is. Thus the refractive index varies only between the limits 1·49 and 1·71, and even if we admit as practical glasses such extreme types—offered by some makers—as would extend this range to 1·40 in one direction and to 1·80 in the other, this does not affect the present argument. Of course, a glass of a refractive index as low as 1·0, or even 1·10, is not theoretically possible, since the mere density of any substance enters into the factors that affect its refractive index, and a glass having a density lower than that of water (whose refractive index is about 1·3) is scarcely conceivable. In the other direction, however, the limits met with in the case of glass are considerably exceeded by certain natural mineral substances. Thus the diamond has a refractive index of 2·42, while the garnets show refractive indices from 1·75 to 1·81. The values of ? found in the table of optical glasses are still more narrowly restricted, lying between 67 and 29, while such a mineral as fluorite shows a value of 95·4. These facts show that it is physically possible to obtain transparent substances having optical properties lying far beyond the limited range covered by our present optical glasses, and it scarcely needs showing that if such an extended range of materials were available greatly increased possibilities would be opened up to the designer of optical instruments. It is consequently interesting to inquire as to the actual causes which limit the range of optical glasses at present available. It will be found that these limits are set by the properties of glass itself. While the more ordinary kinds of glass, having average optical properties and showing dispersive powers roughly conforming to the law of inverse proportionality with refractive index which governs the older varieties of optical glass, are chemically stable substances, showing little tendency to undergo either chemical changes or to crystallise during cooling, the more extreme glasses exhibit these undesirable features to an increasing extent the more nearly the limit of our present range is approached. As the chemical composition of a glass is “forced” by the addition of special substances intended to affect its optical properties in an abnormal direction, so the chemical and physical stability of the glass is rapidly lessened. The more extreme glasses, in fact, behave as active chemical agents readily entering into reaction or combination even with relatively inert substances in their environment—they act vigorously upon the fire-clay vessels in which they are melted, and they are readily attacked by acids, moisture or even warm air, when in the finished condition, while many of them can only be prevented from assuming the condition of a crystalline (and opaque) agglomerate by being rapidly cooled through certain critical ranges of temperature. A limit to the possibility of production is set by these tendencies when they exceed a certain amount—a point being reached where it ceases to be practicable to overcome the tendency of the glass to self-destruction. On the lines of our present glasses, therefore, it does not appear hopeful to look for any considerable extension of the range of our optical media. On the other hand, as the known optical properties of transparent crystalline minerals show, a much greater range of optical constants would become available if it were possible to manufacture artificial mineral crystals of sufficient size and purity for optical purposes, and the author believes that in this direction progress in optical materials is ultimately bound to lie1.

1See a Paper by the present author on “Possible Directions of Progress in Optical Glass”—Proceedings of the Optical Convention, London, 1905.

In addition to possessing the requisite optical constants, a good colour and perfect homogeneity, certain other properties are essential in good optical glass. These are the general physical and chemical qualities which are essential in all good glass, but especially emphasised by the fact that the requirements for optical glass are more stringent than for any other variety of the material. Thus chemical stability is of the greatest importance, for the best lenses would soon become useless if the action of atmospheric moisture were to affect them appreciably—the polished surfaces would rapidly become dull and the whole lens would soon be rendered useless. The conditions governing the chemical stability of glass and the methods of testing this quality have already been indicated (Chapters I. and II.). The harder varieties of optical glass, such as the glasses quoted in the above table under the names of “Hard Crown” and Boro-Silicate Crown, are probably among the most durable and chemically resistant of all varieties of glass, but as we have already indicated, when extreme optical properties are required, the necessary chemical composition of the glass always entails a sacrifice of this great chemical stability, until a limit is reached where valuable optical properties no longer counterbalance the serious disadvantage of a chemical composition which renders the glass liable to rapid disintegration. In certain special cases it is, perhaps, possible to protect lenses made of such unstable glass by covering them with cemented-on lenses of stable glass, but this device entails concomitant limitations in the design of the optical system and is, therefore, rarely used. In any case, however, it is well for the lens-designer to consider the relative stability of the glasses employed when arranging the order in which they are to be used, since it is obviously preferable to put a hard, durable glass on the outside of his system, where it is most directly exposed to atmospheric moisture, and is also subject to handling and “cleaning” by inexpert hands. This latter factor is a very important one for the life of any lens. In the first place, a glass surface is very seriously affected by the minute film of organic matter which is left upon it when it has been touched with even a clean finger; unless the glass is of the best quality in this respect, such fingermarks readily develop into iridescent spots and may even turn into black stains. Particles of dust allowed to settle on the surface of the glass will affect it in the same way, so that the protection afforded by mere mechanical enclosure in the tube of an instrument is of decided value in preserving a glass surface. It should, however, be noted that in some instances the interior metal surfaces of optical instruments are varnished with substances that give off vapours for a long time after the instrument is completed, and in that case the inside lenses are apt to be tarnished in consequence. On the other hand, outside lenses are also exposed to direct mechanical injury from handling and “cleaning.” As far as the latter operation is concerned, it frequently happens, particularly in glasses containing soda, that a slight surface dimming is formed on the glass when it has been left in a more or less damp place for a long time. This dimming is chiefly due to the formation on the surface of a great number of very minute crystals of carbonate of soda, which are hard and sharp enough to scratch the glass itself if rubbed about over it. If such a lens be wiped with a dry cloth, however clean and soft, the effect is a permanent injury to the polished surface, which could readily be avoided by first washing the lens with clean water, or even by using a wet cloth instead of a dry one for the first wiping.

The mechanical hardness of the glass is an important factor in determining its resistance to such injurious treatment or to the effects of accidental contact with hard, sharp bodies. The subject of the hardness of glass has already been discussed in a general way in Chapter II., and little remains to be added here. Broadly speaking, a high degree of hardness and a low refractive index are found together. This statement is certainly true where any considerable difference of hardness is considered, as, for example, in comparing a hard crown glass with a dense flint; but where the difference of refractive index or of density is small, it is not at all certain that the lighter glass will also be the harder.

The properties involved in the quality known as “hardness” also affect in a very marked manner the behaviour of glass when subjected to the grinding and polishing processes. The ease with which a good polish can be obtained varies very much in different kinds of glass, both the hardest and the softest glasses showing themselves difficult in this respect. The harder glasses are certainly less liable to accidental scratching during the polishing operations, and generally work in a cleaner manner; but the time required to produce a satisfactory polish is much greater owing to the resistance to displacement offered by the molecules. Both the speed of working and the pressure exerted during the polishing operation have, in fact, to be carefully adapted to the quality of the glass in this respect if the best possible results are to be obtained.

Another property which is essential in optical glass of the highest quality is that of freedom from internal strains. This subject will be again referred to later in connection with the annealing processes used in the manufacture of optical glass, and it need only be mentioned here that the presence of internal strain is readily recognised in glass, by the aid of the polariscope. Perfectly annealed glass, entirely free from internal strains, produces no effect upon a beam of polarised light passing through it, while even slightly strained glass becomes markedly doubly-refracting. For many purposes of optics this double refraction becomes undesirable or even inadmissible, especially as it is accompanied by small variations in the effective index of refraction of various portions of the mass of glass. Further, if the amount of double refraction observed is at all serious it indicates a state of strain which may easily lead to the fracture of the whole piece, particularly when undergoing the earlier stages of the grinding process or if exposed to shocks of any sort. As will be seen below, perfectly annealed glass is obtainable, but very special means are required for its production, and the optician should for that reason avoid making unnecessarily extreme demands in this direction. The very small amount of double refraction frequently found in the better class of optical glass is entirely harmless for most purposes.


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