The process of manufacturing the best qualities of optical glass may be briefly described as consisting in obtaining a crucible full of the purest and most homogeneous glass, and then allowing it to cool slowly and to solidify in situ. From the resulting mass of glass the best pieces are picked and moulded into the desired shape for optical use. It will be seen at once that in this process there is an essential difference from all others that have been described in this book—viz., that the glass is never removed from the melting-pot while molten, and that none of the operations of gathering, pouring, rolling, pressing, or blowing are applied to it. The reason for this apparently irrational mode of procedure lies in the fact that the perfect homogeneity essential for optical purposes can only be attained by laborious means, and can then only be retained if the glass is left to solidify undisturbed; any movement by the introduction of pipes or ladles would result in the contamination of the glass by striÆ and other objectionable defects. The choice and proportion of raw materials used in the production of any given quality of optical glass is governed by the chemical composition which experiment has shown Since homogeneity is so essential in the finished product, very thorough mixing of the raw materials is necessary in the case of optical glass, and the ingredients are for this purpose generally used in a state of finer division than is necessary with other varieties of glass. As a rule the quantities of mixture of any one kind that are required are not large enough to justify the use of mechanical appliances, and very careful hand-mixing is carried out. Although it is quite possible to obtain successful meltings from raw materials alone, it is preferable to mix with these a certain proportion of “cullet” or broken glass derived from a previous melting of the same sort. The broken glass used for this purpose is first carefully picked over for The furnaces used for the production of optical glass vary very much in type in different works. In some the old-fashioned conical coal furnaces are still used, the disadvantages attached to their employment being outweighed—in the opinion of the manufacturers—by their simplicity and ease of regulation. In other works gas-fired regenerative furnaces of the most recent type are installed, and in these also optical glass of the highest quality can be produced. As a rule, however, optical glass furnaces differ from other pot-furnaces found in glass-works in this respect—that the former are usually constructed to receive one pot or crucible only, while in other glass furnaces from four to twelve or even twenty pots are heated at the same time. The reason for this restriction in the capacity of the furnaces lies in the fact that since the mixtures used for optical glass cannot be adjusted to suit the furnace, the latter must be worked as far as possible in such a way as to suit the mixture to be melted in it, and this implies that every pot will require its own adjustment of times and temperatures, and this it would be difficult, if not impossible, to secure if more than one pot were heated in the same furnace. It is further to be remembered that the amount of care and attention required during the melting of a pot of optical glass is out of all proportion to that needed with other varieties, so that little would be gained by having a number In addition to the single-pot melting furnace, a very important part of the equipment of the optical glass works is formed by a number of kilns or ovens which are used for the preliminary heating, and sometimes for the final cooling of the various crucibles or pots. Similar kilns are used in other branches of the industry, but in those cases the pots, once introduced into the furnace, are expected to last for a number of weeks, or even months. In optical glass manufacture, on the other hand, a pot is used once only, so that fresh pots are required for every new melting. The kilns in which these pots are heated up before being placed in the melting furnace are thus in very frequent use. As a rule they are simply fire-brick chambers provided with sufficient grate-room and flue-space to be gradually raised to a red heat in the course of four or five days, while for the purpose of gradual cooling they can be sealed up like the annealing kilns used for polished plate-glass. The pots or crucibles in which optical glass is melted are usually of the same shape as the covered pots used for flint-glass as illustrated in Fig. 2. The optical glass pots, however, are made considerably thinner in the wall, since they are not required to withstand the prolonged action of molten glass in the same way as pots used for flint-glass manufacture. On the other hand, the fire-clays used for this purpose must be chosen with special care so as to avoid any contamination of the glass by iron or other impurities which might reach the glass from the pot. For the production of certain special glasses, in fact, pots made of special materials are required, since these glasses, when The actual operations of producing a melting of optical glass begin by the gradual heating-up of the pot in the kiln just described. When the pot has reached a full red heat the doors of the kiln are opened and the pot drawn out by means of a long heavy iron fork running on wheels; this implement is run into the mouth of the kiln and the tines of the fork are pushed under the pot, and the latter is then readily lifted up and withdrawn from the kiln. Meanwhile the temperature of the furnace has been regulated in such a manner as to be approximately equal to that attained by the heating kiln, so that the pot, when transferred as rapidly as possible from the kiln to the furnace, is not subjected to any very sudden heating; were it attempted to place the new pot in a furnace at full melting As soon as the empty pot has been put into place, the melting furnace is carefully sealed up by means of temporary work built of large fire-bricks, the whole being so arranged that the mouth of the hood of the pot is left accessible by means of an aperture in the temporary furnace wall. This aperture can be closed by one or more slabs of fire-clay, and when these are removed an opening is left by which the raw materials are introduced, and through which the other manipulations are carried out. When this stage of the process is reached, the wagons containing the mixed raw materials are usually wheeled into place in front of the furnace, but the introduction of the materials themselves into the pot is not begun until several hours later, when the furnace has been vigorously heated and an approach to the melting heat has been attained. When the furnace and pot have attained the necessary temperature, but before the raw materials are introduced, a small quantity of the cullet, which has been reserved for this purpose, is thrown into the pot and allowed time to melt, and then only is the first charge of mixture put into the pot. The object of this proceeding is to coat the bottom and part of the walls of the pot with a layer of molten glass which serves to protect it from the chemical and physical The gradual filling of the pot with molten glass is now carried out by the introduction of successive charges of raw material; as the mixture not only occupies more space than the glass it forms, but also froths up a good deal during melting, the quantities introduced each time must be carefully adjusted so as to avoid an overflow of half-melted glass through the mouth of the pot. As the pot is more and more nearly filled, the space left for the raw materials is proportionately diminished, and the later charges are therefore much smaller than the first few. When, finally, sufficient material has been introduced to fill the pot completely, the next stage of the process commences. When the last charge of raw materials has melted, the glass in the pot is left in the state of a more or less viscous liquid full of bubbles of all sizes; it is essential that these bubbles should escape and leave the glass pure and “fine,” and this result can only be achieved by raising the temperature of the furnace and allowing the glass to become more fluid, while the rise of temperature also causes the bubbles to expand owing to the expansion of the gas contained in them. In both ways, rise of temperature facilitates the escape of the bubbles, and the furnace is therefore heated to the full, and this extreme heat is maintained until the glass is free from bubbles. In the case of the more fusible glasses the temperature required for this purpose is not excessively high, and, indeed, in the case of these glasses care is taken to avoid too high a temperature, as it entails other disadvantages. In the case of the harder crown glasses, however, the difficulty lies in In the case of other kinds of glass, again, it becomes impossible to entirely remove the bubbles from the molten mass even when very hot and very fluid. The exact cause is not known, but in some kinds of glass the bubbles formed are so minute that even when the glass is perfectly mobile the bubbles show no tendency to escape, while in other kinds of glass there appears to be a steady evolution of minute bubbles as soon as the temperature is raised with a view to removing those already in the glass. As this property attaches to some of the most valuable of the newer varieties of optical glass, opticians and the public have learnt to put up with the presence of minute bubbles in the lenses and prisms made of these glasses. These bubbles are, however, very minute and do not interfere with the optical performance of the lenses, &c., except to the extent of arresting and scattering the very small proportion of light that falls upon them; their presence is therefore to be regarded as a small but unavoidable drawback to the use of glasses which offer advantages that completely outweigh this defect. Returning to the melting process, we find that the extreme heating required for the purpose of “fining” the glass is continued for a considerable period of time, as long When proofs, taken as just described, have shown that the glass is free from bubbles, the extreme heat of the furnace is allowed to abate, and the fire-clay slabs in front of the mouth of the pot are removed. The next step is that of skimming the surface of the glass. Since most of the materials liable to contaminate the contents of a pot are specifically lighter than the molten glass, they will be found floating on the surface, and the surface glass is therefore removed with a view to ridding the glass of anything that may have been accidentally introduced and that has not melted and become incorporated with the molten mass. The next steps in the process are those of stirring the molten glass with a view to rendering it homogeneous and free from striÆ. The stirrer used for this purpose is usually a cylinder of fire-clay, previously burnt and heated. This is provided with a deep square hole in one end, and it During the earlier stages of the stirring process the glass is very hot and mobile, but the stirring is continued, with short intervals, until the glass is so cold and stiff that the stirrer can scarcely be moved in it at all, so that the work of moving the stirrer becomes heavy towards the end of the operation. The actual amount of stirring required varies according to the nature of the glass, and the size of the pot or crucible in question. Some meltings are found to be satisfactory after as little as four hours’ stirring, while for others as much as 20 hours are required. When the glass has stiffened to such an extent that it is no longer possible to continue the stirring, preparations are made for the final cooling-down of the pot of glass. The fire-clay stirrer is sometimes withdrawn from the glass, but The next object to be accomplished is that of cooling the glass as rapidly as safety will permit until it has become definitely “set”—the purpose being to prevent the recrudescence of striÆ as a result of convection currents or other causes which might disturb the homogeneity of the glass. This rapid cooling is obtained in various ways; in one mode of procedure the furnace is so arranged that by opening a number of apertures provided for the purpose cold air is drawn in and the pot and its contents chilled thereby without being moved. This method has the advantage that the pot containing the viscous glass is never moved or disturbed in any way, but on the other hand the cooling which can be effected within the furnace itself is never very rapid, and the furnace as well as the pot is chilled. Further when the glass has been chilled down to a certain point this rapid rate of cooling must be arrested, as otherwise the whole contents of the pot would crack and splinter into minute fragments. Where the pot has been left in the furnace this can only be done by sealing up the whole furnace with temporary brickwork and lutings of fire-clay, leaving it to act as an annealing kiln until the glass has cooled down approximately to the ordinary temperature, a process that occupies a period of from one to two weeks according to the size of the melting. Such enforced idleness of a melting furnace is of course very undesirable from an economical point of view, and it is generally avoided by adopting the alternative When such a melting of glass has cooled sufficiently, either in the furnace or in the annealing kiln, to be safely handled, the whole pot is drawn out, and the fire-clay shell, which is generally found cracked into many pieces, is broken away by the aid of a hammer. Under favourable The next step of this treatment consists in moulding the rough broken lump into the shape of plates, blocks, or discs according to the purpose for which the glass may be required by the optician. The plant used for the moulding process varies widely, but in all cases the operation consists in gradually heating the glass in a suitable kiln until it is soft enough to adapt itself to the shape of the mould provided for the purpose. In some cases these moulds are made of fire-clay, and the glass is simply allowed to settle into them by its own weight; in other cases iron moulds are used, and the glass is worked into them by the aid of gentle pressure from wood or metal moulding tools. In yet other cases, particularly where the glass is required in the form of small thin discs or where it is to be formed into the approximate shape of concave or convex lenses, the aid of a press is sometimes invoked. In all cases the moulding process is followed by the final annealing, which consists in cooling the glass very gradually from the red heat at which it has been moulded, down to the ordinary temperature. The length of time occupied by such cooling depends very much upon the size of the object and also upon the degree of refinement to which it is When removed from the annealing kiln the plates or discs of optical glass are taken to a grinding or polishing workshop, where certain of their faces or edges are ground and polished in such a way as to permit of the examination of the glass for bubbles, striÆ and other defects in the manner indicated in the previous chapter. As the amount of sorting that can be done while the glass is still in rough fragments is necessarily very limited, it follows that a considerable proportion of the glass which has been moulded and annealed must be rejected as useless when thus finally examined. A yield of perfect optical glass, amounting to 10 or at most 20 per cent. of the total contents of each pot, is therefore all that can be expected, and smaller yields are by no means infrequent—a consideration that will serve to explain the relatively high price of optical as compared with other varieties of glass. A consideration of the various factors that are involved in the production of a piece of perfect optical glass will make it apparent that the cost and difficulty of its production |